Unit-D Test Review

Personal Qualities of a Health Care Worker

  1. If you, as a high school student, were asked by an interviewer for an example of your dependability, what would you say?
  2. If a co-worker tells you, “I hate coming to the dentist.” An empathic response would be?
  3. Getting enough sleep will what?
  4. My feet hurt after I work a 12 hour shift. What might I do to improve this problem?
  5. Give an example of something a health care worker would do who is demonstrating self motivation.
  6. An elderly patient is loud and demanding, impatient and critical. Her son asks “is my mom causing trouble?” You respond by saying, “Your mother speaks her mind and knows what she wants.” Your response is an example of what personal characteristic?
  7. Before purchasing a new uniform for a new job, you should what?
  8. Regular exercise does what?
  9. What is the policy of most health care facilities regarding employee alcohol and drug use?
  10. If you are working and have long hair what should do?
  11. Why would you take your big diamond ring and pin it to the inside of your uniform?
  12. What should I do to lose weight and improve my overall health?
  13. What would be a dress code violation?
  14. What characteristics of personal appearance can be used to create a positive first impression?
  15. All clinical uniforms should include?
  16. If a patient is frightened, what behavior by the health care worker demonstrates listening skills?
  17. A nurse is giving instructions to a parent who is holding a screaming baby. What should the nurse realize?
  18. Adam walks into his patients’ room and explains in a soft voice what is on his food tray. Adam’s patient is probably what?
  19. Cassie’s patient is hearing impaired. What should she do when talking to him?
  20. Kathryn sends an e-mail asking Jake to work today. Jake replies that he will. Using the communication model, Jake is the what?
  21. What is wrong with a nurse asking a 13 year old if she has been NPO since midnight?
  22. Mr.Ono looks down to the floor when the doctor talks to him. What communication barrier explains Mr.Ono lack of eye contact?
  23. What form of non-verbal communication would convey caring to a patient?
  24. Someone says “Hello” and you smile back. Using the communication model, what is the feedback?
  25. Jack tells Jill “I cannot stay in the hospital.” Jill is not sure what he means. Jill should?
  26. If I have the flu, what observation would a health care worker make?
  27. A patient is frowning and tapping his fingers. What message is he sending?
  28. In a patient’s progress notes, what would a doctor record as a subjective observation?
  29. HIPPA Standards relates to?
  30. Effective written communication should be in what?
  31. You notice others at your job getting praise and attention. What should you do to develop good interpersonal relations on the job?
  32. You are a new director of a rescue squad. What would be a good statement that shows you understand professional leadership?
  33. Jessica is a nurse who complains about working with Rachael, as a nurse manager what should you do?
  34. You are a new pharmacy technician and you made three mistakes your first day. What should you do the next day?
  35. Sara is a dentist who is very demanding to her staff. She ignores any suggestions. What type of leader is she?
  36. How should females sit on a stage in front of an audience?
  37. A receptionist, physician, nurse and office manager is part of what team?
  38. All member of the health care team work together to?
  39. A good leader believes that the group will?
  40. A democratic leader is often described as a good?
  41. You just saw a plane crash and everyone is alright. You are shaking and your heart is pounding. What should you do to break out of the stress response?
  42. Courtney has a hard time calming down before a test. She uses imagery to handle her stress, so Courtney does what?
  43. A group used the problem-solving model to tackle a problem. After they implement their plan to solve the problem, what should they do next?
  44. If you are stressed and you renew yourself, what action might you take?
  45. Crystal is in high school and she is stressed out. What is the first step she should take in learning how to control her stress?
  46. What is the FIRST thing a person should do if he wants to use the problem-solving method to solve a problem?
  47. What stress-reducing technique would provide the most long-term relief for life’s daily stressors?
  48. When using the problem-solving method, what should be done after you identify the problem?
  49. The most common stress reducing techniques is?
  50. Jo created a time management plan and increased his housework productivity. This means he did what?
  51. Jenna makes a list and crosses them off when she gets them done. What should she do when she completed a difficult task?
  52. A group is responsible for a parade float. What time management strategy would provide the MOST help?
  53. Time management strategies focus on what?

54. A productive short-term goal for high school senior might be to?

55. What would provide the MOST help in letting you know how you use your time?

56. The best way top make goals seem real and attainable is to?

57. Someone with good time management skills usually makes what?

58. A student is starting college. What would provide the MOST help with time
