Speak Third Marking Period PQ Name ______
1. Why is the English class mad at Rachel/Rachelle?
a. Her foreign exchange student friends give everyone mean glances.
b. She claims that Hairwoman is making up the symbolism in Hawthorne's book and gets
everyone assigned a 500 word essay.
c. She's the teacher's pet and tries to convince the class that Hairwoman's lessons are really
important to their lives.
d. She's mean to Melinda in front of the class, and everyone thinks that she's a jerk.
2. Heather drops Melinda as a friend. True or False ?
3. In what way has Melinda NOT changed during this marking period?
a. After skipping school and going to the mall, she starts attending class more regularly.
b. She asks her mom to pack brown-bag lunches for her.
c. She starts talking more openly to Mr. Freeman about her thoughts.
d. She becomes more social and accepts David Petrakis's party invitation after the basketball game.
4. “It's a classroom painted white, with uncomfortable chairs and a lamp that buzzes like an angry hive. The inmates of MISS are commanded to sit and stare at the empty walls. It is supposed to bore us into submission or prepare us for an insane asylum.”
According to the passage above, the definition of submission is most likely,
a. disobedience
b. to resist
c. obedience
d. opposing
5. Which of the following is an example of metaphor?
a. “It is easier to floss with barbed wire than admit you like someone in middle school.”
b. “'Art without emotion is like chocolate cake without sugar. It makes you gag.'”
c. “It [guidance counselor's contract] lists a million things I'm not supposed to do...”
d. “I stumble from thornbush to thornbush—my mother and father..., Rachel..., Heather.”
For the following sentences, please insert commas in the correct places:
6. Mr. Freeman the coolest teacher at Merryweather High thinks Picasso was a truth-seeker.
7. Nonetheless I will give it my best shot.
8. The cat yawned as the dogs passed but he jumped when the milkman arrived.