Summer with a Purpose

This summer, whether you landed that dream internship or are returning to a seasonal job, you can gain knowledge and experience that can help you prepare for your career. Below are 6 simple ways to give purpose to your summer. Be sure to spend time using OnPACE (, a series of career development modules, to assist you with the suggestions below).

1.  Look for opportunities to develop transferable skills – those skills that can be applied across many situations and career fields. You may just have a job as a lifeguard. But, if you are an aspiring mechanical engineer, ask your boss if you can be in charge of the water system this summer.

2.  Volunteer your time. You may have a bit more time to spare in the summer, so donate it to an organization or cause that you believe in. If you want to explore careers where you can “help people”, volunteer for your favorite non-profit and observe people in the various roles.

3.  Conduct informational interviews. Intrigued by what your friend’s mom does as a human resources manager? Then, just ask. You will be pleasantly surprised how willing she is to meet with you. To be effective, informational interviewing should be more than a casual conversation.

4.  Job shadow. Although informational interviewing is an excellent way to vicariously learn about a career, that knowledge can be deepened by actually seeing it. If the informational interview went well with your friend’s mom, ask to spend a half day as her shadow.

5.  Explore. Even if you are completely satisfied with your major in English, you have a hunch that there are more career options out there than that of an English teacher. You are right! There are a myriad of career options that fit with your interest, priorities and strengths. Here is a link to a listing of many helpful websites:

6.  Resume. If you haven’t done so already, write your resume.

When you return to campus, make sure you visit Career Counseling and Support Services ( or your Career Services Office.
