Mrs. Schoenfelder’s Kindergarten Announcements

P.E. and Boost-up

P.E. for our kindergarten class will be on Thursday and Friday mornings. We will have Boost-up on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Please make sure your child is wearing tennis shoes. Also girls should not wear dresses on these days.


We will be having a morning and an afternoon snack this year. The school will be providing cinnamon graham crackers for both am and pm snacks. When it is your child’s birthday; I would encourage you to send pencils, bouncy balls, (dollar store items) for treats. PLEASE DO NOT send any edible snacks to our classroom. Thank you for your help in this area.


Milk will begin August 24, and the cost is $4.00 for 10 punches (WHITE MILK ONLY). You may purchase more than one ticket at a time, but milk is not sold on a daily basis. Your child will be able to choose if he/she would like milk with his/her snacks; this means they may use their milk ticket twice each day. Please send all money in an envelope with your child’s FIRST and LAST name and “KSCH” on the front. I will send a notice when your child is out of milk punches. If you would only like your child to have milk one time a day, please inform me and I will help him/her remember.

Show and Tell

Show and Tell will be on assigned days unless there is no school on the day your child is assigned (if your child’s day is Monday and there is no school, they will bring it on Tuesday; if your child’s day is Friday and there is no school, they will bring it on Thursday). If your child forgets his/her show and tell, they must wait until the next week to bring something to share. Please try to limit your child to only bringing no more than three items. It is a good idea to make sure items are not breakable.

This is our Show and Tell schedule for the year. Please help your child bring show and tell on his/her scheduled day!







If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at school or stop in and visit with me! You can also e-mail me at . I will also keep important notes on our website to help you stay informed:

Thank you,

Mrs. Schoenfelder