Minutes of the Wirral Tennis League AGM held at Thorndale LTC on Wednesday 21st November 2007

1.0Roll call of Club Representatives

1.1The meeting was attended by the following club representatives:

Hooton - Kevin Thompson & Sue Thompson. Thorndale – Lesley Cubbin, David Colebourne, Jane Auger, Micky Greenham, Lyn Sutton. Alderley – Sue Marcks & Martin Stewart. North Cheshire – Lesley McClellan, Jean Smith & Valerie Jordan. St Lukes – Albert Hart. Birkenhead – Margaret Dooley. Bertram – Paul Evans. Port Sunlight – Louise Wilson. Hoylake – Clair Miller. Upton –Terry Adlard. Cheshire LTA & Port Sunlight – Norman Nelson. Prenton – David Pomphrey. Cheshire Oaks – Jim Beahon & Dave Thomas. Wallasey Manor – Deb Lowe & Steve Lee.

1.2The following WTL Committee members were present:

Chairperson – Ken Patrick (Neston). Secretary – Matt Webb (Oxton).

Fixture Secretary – Geoff Dewhurst (Upton). Committee Member - Val McIndoe (Thorndale)

Committee Member – Alison Loader (Wallasey Manor).


2.1The following apologies were received:

Simon Banks – Pinewood, Ian Gearing (Treasurer) – Heswall, Syd White – Bertram & Dave McWilliam – Thorndale

2.2The following clubs weren’t represented:

Neston, Oxton & Pinewood.

3.0Acceptance of last year’s AGM minutes:

The minutes dated Friday 17th November 2006 were accepted with the following amendments (changes in red):

In 1.1 changed Chris Thorn to read Chris Thornas.

In 4.1 changed first line from – We are seeing the fruits of our efforts in running the league by lighter rules with high standards of play, to read - We are seeing the fruits of our efforts in running the league by tighter rules with high standards of play.

In 7.2 Changed the 3rd line from – It was agreed that next seasons subscription be fixed at £40 per club plus £15 per team entry, to read - It was agreed that next seasons subscription be fixed at £40 for the first team per club plus £15 for each additional team.

4.0Chairpersons Report

4.1Ken Patrick welcomed everyone to the meeting & reported as follows:

We have seen a very competitive year. A particular highlight came from Cheshire Oaks who came from behind to win the 1st division and then turned up on mass to collect their trophies at the presentation evening.

It was very pleasing to note that no remarks were made about how Cheshire Oaks had won. Division 3 was very competitive and backs up the leagues principle for ranking players.

On the administration side we held 2 committee meetings and had to deal with 2 major problems. The first being caused by the failure of certain clubs to read the website or the packs given out before the season starts both of which contain all the relevant information & rules to avoid being penalised by the league and causing extra unnecessary work for the fixture secretary & the committee. Ken urged all clubs to make sure they knew the rules of the league before the start of the new season and if they had any doubts to contact Geoff to clarify.

The 2nd major problem was the failure of clubs to fulfil fixtures and as a committee we have proposed amendments to the rules and standard penalty tariff in an attempt to address this issue.

Finally Ken ended his report by offering his sincere thanks on behalf of the committee & member clubs to Alison & Terry Adlard for all the effort they put into organising such a successful presentation evening.

5.0Fixture Secretary’s Report

Geoff Dewhurst presented the ‘Fixture Secretary’s Report 2007’ which was also circulated at the meeting & a copy uploaded to the WTL website (please see and click on admin & information to read this report).

6.0Proposed changes to WTL rules

6.1The proposed changes for consideration at the 2007 AGM were circulated and a copy is also available on the WTL website, see notice of AGM 2007.

6.2The proposed change to rule 1.5 was carried unanimously.

6.3The proposed change to rule 2.1 was carried 10 votes for & 3 votes against

6.4The proposed change to rule 3.4 was unanimously opposed & as a result of which the proposed change to rule 2.4 became redundant and was not considered further.

6.5The additional of new rule 5.4.1 was carried unanimously.

6.6The proposed change to rule 6.1 was carried unanimously.

6.7The proposed change to Appendix A Problem 2 was carried unanimously.

6.8Thorndale’s notice of motion regarding advising the home team in advance if a significant number of players do not intend to stay for tea was discussed but considered unpractical and therefore not carried forward.

7.0Treasurer’s Report 2007

In the absence of Ian Gearing the WTL Treasurer the Chairman Ken Patrick read from a prepared report confirming that even after heavily subsiding the 2007 presentation evening the accounts remain in a healthy position as we enter the 2008 season.

After some debate the proposal for subs to remain as is for the upcoming season with provision for the purchase of new trophies and potential to subsidise any future league function was carried unanimously.

8.0 Election of Officer’s & Committee Members

8.1Matt Webb (Oxton) was unanimously confirmed as WTL secretary after taking over from Tim Kilpatrick earlier in the year.

8.2The vacancy created by Matt Webb becoming secretary was filled unanimously by Dave Thomas of Cheshire Oaks.

8.3All other committee members were happy to continue in their current roles.

9.0Any other Business

After the great success of this year’s presentation evening the Chairperson, Ken Patrick, asked the meeting if they would like to repeat with a similar function after the 2008 season which was well received by those representing their clubs. As such Ken asked Alison & Terry Adlard if they would again be kind enough to organise the event to which they agreed and several dates were proposed as follows 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th September 2008 with the preferred date being Saturday 20th. Full details of the evening will be posted on the website and emailed to all contacts in due course.

Meeting Closed.

Matt Webb WTL Secretary.