Hamilton E Holmes Elementary School- School Governance Council Meeting Minutes
February 24, 2017
Members Present: Shateena Brown, Don Ford, Debra Cole, Carrie Bialach, Robbie Kearns
The meeting was called to order by S. Brown at 8:25 a.m.
The Council reviewed, discussed and approved the 2018 budget.
The Council discussed ways to rebrand the school to keep high achieving students. Selected teachers will visit Ron Clark in June for ideas that Holmes could possibly incorporate. Several ideas were shared:
Creating a fifth grade academy, to include a tailored curriculum focusing on music, keyboarding, and string instruments.
Partner with Tri-Cities to produce, direct and stage a fifth grade play.
What kind of awards or certifications can the school apply for and work towards to start rebranding itself?
The Council discussed moving towards a more health focused school to fight childhood obesity and bring an awareness to healthy living. Students could get involved in relay races, dance classes, kickball etc. and tie these games to awards creating opportunities for students who are struggling in class a chance to shine and be a part of something. Maybe some fundraising opportunities will help with the cost of some of the activities.
School’s food garden was discussed- It was brought up that, although Holmes have a garden, the food is not being harvested. The vegetables are ripe in the summer when school is out. It was communicated that the gardening will start earlier this year in order for the students to harvest some of the vegetables. The Beta Club will clean beds for this year’s planting season.
Some of the board members has noticed a shift in communication from school to home and would like to see more communication through newsletter, website etc… Ms. Brown will send out a Principal’s Newsletter
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m.