Kilwinning Community Council Agenda
Chair: Jackie Hamilton (JH)
Vice Chair: Colin Hedley (CH)
Secretary: Nairn McDonald (NM)
Treasurer: Ted Somerville (TS)

Thursday 18th May| 7pm | Kilwinning Academy.

1 / Welcome(Introductions), Apologies and Approval of Minutes
2 / Police Report.
3 / Visitors.
4 / Matters Arising.
5 / Treasurer's Report.
6 / Correspondence.
7 / Youth Forum.
8 / Community Councillors.
9 / North Ayrshire Councillors.
10 / Any Other Business.
Date of Next Meeting:
Thursday 15th June 2017|7pm|Kilwinning Academy

Please Forward Apologies to:

Nairn McDonald


Tel: 07472157471

Kilwinning Community Council Minute
Chair: Jackie Hamilton (JH)
Vice Chair: Colin Hedley (CH)
Secretary: Nairn McDonald (NM)
Treasurer: Ted Somerville (TS)

Thursday 20th April| 7pm | Kilwinning Academy.


Visiting:Andy Hamilton(Irvine Times),Tim Swan(TSn), Police Scotland, Thomas Rainey (NAC) with Enforcement Officers, Sharon Bleakley (Scottish Health Council)

1 / Welcome: JH Welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies:.BK,JM,LC,YMcL, All NAC Cllrs.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Approved.
2 / Police Report:
Approaching 1 year of Locality Police teams being in place.
Compared with last year the overall crime in Kilwinning is down however there has been a rise in neighbor complaints with key streets referred to the council.
There has been an increase in community intelligence being shared with the officers largely thanks to faces being known and people trusting their local officers.
Assaults: Down 37%
House break-ins: Down 50%
Vehicle crime: Down
Theft: Slight Increase
Public nuisance: Down significantly
Total : 501 last year compare with 396 this year.
3 / Sharon Bleakley: Scottish Health Council:
The SHC is part of NHS Scrutiny and is seeking to give patients and users of the NHs a voice on issues and improvements to services.
Their Ayrshire office is based in Crosshouse and is seeking to expand their contact database.
Individuals can sign up as can groups and details can be found online.
Thomas Rainey; NAC StreetScene:
There has been work done in Kilwinning on Fly-Tipping, Dog Fouling and Littering with fines issued on various occasions.
The officers are working to create a presence and make people aware that they will be fined if they do these things. There has been a reduction in Fly-Tipping since the officers began work and are seeking to identify key areas to target.
Linda Cusick raised bins in the blacklands and asked for her request to be added to the minutes. Thomas assured Linda he would look into it and organise a visit to see about possible locations and where is in need most.
On Kilwinning Cemetery:
Thomas told KCC that there had been over 100K allocated for Kilwinning in the next year and the CC welcomes this.
Tim Swan:
The School just had a very successful Easter School and has now moved into exam time.
The front office has been renovated and is being admired by staff, pupils and visitors.
The school has secured a new 10m flag pole from The Portal and will be seeking to get it to the school.
The school has now received a Dux,Head Bo/Girl and House Champion boards that are in the main hall.
Biomass boilers have been fitted with the old chimney being removed.
4 / Matters Arising:
Sun Dial: JW and JK are still working on this with and update to be given when available.
Linda Cusick is deemed eleigble for co-opting onto KCC under the guidelines and wished to do so. She was nominated byAMcG and seconded by CH.
5 / Treasurers Report:
£199.8 - Project
£728.6 – Admin
The bank is slowly progressing the change over to the new signatures and new addresses for statements.
Jim Miller due a cheque for the gift to SK and NM due a cheque for admin materials.
6 / Correspondence:
All circulated via email with hard copies brought to the meeting for people to see.
JH reminded people of the upcoming CC training.
7 / Youth Forum:
Had a Walk Round Millport to raise money and will be attending a Joint residential with the Irvine youth Forum.
MSYP Elections saw Chloe Robertson of Irvine elected along with Kilwinning Academy Pupil Aaran McDonald. (MSYPs will be offered an open invite to KCC)
8 / Community Councillors:
JH raised the ongoing road-works which have lf the town at a standstill and it was agreed these are an issue with two sets being approved at the same time.
9 / North Ayrshire Councillors:
None Present:
On the writing of these minutes the election has seen the following elected:
Joe Cullinane
Donald Reid
Scott Davidson
John Glover.
10 / A.O.B
Date of Next Meeting:
Thursday18th May| 7pm | Kilwinning Academy

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