Academic and Research Records

Academic Qualifications from graduation onwards

Degree / University /


/ Year of
passing / Marks (%) / Division
(Hons. School) / Panjab University,
Chandigarh, India / Physics (Major), Maths, English,
Chemistry / 1990 / 71 / First
(Hons. School) / Panjab University,
Chandigarh, India / Physics / 1991 / 75 / First
Ph. D.
(Science) / Thesis work was carried at
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India / 1997 / Title: Isotopic studies of the early solar system phases in meteorites by an ion microprobe.


1. National Scholarship by Government of India for 1990-91

2.  Silver medal for standing first in B. Sc. III (Hons. School) Physics by University.

3.  Research scholarship for Ph.D. from Physical Research Laboratory from 1991-1997.

4.  Post-Doctoral fellowship from Physical Research Laboratory from 1997-1998.

5.  Post-Doctoral fellowship from Department of Earth & Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, from 1998-2000.

Membership of academic society/Associateship :

1.  Astronomical Society of India

2.  Visiting associate of Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune

3.  Ex-member of the International Meteoritical Society.

Field of specialization of research: Origin of the solar system

Stellar nucleosynthesis

Galactic chemical evolution.

List of ten best publications

[Refer to NASA Astrophysics Data System for detailed list of publications and citations]

1.  Gupta G. and Sahijpal S. (2010) Differentiation of Vesta and the parent bodies of other achondrites. J. Geophysical Research 115, E08001, pp. 15.

2.  Sahijpal S., and Gupta G. (2009) The plausible source(s) of 26Al in the early solar system: A massive star or the X-wind irradiation scenario? Meteoritics and Planetary Science J. 44, 879-890.

3.  Sahijpal S., Soni P. and Gupta G. (2007) Numerical simulations of the planetary differentiation of accreting planetesimals with 26Al and 60Fe as the heat sources. Meteoritics and Planetary Science J. 42, 1529-1549.

4.  Sahijpal S. and Soni P. (2007) Numerical simulations of production of extinct short-lived nuclides by magnetic flaring in the early solar system. Meteoritics and Planetary Science J. 42, 1005-1027.

5.  Sahijpal S. and Soni P. (2006) Stellar nucleosynthetic origin of the extinct short-lived nuclei in the early solar system and the associated isotopic effects. Meteoritics and Planetary Science J. 41, 953-976.

6.  Sahijpal S., Marhas K.K. and Goswami J.N. (2003) Determination of rare earth and trace element abundances in early solar system objects by an ion microprobe. J. Earth System Sciences 112, 485-498.

7.  Sahijpal S., Goswami J.N. and Davis A.M. (2000) K, Mg, Ca and Ti isotopic compositions and refractory trace element compositions of hibonites from CV and CM meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64, 1989-2005.

8.  Sahijpal S. and Goswami J.N. (1998) Refractory phases in Primitive Meteorites devoid of 26Al and 41Ca: Representative samples of first solar system solids? Astrophysical J. Letters 509, L137-140.

9.  Sahijpal S., et al., (1998) A stellar origin for the short-lived nuclides in the early solar system. Nature 391, 559-561.

10.  Goswami J.N., Sahijpal S., et al. (1998) In situ determination of iodine content and I-Xe systematics in silicates and trolite phases in chondrules from the LL3 chondrite Semarkona. Meteoritics and Planetary Science J. 33, 527-534.

Recent technical presentations at important workshops/conferences

1.  Invited talk in the International conference on “Terrestrial planets: Evolution through time” held in Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad 22-25th January, 2008.

2.  Invited talk in the 15th National Space Science Symposium (ISRO). Ooty, 26-29th February, 2008.

3.  International workshop on “Thermal models in Planetary Sciences”, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, France, 15-17th Sept. 2008.

4.  Inaugural talk in the “North zone master resource persons’ training program on Total Solar Eclipse - 2009” Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, 29th June, 2009.

5.  Co-convener & oral talk in PS-4 (Planetary science & exploration) session of the 16th National Space Science Symposium (ISRO), Rajkot, 24th-27th February 2010.

6.  Oral presentation at AOGS-2010 International conference, Hyderabad, 5-9th July, 2010.

Organization and participation in Astronomy and Astrophysics workshops held in the Dept. of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh

1.  Five days (29 July - 02 August 2008) workshop; sponsored by Punjab State Council for Science and Technology & Vigyan Prasar, Noida. 65 physics teachers from all the 20 district of Punjab attended the workshop.

2.  Five days (19th-23rd November, 2009) Introductory workshop in Astronomy & Astrophysics, sponsored by IUCAA, Pune & ISRO, Bangalore. Around 35 M.Sc. & B.Sc. selected students from North India attended the workshop.

3.  Five days (1st-5th February, 2010) 10th PLANEX workshop on Space Instrumentation and planetary sciences in collaboration with PLANEX (Planetary Exploration program of ISRO). Around 35 M.Sc. & M.Tech. students from all over India participated.

Editorial work

International conference on “Isotopes in the solar system” at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad (1997)

Abstract volume editors: Goswami J. N., Sahijpal S. and Chakrabarty P.