- Whilst decision making rests with the Local Authority in line with the SEN Code of Practice (sections 7.37 and 8.9) the SEN and Placement supports and moderates the local authority in making consistent decisions within the statutory framework for special educational needs (SEN) in relation to:
-whether or not to carry out a statutory assessment
-whether or not to issue a statement of special educational needs at the conclusion of a statutory assessment
-the provision to be made through a statement
-changes in provision or support
- The Panel supports and moderates the local authority in making consistent decisions about placements of children and young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities in the non-maintained sector
- The Panel will have regard to the statutory framework and associated SEN Code of Practice and SEN Toolkit, and the local authority’s policies and procedures. All considerations and recommendations will relate to the individual circumstances of the child or young person and will be reached in a way that furthers the best interests of the child or young person.
- Where children are being assessed for their special educational needs and other needs are identified, where applicable families will be signposted to the relevant services.
- the Panel will usually meet every two weeks during school terms; at other times of the year the responsible officer will endeavour to seek the views of those who usually contribute to the Panel
- SEN Team Manager
- Manager from Disabled Children Team
- Educational Psychologist (normally Principal EP)
- SEN Officer
- Representative Head Teacher (Nominated via Head Teachers Forum or equivalent)
- Paediatrician
- Observersby invitation, eg social workers, school SENCOs, health service practitioners
The Panel will usually be chaired by the Head of Service (LDD) with at other times the SEN Team Manager. Carers, children and young people and advocates are not invited to attend the Panel in the interests of equity and as the Panel has a moderating function. The Panel will consider written evidence and information provided from parents, carers, children and young people and their advocates. The Panel will also consider all relevant reports and advice from professionals involved in the case.
- The local authority provides guidance on the way in which information about a child or young person should be presented
-from parents and carers
-from schools and early years settings and other professionals
-from social workers
- Where the Panel is asked to advise on whether or not a statement should be issued, an officer will prepare and present a draft statement of SEN
- Where recommendations on other matters are to be considered, the relevant officer or social worker will introduce the case to the Panel, usually with associated written documentation
- The recommendations and action points for each case are recorded on the case file
- Summary records giving headline information on recommendations are held by the SEN Team
- Parents and carers will be informed of recommendations and subsequent decisions of the local authority by the lead professional or other appropriate officer or social worker; they will also be informed of their rights if they wish to challenge the recommendations and the associated decisions taken by the local authority
- Those attending the meeting should manage the information provided to them in an appropriate and confidential manner.
- The terms of reference are to be reviewed every two years or at the request of a member of the Panel.
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