(Fixed weekly meetings in the Village Hall (VH) and Youth Centre (YC))


Young Ballet & Tap Dance 4.00pm - 5.00pm (YC) 01205 480851

Ages 3 – 6 years 07496 305167

Junior Ballet & Tap Dance 4.30pm – 5.30pm (TC) as above

Ages 7 – 11 years

Disco Dance Class 5.30pm – 6.30pm (YC) as above

Ages 3 – 11 years

Ladies Club 7.30pm (2nd Tues in month) (YC) 01205 480292

Badminton Junior and Senior 7.00pm (VH) 01205 368077

Stickney & District Gardening Club 7.30pm (YC) 01205 480802

(4th Tuesday in month)


Short Mat Bowls 1.00pm - 4.00pm (VH) 01205 480397

Table Tennis 7.30pm (winter months only) (YC) 01205 481212


Thursday Over 60’s Club 1.30pm - 4.00pm (YC) 01205 480802

(1st Thursday in month)

Short Mat Bowls 6.30pm - 9.00pm (VH) 01205 480397

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm (YC) 01205 270352

(First Thursday in the month with Public Forum 7.15pm)


Cash Bingo, eyes down 7.30pm (YC) 01205 480661


In the November Stickney News it was reported that the Jubilee Committee were to donate £150.00 to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, this was incorrect. Donations of £150.00 are to be made to:

Stickney Pre-School who will use the money towards the purchase of ipads. Friends of Stickney Surgery who will use the money towards the purchase of a spirometer. St Luke’s Fabric Fund towards the refurbishment of the Victorian Window.

Stickney Primary School and the William Lovell Foundation have yet to advise the Jubilee Committee what the donation will be used for. Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary who have supported this Committee at every village event that has been organised. There is still £100.00 to be donated, the decision as to where this will go will be made at the next meeting.

Stickney Christmas Light Switch-on

New to Stickney! This year the Parish Council will purchase

Christmas Lights which will be placed in the trees in the Churchyard for ev

eryone to enjoy. There will be switch-on at 6.00pm on Wednesday 30 November where a special guest may join everyone to give gifts to the children! There will be refreshments in the Church after the switch-on as well as a….

Cheque Presentation Evening

Guests have been invited from the groups who will be given donations from the Jubilee committee. They will be presented with the cheques and invited to stay for a bit of a social ‘do’ and enjoy some mulled wine, mince pies, tea coffee or squash. Everyone is welcome to join in with this event at no charge.

From the Parish Council Chairman:

What a busy 2016 we have had and it is going to be completed with the light switch-on at the Church. This gives us the opportunity to say Thank You to everyone who supported the Jubilee Committee in all the fund raising events through 2016. This enabled us to put on a bigger Show than before and the results were fantastic. Having made a profit from the Show it has enabled the Jubilee Committee to be in a position to give £1000.00 to local groups and charities. In 2017 there will be three fund raising events, this will allow the Committee to concentrate on making the Show even better for Stickney.

The Parish Council would also like to say Thank You to the volunteers who kindly deliver the magazine to every property in the Parish. Without these people we could not get information about events in the Parish to everyone. Also Thank You to those who contribute to the magazine each month, we hope this is a good outlet for your information.

We extend a welcome to any newcomers to the village and hope you settle in easily. Please attend some of events in this magazine, it is a good way to meet other people in Stickney.

Finally I, on behalf of Stickney Parish Council, would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!


AStickney church community are celebrating 7 years of outstanding service to Cancer Research UK. St Luke’s Church, in Stickney, began fundraising for the charity in 2009 and has supported its life-saving work.

The community has continually supported fundraiser Phil Purdy who, amongst other challenges, has raised over £300,000 for Cancer Research UK through climbing Everest, cycling hundreds of miles around the country and now has his sights set on completing the seven summits.

St Luke’s have raised money for Phil’s efforts through bingo events, donations from the village and have provided copious amounts of tea and cakes during the sponsored bike rides which have passed through the village. Their most recent fundraising raised £400 towards Phil’s chosen cancer research project which is looking into new techniques for treating inoperable lung cancer. Fundraiser Phil and Head of Volunteer Fundraising at Cancer Research UK, Simon O’Leary visited St Luke’s Church on 13 October to present them with a plaque in recognition of their support.

Phil Purdy said: “The presentation was very special. We have been cycling to Skegness for 7 years and the community of Stickney are just amazing. Their generosity and community spirit is legendary. They have provided much needed refreshments when cycling from Nottingham to Skegness as well as generously fundraising for this great charity.

It was simply very special to see CRUK take time out and recognise their efforts. There was over 50 in the church to listen to Simon O Leary's presentation and see for themselves the great work the charity is doing. My special moment was seeing Angela, Flora and Rev F Jeffries being presented with the plaque. It was also great to see Amy in the audience who is nearly 105 years young, she is one of the older residents of Stickney.

Simon O' Leary also recognised the fundraising and inspirational efforts of Frank Ciaurro who is a very good friend and a gentleman who has helped and supported me over the years.” Phil continued

Simon said: “I would like to thank the community at St Luke’s Church for the incredible contribution they have made to support our vital work over the past 7 years. Cancer Research UK has made enormous progress in the fight against cancer. However, we have only been able to do this thanks to the dedication and commitment of volunteers and supporterslike those in the Stickney community without whom we would not be able to fund our vital research.”

Survival rates in the UK have doubled in the last 40 years. Today, half those diagnosed with cancer survive the disease for at least 10 years. Cancer Research UK’s ambition is to accelerate progress so that three quarters will survive cancer within the next 20 years.

For further information about Cancer Research UK’s work or to find out how to support the charity, please call0300 123 1022or visit cruk.org.


The PLAQUE from CANCER RESEARCH UK was presented to us on 13 October. We had a busy afternoon with an interesting presentation and a good buffet with warm drinks afterwards. Students from the William Lovell School joined us and also prefects from the Primary School and numbers from the villagegave support. Cyclists (not in lycra) had travelled from Yorkshire, Hull and Nottingham, with other visitors. Thanks to everyone for being a part of this historic event.

Our AUCTION on 15 October raised £758 for Cluster funds to help all our local Churches. It was hard work on the day but a good team effort, and already items are emerging to put in next year's auction. Thank you everyone who gave support in any way.

The CENTREPOINTcollection box will be in Church throughout December. Everyone becomes so tied up with the busyness of Christmas but please try to spare a few tins or other useful items to help the homeless and people on hard times through the winter months. In Church we have our letter of thanks from Centrepoint in Boston for the recent harvest donations,it is well worth reading to discover how many people are helped in one month.

COMMUNITIES MORE LIKE HEAVEN: The title of our Advent course booklet. It contains four group studies, as well as daily reflections through Advent for individuals based on the traditional themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. If you would like to be part of a group or have a booklet to follow the daily prayers privately, please contact Rev Fran on 01205 481183.

CALENDAR -Are you stuck for a Christmas Present? How about a local Calendar with local views from local photographers? The Stickney Cluster of Churches has produced a 2017 Calendar which is available for just £5.00. All profits from the sale of the Calendar go towards keeping your church open and flourishing. If you would like a calendar (or more than 1) please contact Rev. Fran on 01205 481183 . Please leave a message with your name, address and telephone number, and I will contact you to arrange delivery.

Please come to our CAROL SERVICE on Sunday 18 December at 3.00pm - carols are a very special part of Christmas. We will offer mince pies, cake and warm drinks afterwards. MIDNIGHT HOLY COMMUNION for CHRISTMAS will start at 11.30pm on 24 December. There is a family service on CHRISTMAS DAY at 10.00am for us to gather together to celebrate Christ's birth.

Rural Dean: Canon Peter Coates 01790 752526

Parish Priest and PCC Chairperson:

Rev’d Fran Jeffries 01205 481183

Church Wardens : Mrs A Brady 01205 480661

Mrs B Gosling 01205 480641

PCC Secretary: Mrs M Weston 01205 480127

Treasurer (General Funds):

Mrs D Cooley 01205 480397

Treasurer (Fabric Fund):

Mrs B Gosling 01205 480641


Sunday 04 3.00pm Cluster Christingle Communion at

New Leake

Sunday 11 9.30am Morning Worship

Sunday 18 3.00pm Carol Service

Christmas Eve 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion

Christmas Day 10.00am Family Service

Every Thursday 9.30am Morning Prayer followed by the

Coffee Morning at 10.00am


Sunday 01 11.15am Cluster Communion at St Luke’s

Sunday 08 10.00am Plough Sunday Deanery Service at

Halton Halgate

Sunday 15 11.15am All Age Worship

Sunday 22 9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 29 10.00am Deanery Service at Old Bolingbroke

On the last Thursday of each month the Parish Council Chairman and Clerk will be available at the coffee morning at St Luke’s.

As we all know the Festive Season is nearly upon us so we would like to help you out with your shopping!

We will be taking orders for any meat products, which will be supplied by Mountains Butchers, and any fruit and vegetable orders.

All orders will be ready to collect from Stickney Post Office during Christmas week.

Take the hassle out of going into town by letting us help you!

We would also like to wish each and every one of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR

Linda and Alan

(Order sheets will be available at the shop from 01 December.)

The Horbling Ladies:

The Ladies of the Luncheon Club would like to wish their members aMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Also thank you to everyone for all the support throughout 2016which has helped to makethis afantasticclub.

Just a reminder that there will not be a Luncheon in January

Our next luncheon is Tuesday 07 February, doors open at 11.00am and lunch to be served 12 noon with live music played by John.

The December Menu, including a welcome drink, is:

Leek and potato Soup Roll andButter

RoastPorkand Stuffing with all the trimmings

Syrup Sponge and Custard

Tea or Coffee and Mints

Cost £5.50

There will also be Music and a Raffle

All enquires or for more information: telephone Kay 01205 480769

Stickney Residents Association

The next meeting of the Stickney Residents Association will be held on 08 December at the Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. The meeting is open to all residents and cake and refreshments will be served.

For more information please contact the Chairman:

Tracy Lamy-Edwards on 07503 703463

Stickney Bus Service!

The market day service is available 07 and 21 December, 04 and 18 January and 01 and 15 February. The cost of the service is £5.00 per person. You can book your seat by phoning 01205 480241.

Mobile Library Visits

The mobile library visits Stickney on MONDAY’S at the Youth Centre, Hall Lane between 10.15am and 11.15am and at Horbling Lane between 11.30am and 12.00noon. The next visits will be

28 November 2016, 23 January 2017 and 20 February 2017.


A new wireless broadband internet provider, that

may be accessible to some users within the site

of Hobhole Bank, is AB Internet. Check the

website for more information:


Table Top Sale report from Cllr Victoria Ayling

The event was very successful and £43.17 was raised for the Ladies Luncheon Club. I manned the balloon tombola which proved very popular with adults and children. I do hate popping balloons, as people delegated the task to me for a laugh, but it was for a good cause. Some delicious cakes were served, made by local people, which were very much appreciated by the visitors. There were some excellent stalls selling lovely gifts, wood carvings, children's toys and clothes, beauty products and fantastic jewellery. I would like to thank all those who took part and helped to make it such a great day especially Tracy Lamy-Edwards.