First Meeting of the Global Nutrition Cluster Information Management and Knowledge Management Task Force
18th March 2014
Minutes and Notes
Background and summary
Based on the recommendations from the last Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) meeting held in Geneva in February 2014, ACF UK sent a call for interest to GNC partners in order to create theInformation Management and Knowledge Management Task Force (IM&KM TF) that will oversee that implementation of activities under the GNC’s pillar 4 work plan.
1st meeting objectives:
- To welcome members to the task force
- To Review the TF ToR
- To Review Pillar 4 activities
- To detail the costing of the activities
The group took most of the time of this meeting in order to review the activities and though the costing exercised was not finalized, key partners were identified to develop the budget for each activity.
The following were present in this 1st meeting
- Jose Luis Alvarez, ACF UK
- Anna Ziolkovska, ACF-UK/GNC-CT
- Alison Mildon, WV
- Carmel Dolan, ENN
- Andrew Seal, UCL
- Erin Boyd, OFDA
- Rebecca Brown on behalf of Hedwig Deconinck,CMAM forum
- SamraHanif, GNC -CT
- Josephine Ippe, GNC-CT
- AyadilSparbekov, GNC-CT
The following members of the TF were not able to attend and excused themselves
- Julie Tanaka, Samaritarian 's Purse
- OlegBilukha, CDC
- Susan Fuller, SC
- Gwenaëlle Garnier, ACF France
Review of the TF ToRs
The following points were mentioned:
- ACF UK will be the TF leader
- Most partners can only commit to 1 day per month
- Number of partners will be increased to 12
- KM issues will be discussed first in future meeting
- KM functions will be added to the TF as per KM document shared by Carmel
- Lifespan of the TF will be for 1 year, with a review at 3 months of the way of working
- Nutrition Cluster indicators: Small group will lead on this since. Members of the previous Indicators TF will participate. The task force will share the latest version of these indicators. Please find here the link to the OCHA website where the indicators which are developed (performance, monitoring and needs assessment) are hosted:
Also attached in the e-mail was the latest draft.
- Action point: JL to update the ToR based on the discussion and to share with the partners as final
Activities of the Task force as stated in the pillar 4
1)Information Management Activities
Activity 1: developing IM/KM strategy.
ACF UK will lead on this and will share the draft to partners before April 10th. No costs will be associated to this
No cost expected
Activity 2: toolkit review.
This need to be done thoroughly, a consultant with good expertise and knowledge of country toolkits needs to be engaged and it was estimated that at least 15-20 days of work will be needed. Some previous work has already been done by RRTs
Costing to be prepared by ACF UK
Activity 3: addressing the gaps on the Toolkit and develop full IM toolkit
Same consultant from activity 2 will continue on activity 2. ACF UK to establish the costs of this
Costing to be prepared by ACF UK
Activity 4: Pilot the toolkit at country level
It was agreed that a field test is required. 3 countries from 3 different regions or in 3 different scenarios need to be selected per tool developed.
Anna and Andrew will work on a protocol that will help us to better figure out the costs of this activity
Costing to be prepared by UCL with the Support of ACF-UK and GNC-CT
Activity 5: dissemination of the toolkit.
This will be done by the GNC through other common channels (NCC packs, cluster handbook etc..) Josephine will calculate the cost related to this activity
Costing to be prepared by GNC-CT
Activity 6: review of the IM toolkit
To be removed of the current 2 years plan.
Activity 7: Finalize the GNC indicators bank review of the IM toolkit
Small group will lead on this since. Members of the previous Indicators TF will participate: Erin, Anna, Gwnaelle…
No cost expected. Since already in its final phase: Members of the previous indicators TF will need a meeting like they did for PM and NA indicators
Activity 8: translate the toolkit into French
ACF UK will lead on this one and will follow ENN procedures that are simple and quick in order to accelerate the process. ACF UK agreed to lead on this on a condition that the decision on when to stop consultation process and declare the translation final would be solely ACF UK decision. The reviewing process of the translation will be kept within the TF members. ACF will contact Thomas, from ENN, next week to have a sense of the costs.
Costing to be prepared by ACF UK in consultation with ENN.
Activity 9: trainings to NNC
It was clear that a need for training exists; information managers and some Cluster Directors need training. GNC will lead on this and will calculate the costs related to hire a consultant for developing the training package and engaging trainers subsequently. The TF will orientate the development of the training package and support and ensure the trainings. Thisshould start once the IM toolkit is developed or nearly developed
Costing to be prepared by GNC-CT.
2)Knowledge Management Activities
It was agreed that these activities needed rephrasing and the concept note shared by ENN was taken as a starting point.
Activity 10: scoping exercise.
Engage with NCCs to capture their interest and activities around KM
Activity 11: To gather major lessons from the interested NCCs.
This will be done before September in order to feed into the Rome meeting
Activity 12: Produce one short lessons learned briefs.
ENN will publish a special issue with series of learnings form NCCs
Activity 13: Develop complementary platforms and systems
Open a space in EN-Net for NCC related to specific coordination issue, a short of close forum. If necessary for French speakers, a simultaneous translation could be available
Activity 14: Conduct annual learning events.
It will be good to build on the opportunity of the meeting in Rome to organize a working day with NCC and IMO. Josephine to see if this is possible and budget accordingly
For this 5 activities, Tom from ENN, will put together a provisional budget in the next 2 weeks. Funding will include 1 person time that will action those activities
Costing to be done by ENN
Activity 15: Independent website for GNC.
This activity is almost finalized. Josephine to see what little bit costs are still needed and TF will support in the launching of the website
Costing to be done by GNC-CT