Full Name of Organization / Organization NameContact Person(s) / Contact person
E-mail Address /
Mailing Address / Mailing address
City, State, ZIP / City, State, ZIP
Name of Director of Unit / Unit director
Organization’s Website / Website
Contact Telephones / day: Phone evening: Phone
Actual Number of Marchers / # of marchers
Type of Unit: Please check each category that applies to your marching unit.
☐ Band / ☐ Drum Corps / ☐ Re-enactment Unit / ☐ Horse Unit☐ Dance Unit / ☐ Fife & Drum / ☐ Marching Unit / ☐ Fraternal Organization
☐ Flag Squad / ☐ Pipe Band / ☐ Military Unit / ☐ Fire Department
☐ Youth Military / ☐ Roller Derby / ☐ Motorized Unit*** / ☐ Drill Team
☐ Police Dept. / ☐ Honor Guard / ☐ Color Guard / ☐ Elected Official
☐ Other: Unit type / ☐ Animal Rescue / ☐ Clowns
***No Exceptions: Owners of motorized vehicles participating in the parade are required to submit a “Certificate of Insurance” with the parade application and must name the Associated Irish Societies, Inc. and the City of New Haven as “Additional Insured” on the specified date of March 15, 2015. Please provide the required Acord 25 and Acord 27 forms with this application.
Mandatory Vehicle Information
Oversized Vehicles - The parade committee will strictly adhere to the following height and width restrictions: Vehicles can be no wider than 10ft and no taller than 12ft. The parade committee reserves the right to refuse entry of any float/trailer/vehicle that exceeds the stated parameters.
Number of Vehicles (Maximum 2) / # of vehiclesVehicle(s) Make, Model & License Plate / Make, model
License Plate #
Vehicle(s)/Float/Trailer Size / Vehicle size
**Name(s) of Driver(s) & Passenger(s) / Driver, passenger name(s)
**Please make sure your driver(s) is able to present a valid Driver’s License on the day of the Parade.
The Parade Committee does not keep files, photos, etc. of group descriptions from previous parades. Please provide a current brief description/history of your unit with this application that may be used by television announcers during FOXCT broadcast. If available, please attach any photos which may be used in media releases to publicize the parade in various media outlets. Additional comments can be submitted on a separate sheet.
Unit Description
Honorarium Requests (if applicable): The Associated Irish Societies, Inc. is a dedicated non-profit organization that depends solely on sponsorship and financial support to operate. In order to meet these financial requirements in 2015, we will hold firm all ex gratia payments to participating units at or below those of 2014. This section is reserved for those returning units that would like to submit a request.
Parade Applications: Submission of the parade application after the deadline of January 12, 2015 will be subject to a $50.00 administration fee.
I recognize that the Parade is a family-oriented event and by submitting this application we agree to abide by the rules of conduct set forth in the Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day’s Parade Orders for March 15, 2015.
Print Name (with Title): Name, title
Signature (with Title): /s/ Type Name Date: Click here to enter a date.
Note: Email Submission Preferred to:
Or Mail to: Petisia M. Adger
365 Peck St.
New Haven, CT 06513
(203) 687-0548
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