Terms of Reference
(Document No: APT/PP-10/02)
Correspondence Group 1 – Finance and Organizational Issues
CG 1 will consider issues associated with the administration of the ITU, its finances and budget, and organizational and coordination. The group will contribute to COM 6. The Group’s work includes;
•Review and propose improvements to the management and functioning of ITU
•Review the draft ITU Strategic Plan in the context of the implementation of results-based budgeting
•Review and propose improvements in ITU financial processes
•Review Income and Expenditure and Financial Plan
•Review Council decisions/discussions/recommendations on finance, Management, budget and human resources development
•Consider ceiling on expenditure issues, aiming to achieve a timely response to unanticipated demand for services under the cost recovery system, as well as the financial stability of the ITU
•ITU TELECOM Exhibitions and Forums
•Review contributions and proposals to PP-10 from other regions and countries on administration, finance and budget issues; including draft financial policies and the draft financial plan
•Consider any other issues determined by the Group in its work for the preparation to PP-10 or referred to the Group by the APT Preparatory Meetings
In relation to this work, CG1 will consider the work and outputs of the following Council Working Groups:
•Financial Regulations and other financial matters
•Management and Budget
•Tripartite Group of Human Resource Management
•Use of the six official languages of the Union
Correspondence Group 2 – Strategy and Policy Issues
CG 2 will consider strategic issues, including policy, structure and legal issues of the ITU. The Group will contribute to COM 5. Its scope of work includes:
•Review Council decisions/discussions/recommendations on policy, structure, legal and general issues.
•Review and propose amendments to the Constitution (CS), Convention (CV), Rules of Procedure and Optional Protocol.
•Review and propose amendments to the Rules of Procedure of Conferences and meetings relating to the Telecommunication Standardization, Radiocommunication and Telecommunication Development Sectors, and operational aspects of Plenipotentiary Conferences and the Council.
•Consider the future role of International Telecommunication Regulations
•Consider and propose issues that could strengthen the role of the regional organizations with special focus to APT.
•Consider issues relating to the implementation of the outcome of WSIS.
•Review contributions and proposals to PP-10 from other regions and countries on any strategic issue, including policy, structure, or legal issues.
•Consider any other issues determined by the Group in its work for the preparation to PP-10 or referred to the Group by the APT Preparatory Meetings
In relation to this work, CG1 will consider the work and outputs of the following Council Working Groups:
•Terminology: Use in the Constitution and Convention
•Security Definitions and Terminology: Use in ICTs
•WSIS: Implementation of outcomes
•Study on the Participation of all relevant stakeholders in ITU activities related to WSIS
Correspondence Group 3 – Telecommunication Standardization Sector Issues
CG 3 will consider ITU Telecommunications Sector issues. The Group will contribute to COM 5. Its scope of work includes:
•Consider proposals to improve the efficiency of the sector to meet the needs of industry
•Ensuring that improvements adopted by WTSA 2008, are properly reflected in the Conference documents
•Consider issues that could strengthen the relationship between ITU and industry forums and consortia, including adoption of outputs of forums and consortia as ITU outputs.
•Consider issues that could clarify the rights, role and financial responsibilities of Sector Members and Associate Members.
•Consider Council decisions on the ITU-T sector issues
•Review the proposed Strategic Plan for the Standardization Sector.
•Participation from Academia
•Review contributions and proposals to PP-10 from other regions and countries on telecommunication standardization issues.
•Consider any other issues determined by the Group in its work for the preparation to PP-10 or referred to the Group by the APT Preparatory Meetings
Correspondence Group 4 – Radiocommunication Sector Issues
CG 4 will consider ITU Radiocommunications Sector issues. The Group will contribute to COM 5. Its scope of work includes:
•Consider changes to the Constitution and Convention of the Union that have an impact on or may be required to improve the effectiveness of the ITU-R.
•Consider issues associated with cost recovery and satellite filings.
•Consider issues associated with the elected Officials, Members of the Radio Regulations Board
•Review PP Resolutions relevant to the ITU-R
•Consider relevant Resolutions of WRCs
•Review and contribute to improve the Strategic Plan for the RadiocommunicationSector.
•Review contributions and proposals to PP-10 from other regions and countries on radiocommunication issues.
•Consider any other issues determined by the Group in its work for the preparation to PP-10 or referred to the Group by the APT Preparatory Meetings
Correspondence Group 5 – Telecommunication Development Sector Issues
CG 5 will consider ITU Telecommunication Development Sector issues. The Group will contribute to COM 5. Its scope of work includes:
•Consider further initiatives proposed by the WTDC-10 towards the development of ICT and bridging the digital divide.
•Consider the results of WTDC 2010. Including any declarations, resolutions and recommendations to the PP-10
•Review the proposed Strategic Plan for the Development Sector.
•Review contributions and proposals to PP-10 from other regions and countries on ITU Development Sector issues.
•Consider any other issues determined by the Group in its work for the preparation to PP-10 or referred to the Group by the APT Preparatory Meetings
General Rules of Operation
- APT Preparatory Group will be composed of a Plenary and 5 Correspondence Groups. Preparatory Group will be headed by a Chairman, and supported by the 5 Rapporteurs of the Correspondence Groups.
- Physical meeting of Preparatory Group will be convened 4 times before the PP-10. Coordination meeting among APT members will be held during the PP-10.
- Each Correspondence Group will be headed by a Rapporteur and assisted by Assistant Rapporteurs.
- Between physical meetings, the work of the Preparatory Group and its Correspondence Groups will be done through electronic correspondence. To facilitate this APT Secretariat will create an e-mail reflector.
- The membership of CGs are open to all APT members.
- Documentation from a non APT member or other Regions will be treated as information documents.
- The Preparatory Group may invite a non-member or Regional representatives to speak at the Plenary or its CGs, if it feels such input will contribute the discussions of the group.
- The Preparatory Group will decide its details scope of work and working methods.
- The Correspondence Groups will decide their sub structures and final details of the scope of their work.
Prep PP-10 TOR -21 May 20091