College Learning Council

Meeting Minutes

October 04, 2010

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Co-Chairs: Ann Beheler, Susan Lala-Bell, Tiffany Haynes



Andrew Messchaert, Ann Beheler, Antonia Ecung, Bill Henry, Bret Davis, Chris Craig, Craig Britton, Cynthia Smith, Donna Berry, James Entz, John Word, Kim Behrens, Maria Roman, Michael Carley, Richard Goode, Russell Fletcher, Steve Schultz, Susan Lala-Bell, Terry Crewse, Tiffany Haynes, Virginia Gurrola


Ann Marie Wagstaff, Darryl Nelson, David Bezayiff, Leif Syrdahl, Lorie Barker, Michelle Hart, Miles Vega, Rosa Carlson, Stewart Hathaway, Susan Regier

I.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Susan Lala-Belle at 3:04 PM.

II.  Motion to Adopt the Agenda

Motioned: Virginia Gurrola

Seconded: Bret Davis

Ayes: 21 / Nays: 0 / Abstentions: 0

Motion: Carried

III. Motion to Approve the Minutes of September 20, 2010

Motioned: Steve Schultz

Seconded: Russell Fletcher

Ayes: 21 / Nays: 0 / Abstentions: 0

Motion: Carried

IV. Discussion Items

a.  Structure and Definitions of Committees

·  Definitions and background information on committees and establishing new committees was distributed.

·  There is already a taskforce working on the CLC Membership; Ann suggested that the taskforce’s focus be expanded to include all committees on campus and make recommendations to CLC as a group. Ann noted that a lot has changed on campus; several of the committees on the committee list don’t exist anymore, and some that do are not on the list. Ann recommended that the structure of all the sub-committees of CLC be reviewed by the taskforce.

·  The CLC Membership taskforce will meet on Monday. They will discuss expanding the focus of the group.

·  Discussion ensued.

b.  Vendor Policy

·  Board Policy states that the college must have a policy established for credit card solicitation and vendors. Vendors would have to follow the proposed Regulations Regarding Vendors on Campus policy.

·  Steve reviewed the items on PC’s vendor policy.

·  Discussion ensued.

c.  2010 – 2011 Adopted Budget

·  Donna clarified that the budget being reviewed is a draft of the adopted budget; some adjustments still need to be made.

·  Ann inquired as to how changes or other needs will be handled once the budget is approved.

·  Discussion ensued.

d.  Budget Allocation Model Evaluation Taskforce Report

·  Ann and Ann Marie Wagstaff represent Porterville College on the Budget Allocation Model Evaluation Taskforce.

·  The taskforce has looked at several different aspects of the allocation model, including whether the District should be allowed to have carryover, whether the model should be different for colleges that have a very large percentage of fulltime faculty, like PC does, and whether the model should be different for colleges that have centers.

·  The BAM Taskforce is looking into the possibility of hiring a consultant. The taskforce would like to be the one that creates the RFP and vets those who respond to the RFP. They would also like to work with the consultant, provide the consultant with the parameters that need to be considered, and receive what the consultant recommends.

·  Discussion ensued.

·  Ann summarized what she heard regarding a potential consultant. CLC wants to know the following:

o  The dollar amount

o  The reporting structure

o  What will happen with the report/recommendation of the consultant

·  More discussion ensued.

·  Ann will bring information back to CLC from the next BAM meeting, which will be held on Friday, October 08, 2010.

V.  Action Items

a.  2010 – 2011 Adopted Budget

·  Donna motioned that CLC approve the draft of the adopted budget with the assumption that additions can be made.

·  The motion did not receive a second.

·  Discussion ensued regarding the items that were not put in the adopted budget.

·  Ann offered an amendment/addition to the motion that Donna considers adding back in the costs that have been identified and the items that Donna is aware of that are in process, and that CLC approve the draft budget plus these additional costs.

·  Donna motioned that CLC approve the draft adopted budget as presented, with the assumption that she can add the aforementioned items to the adopted budget prior to the presentation to the BOT.

·  Ann seconded the motion.

·  More discussion ensued.

·  Susan asked Donna to restate the motion and called for a vote.

Motion to Approve the Draft Adopted Budget as Presented (with the assumption that Donna can add the aforementioned items to the adopted budget prior to the presentation to the BOT)

Motioned: Donna Berry

Seconded: Ann Beheler

Ayes: 21 / Nays: 0 / Abstentions: 0

Motion: Carried

VI. Information Items

a.  Computer Commons

·  A temporary, 19-hour position has been approved for the Computer Commons.

VII.  Subcommittee Reports

a.  Enrollment Management Committee – Michael Carley

·  The Enrollment Management Committee is moving towards creating an Enrollment Management Plan. A subcommittee has been formed to review the Enrollment Management Committee Charge. The committee will then review the charge and come up with some goals for the Enrollment Management Plan.

b.  Grant Oversight Committee/Grant Progress Reports – Michael Carley

·  Grant Oversight has not met since the last CLC meeting; they will meet on Tuesday, October 5th.

c.  Budget Committee – Donna Berry

·  The Budget Committee met and has been discussing their charge and reviewing their membership.

·  They are looking at making sure that Program Review and Budget are tied together.

·  They are looking to create a one-page checklist of items regarding evaluating the needs of the college, and what data they need to make those decisions. That would be the information that the Budget Committee would request departments to include in their Program Review. It’s a discussion in progress.

d.  Strategic Planning Committee – Steve Schultz

·  The Strategic Planning Committee met a couple of weeks ago and reviewed the planning calendar. The divisions/programs that are up for Program Review this year are:

o  Health Careers and PE/Athletics

o  Administrative Services (Auxiliary Services, Graphics, M & O)

·  Steve shared that there is a hole between Budget and Program Review that needs to be filled. He referenced the recent ACCJC training that several administrators and faculty members attended, and he stated that the college is supposed to be at the “sustainable level” in regards to Program Review. For every standard and sub-standard of the Program Review and Self Study, the college must look for evidence that Program Review links to the budget. In all areas,the following questions must be answered:

o  How does this Program Review link to the budget?

o  How is this Program Review used in institutional planning?

·  Discussion ensued.

e.  Program Review Committee – Steve Schultz

·  Michael stated that CLC agreed to establish a Program Review Committee last spring.

·  The committee needs to be starting their work and coming to an understanding of what they will be doing, as Program Reviews will be coming in very shortly.

·  As discussed in Strategic Planning, the calendar needs to be revised so that the Program Review Committee receives the Program Reviews in January, at the very latest. They will need time to review them and send them back to the programs or divisions for any corrections that are needed.

·  Steve volunteered to bring the committee structure to the next CLC meeting, and stated that some additional members were going to be chosen. Michael will be added, along with an administrative representative to be appointed by Rosa.

·  All areas should be reviewed to make sure they have a Program Review on file, including the new areas.

·  The areas that answer to the District are required to go through a Program Review, they are not exempt. Whether it is a district process or PC’s process, the college will take a very serious hit in terms of accreditation if those areas are not undergoing some sort of Program Review.

VIII.  Other Reports

a.  President

·  No Report

b.  Accreditation – Ann Beheler

·  Ann will facilitate two Self Evaluation Report workshops. Those who went to the ACCJC training will share information and be available to answer questions about the Self Evaluation process. They will cover what went well last time, what could have been done better, and how the college will approach the upcoming Self Evaluation. Ann would like to have a draft complete by Spring 2011.

c.  Academic Senate

·  No Report

d.  Curriculum Committee

·  No Report

e.  Basic Skills Committee

·  No Report

f.  Student Learning Outcomes Committee

·  No Report

g.  Facility Planning Advisory Committee

·  No Report

h.  Marketing and Outreach Committee

·  No Report

i.  Information Technology Committee

·  No Report

j.  CCA

·  No Report

k.  CSEA

·  No Report

l.  ASPC – Russell Fletcher

·  Russell introduced the new ASPCA Vice President, Cynthia Smith.

·  ASPCA continues to do their music in the quad every Monday. They continue to try to get students more involved and get their voices heard.

·  CLC will review exactly which committees need student representation; then Russell can bring this matter before the ASPC.

IX. Future Agenda Items

X.  Motion to Adjourn the Meeting

Motioned: Virginia Gurrola

Seconded: Tiffany Haynes

Ayes: 21 / Nays: 0 / Abstentions: 0

Motion: Carried

The meeting was adjourned by Susan Lala-Bell at 4:29 PM.