Ying Chen
2275 Latham Street, Apt. 46, Mountain View, CA94040
Phone: (650)723-0841(o)
Fax: (650)725-0979
Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry, Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences Program,
University of Maryland at College Park, 2000-2004
Thesis: Sources and Fate of Atmospheric Nutrients over the RemoteOceans and Their Role on Controlling Marine Diazotrophic Microorganisms
M.S. in Environmental Science, Nanjing University, 1997-2000
Thesis: Physiological Effects of Rare Earth Elements on Junior Goldfish
B.S. in Environmental Chemistry, Nanjing University, 1993-1997
Thesis: Photocatalytic Degradation of Dye Aqueous Solution Using TiO2
Field experience in sampling aerosols, gases, seawater and ground-water
Laboratory experience in aqueous extraction, strong-acid digestion, ion, nutrients, elemental, iron speciation and total nitrogen analyses of water and aerosol samples
Instrumentation experience in ion chromatography (IC), gas chromatography (GC), mass spectrometer (MS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and long path-length absorbance spectroscopy (LPAS)
Modeling experience in nutrient dynamics in oceanic ecosystem and dry deposition fluxes
Remote sensing experience in retrieval of aerosol optical thickness from MODIS data
Programming experience in Fortran and IDL
Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, 2004-present
Studying chemical composition, distribution and sources of aerosols; modeling atmospheric nutrient fluxes and their effects on oceanic carbon cycling; retrieving aerosol data from MODIS at high resolution (1 km)
Research Assistant, University of Maryland, 2000-2004
Developed sequential extraction method to measure iron speciation; studied chemical composition, distribution and sources of aerosols, bioavailability of aerosol iron and its impact on oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon cycling
Teaching assistant, University of Maryland, 2002
Assisted in teaching Environmental Geochemistry
Research Assistant, Nanjing University, 1997-2000
Modeled environmental chemistry behavior of rare earth elements in typical soils; studied toxicity and ecological effects of rare earth elements on aquatic ecosystem
American Geophysical Union
AGU Outstanding Student Poster Award, Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, 2002
Outstanding Graduate Student Award, NanjingUniversity, 1999
People Award to Outstanding Students, NanjingUniversity, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994
Guanghua Award to Outstanding Students, NanjingUniversity, 1995
Chen, Y., J. Street, D. Golan, A. Post, and A. Paytan, Estimate of atmospheric dry deposition and associated input of nutrients to the Gulf of Aqaba seawater, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2006.
Chase, Z., A. Paytan, K. Johnson, J. Street, and Y. Chen, Input and cycling of iron in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 20, GB3017, doi:10.1029/2005GB002646, 2006.
Chen, Y.,J. Street, and A. Paytan, Comparison between pure-water- and seawater-soluble nutrient concentrations of aerosols in the Gulf of Aqaba, Marine Chemistry, 101, 141-152, 2006.
Luo, C., N. Mahowald, N. Mwskhidze, Y. Chen, R. Siefert, A. Baker, and A. Johansen, Estimation of iron solubility from observations and global aerosol model, J. Geophys. Res., 110, No. D23307, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006059, 2005.
Hand, J. L., N. M. Mahowald, Y. Chen, R. L. Siefert, C. Luo, A, Subramaniam, and I, Fung, Estimates of soluble iron from observations and a global mineral aerosol model: Biogeochemical implications, J. Geophys. Res., 109, No. D17205, doi: 10.1029/2004JD004574, 2004.
Chen, Y., and R. L. Siefert, Seasonal and spatial distributions and dry deposition fluxes of atmospheric total and labile iron over the tropical and sub-tropical North Atlantic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res.,109,No. D09305, doi: 10.1029/2003JD003958, 2004.
Chen, Y., and R. L. Siefert, Determination of various types of labile atmospheric iron over remote oceans, J. Geophys. Res.,108, No. D4774,doi: 10.1029/2003JD003515, 2003.
Cao, X., Y. Chen, X. Wang, and X. Deng, Effects of redox potential and pH on the release of REEs in soils, Chemosphere, 44, 655-661, 2001.
Chen, Y.,X. Cao, and X. Wang, Effects of rare earth metal ions and their EDTA complexes on antioxidant enzymes of fish liver, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxical., 65, 9-12, 2000.
Cao, X., Y. Chen, Z. Gu, and X. Wang, Determination of trace REEs in soils and plants by ICP-MS, Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 76, 295-309, 2000.
Cao, X., Y. Chen, and X. Wang, Effect of environmental factors on the release of rare earth elements from contaminated soil, China Environ. Sci. (Chinese), 20, 89-92, 2000.
Chen, Y., X. Cao, and X. Wang, Effects of Lanthanum and its complex compound on enzymes activities in liver of fish, Environ. Chem. (Chinese), 19, 37-41, 2000.
Chen, Y., X. Wang, et al., The research progress of fractionation among the rare earth elements, Adv. in Environ. Sci. (Chinese), 7, 1-7, 1999.
Wang, H., H. Sun, Y. Chen, and X. Wang, The bioaccumulation of rare earth elements in the internal organs of fish and their effect on the activities of enzymes in liver, China Environ. Sci., 19, 141-144, 1999.
Chen, Y., A. Paytan, Z. Chase, and S. A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, Sources and Fluxes of Atmospheric Trace Elements to the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, in review.
Chen, Y., R. L. Siefert, A. Tovar-Sanchez, and S. A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, Trichodesmium uptake of iron from aerosols and its influence on aerosol iron dissolution in the western tropical North Atlantic.
Chen, Y. & R. L. Siefert, Seasonal variation of atmospheric input of nutrients to the tropical North Atlantic.
Chen, Y., and A. Paytan, Validation ofMODIS aerosol data Retrieval in the Gulf of Aqaba.
Chen, Y., J. Street, and A. Paytan, Estimate of atmospheric fluxes of bioavailable nutrients to the Gulf of Aqaba, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2005.
Chen, Y., J. Street, and A. Paytan, Aerosol nutrient concentrations and dry deposition fluxes in the Gulf of Aqaba, American Associate for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 2005 Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, October 2005.
Chen, Y., A. Tovar-Sanchez, R. L. Siefert, and S. A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, The uptake of aerosol iron by Trichodesmium using concurrently collected aerosol, seawater and Trichodesmium samples, Aquatic Science Meeting, Salt lake City, Utah, February 2005.
Hand, J. L., N. M. Mahowald, Y. Chen, R. L. Siefert, and C. Luo, Estimates of soluble iron from observations and a global mineral aerosol model, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2003.
Chen, Y., and R. L. Siefert, Bioavailable iron in aerosols collected over the tropical and sub-tropical North Atlantic Ocean, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Summer Meeting, Victoria BC, Canada, June 2002.
Chen, Y., and R. L. Siefert, Variations of labile iron in aerosols collected over the tropical and sub-tropical North Atlantic Ocean, Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2002.
Wu, J., E. Boyle, Y. Chen, and R. L. Siefert, The dissolution of eolian iron in surface seawater and its influence on euphotic zone iron distributions in the North Atlantic, Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2002.
R. L. Siefert, and Y. Chen, Labile iron in marine aerosol over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and its role as a source of iron to surface waters, American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 2001.
R. L. Siefert, and Y. Chen, Labile iron in atmospheric aerosol samples collected over the Atlantic Ocean, American Chemical Society (ACS) 221st National Meeting, San Diego, California, April 2001.
Cao, X., and Y. Chen, Evaluation for the translocation and distribution of REEs in soil-plant system using ICP-MS, The 1st International Symposium on Water Pollution Control, Nanjing, China, November 1999.