December 14,2016

l.OPENING – Ryan Hogan called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. Fr. Brian said the opening prayer


Present: Lynn Barfield, Bethanie Bass, Lee Crosby,Barbara Cunningham, John Davis, Sr. Therese Galarneau, Brian Gerber, Genevieve Harmon, Ryan Hogan, Ken Hotcaveg, Susan Kramer, Fr. Brian LaBurt, Deacon Drew Larkin, Don Martin, Fr. Oscar Mendoza, Sr. Nuala Mulleady, Sister Justine Ostini, Mike Savoie, and Rusty Wetherington.

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – A motion was made to approve the August 17, 2016 minutes by Lee Crosby and seconded by Mike Savoie. All Approved.

lV. COMMITTEE REPORTS *Most Committee Reports were e-mailed to the Council and read in advance before the meeting.

A.  Building& Maintenance (Tony Drake)

B.  CCW (Colleen Matthews)

C.  Communication, Evangelization & RCIA (Paul Worth)

D.  Finance (Ken Hotcaveg)- gave a verbal report also

E.  High School Youth Ministry (Penny & Daniel Storey)-gave a verbal report also

F.  Hispanic Pastoral Assistance (Cesar Reyes)

G.  Long Range Planning (Bob Bauer)

H.  Meals Committee(Crystal and Rob McGhin)

I.  Newman Center (Bethanie Brogdon)- gave a verbal report also

J.  Parish Life (Tony Barfield)

K.  Pro-Life (Rusty Wetherington)

L.  Religious Education (Susan Kramer)

M.  St. Francis Center (Sr. Nuala Mulleady)

N.  San Jose (Gilberto Garay)

O.  School (John Davis)- gave a verbal report also

P.  Stewardship (Lee Crosby)

V. OLD BUSINESS and Verbal Reports

A. Finance Update: Ken Hotcaveg said that while November was not a great month from a cash standpoint, we are still ahead of where we were at this time last year. Offertory is up about 26,000 from last year. On a very positive note, in December we once again received a 100,000 dollar donation towards debt reduction.

B. High School Youth Group Update: Daniel told the council that the High School group has begun meeting every week as opposed to every other-the youth requested that. Deacon Drew has been coming to meetings and helping to draw in more of the youth. He explained that he and Penny came up with an idea called "Bring a Friend" and they are giving the youth "points" for this, we have gained approximately 10 new member this way. Daniel told the council that the spaghetti dinner the youth put on was very successful in raising money to apply to the trip to DYC in February. He specially thanked anyone who came and supported them. Finally Daniel told us that he will finish his youth leader training called Vital 3.0 in January.

C. Newman Center Update: Bethanie explained that the Newman group will have a planning meeting on January 6th. Deacon Drew has also been attending and helping with Newman students. The Students have been doing some internal formation within the group, the officers are doing their jobs. The students helped to clean the yard at the Newman Center after the recent storms. They are working on updating the website. The Students have several things upcoming: They will be doing a "Cardboard City" service project at the Winn Dixie parking lot (along with some other groups) with proceeds to benefit the St. Francis Center. They will be providing babysitting services for the upcoming Parish Mission in February. They will be going on a retreat with Deacon David Lasseter up to Ellijay in February. And they will be helping with an Easter egg hunt at St. John the Saturday before Easter.

D. St. John School Update: John Davis told the council that the finances are good but that there have been some unexpected costs with ac units and with . The school participated in the Valdosta Christmas parade-representing the school and church with a float about Saints. The Schools annual Christmas program was very well attended by families from the school and parish and seemed to be enjoyed. We are planning a pre-k open house for mid January as well as our regular open house in February. St. John will host the Diocesan Principals meeting on February 12th and 13th. Finally, he told us that the middle school was in the midst of finals this week.

E. Church Directory: Ryan-Talked about having his wife, Micha Hogan and Jessie Kalinowski do photos and try to have them ready by August. Ryan also said that he (or Micha) would get with kent Buescher about getting a quote to print the directory.

F. Adult Ed Classes: RCIA is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. Deacon David is willing to do classes and Fr. Brian would also like to do a series on the Apologetics as well. Fr. Oscar is teaching spanish and has about 18-20 people coming.


A. Parish Mission-Plan of Action: There are steps to promoting the upcoming mission that are in place: advertising in the bulletin and in the school Rainbow Connection, signs that will be placed around the church and school. The mission prayer, that Jon Leonetti would like the parish to start praying a month before the mission, will begin in early January. Lynn and Genevieve will place stickers on the back of all the missalettes in the church and chapel so that everyone can follow along. The Newman Center students will be organized for the babysitting each night. The first day of the mission will be from 3:30-4:30 in the afternoon rather than evening. The Monday and Tuesday night sessions will both be from 7:00pm-8:00pm. On Monday night we are going to organize a parish supper before the session. Everyone will be asked to bring a dish of their choice-no sign ups, it will be a true potluck.

B. Holy Water Fonts: There has been interest in changing the Holy water font in the vestibule of the church to smaller fonts just inside each door. Fr. Brian said that when he first came to St. John, the Knights of Columbus had offered to provide them. Don Martin said that he would take that back to the Knights and follow up.

C. Baptismal: There has also been interest expressed in getting rid of the current baptismal and replacing it with a free standing one-possibly at the front of the church. It was suggested that the statue outside the chapel that is going to be moved over to the church, be placed where the current baptismal is.

D. Tables in the Vestibule: Fr. Brian said that he will ask Terri Filtz to get with Don Teter, who does wood work, to design two tables to replace the tv trays that currently hold bulletins and various other materials on each side in the vestibule of the church.

E. Joint Parish and School Calendar Dates: Includes individual events and joint events.

January 7, 2017------Eucharistic Minister/Lector Morning of Reflection

January 7, 2017------Epiphany Celebration-after the 5:00pm Mass

January 14, 2017------Workshop on "Holy Year of Mercy"

January 28, 2017------Chili Cookoff

February 2, 2017------Presentation of the Lord Candlemas

February 11, 2017------Celebration of Marriage Dinner

February 5,6,7, 2017------Parish Mission-Jon Leonetti

February 12, 2017------Celebration of Marriage Dinner

February 18, 2017------St. John School Reverse Draw

February 26, 2017------Black History Presentation/Dinner-after 5:00pm Mass

March 3, 2017------Lenten Fish Fry


VIII. PRIESTS COMMENTS: Fr Brian and Cesar explained that the hispanic community of St. John want to evangelize in Valdosta, in particular at the migrant camps. The Mass at Camp Ortega on December 13th was attended by approxiamtely 130 people. Fr. Brian also opened discussion about the article that was in the Valdosta Daily Times recently- it had a very anti-Catholic tone to it. He is going to respond to it and encouraged anyone else who felt called to to respond as well.

Fr. Also said the Mass schedule for Christmas would be as follows:

Christmas Eve the 24th - 5:00pm, 8:00pm, and 11:00pm Masses at St. John

Christmas Day the 25th- 10:00am Mass

Fr. Oscar thanked everyone for their help and support and told the council that he would be gone to Peru to visit his family for the month of January.

IX. CLOSING PRAYER: Fr. Brian led us in the Glory Be and the Our Father.