Association of Fire Safety Professionals (AFSP)

(Temporary Address)

1239 Little Vine Church Rd.

Bremen, Ga. 30110

Phone: 770 537 6680 Fax 770 537 9894

January 28, 2011

To: All Association of Fire Safety Professionals (AFSP) Prospective Members

Subj: Annual Membership Dues

Annual membership dues are $ 100.00. This will cover the initial costs of the organization.

Please make your checks out to AFSP c/o Don Dawkins and mail them to the above address. An account has not been set up as of this letter.

Several years ago, AFSP was a small but strong Association. The membership was loyal, supportive and dedicated. We agreed that one Association would be in the best interest of everyone. I led the membership into merging with the FSCA Association to form the GSAFE Association. My role was that of a Special Advisor. Further, there were several meetings with GAFSED in an attempt to have only one Association that would serve everyone in this industry. I was given a copy of GAFSED’s Charter and By Laws in order to make necessary changes so that the one association would be able to serve everyone’s needs. When this new version was submitted to the GAFSED leadership, a meeting was called in McDonough, GA. GAFSED’s leadership walked away. Later, the new Rules & Regulations were adopted and GSAFE’s union fell by the wayside. I strongly believe that a second Association is necessary. I have updated the version of the Charter and By Laws to remove the compromises and have posted it on for your review. I sincerely hope that you will consider joining. Please download the registration form and the initial voting form and fax them in.

Thank you for your genuine Support!

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me directly.

Thank you!

Don Dawkins

Special Representative AFSP