Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.


2014Central Region Leadership Class

Collegiate Ambassadors is an undergraduate driven program that values competence, innovation, integrity, and teamwork. It is aimed to give participating members guidance/involvement on the regional level while enhancing the benefits received from their local sorority experience. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn about your region!

Ambassadors are student leaders who are advocates of the Region, Youth Service Project, and the collegiate body. These select undergraduates will be placed into a position of leadership and service. Their responsibilities extend beyond collegiate affairsand place them in a position to create process improvements and recommendations to build and grow our collegiate population.

Ambassadors work closely with the YSC and UCC alongside mentorship from the Regional Board. Responsibilities/benefits may include:

  • Serve as active member of regional committees
  • Attend leadership/business etiquette events
  • Help organize undergraduate development programs, social activities and fundraisers
  • Present workshops at Regional Conference/Area Meetings
  • Recognition at Regional Conference with Book Scholarships/Conference Grants

Qualifications to apply:

  • Must be a financial and TORCH trained undergraduate member of Central Region. New members are encouraged to apply.
  • GPA must be at least a 2.75or show record of improved academic performance.
  • Must have a positive attitude and presented leadership in their chapter/campus community.
  • Strong support (emotional and financial) from the advising graduate chapter and/or university is expected

Important Dates and Times:

  • Applications are due Friday, May 9that 5:00pm EST.
  • Your application is the first step in the process.

If necessary, interviews will be the week of May 26th

  • If you are selected to continue, you will be notified the week of June 2nd.
  • Mandatory quarterly meetings will be held during the 2014-15 sorority year.
  • Attendance is critical at your respective Area Meetings, the AFLV in Indianapolis (Feb 2015) and the 75th Central Region Conference in Columbus, OH.

Applications will be posted on our website along with more detail. If you have any specific

questions, please contact UCC Delia Harris at or 317-339-5955.

“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual”

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.


2014 Central Region Leadership Class


Name: / Chapter:
Phone: / E-mail:
Address: / City/ST/Zip:
Sigma ID #: / Phone #:


Are you currently enrolled at your respective university/college? / YES / NO
Class Yr.: / Major:
Expected Graduation Date: / Cumulative GPA:

SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS(answer under a separate 1pg cover)

  1. Why are you interested in being a Central Collegiate Ambassador?
  1. What personal qualities would you be able to bring to the program?
  1. What undergraduate issue would you personally like to undertake during this program?
  1. What would you most like to gain from this Ambassador experience?

I hereby declare that all information given in this application is true and complete to the best of myknowledge. I authorize appropriate program chairs to verify sorority information and contact any references givenby me. I also authorize the release of my academic records should I be considered for the Collegiate Ambassador Program. I further agree to abide by all Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority policies and procedures.

Signature: / Date:

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.


Letter of Recommendation Form

Name of Applicant:

The form is to be completed by a sorority alumnae advisor or university/college staff or faculty member:

This applicant is interested in joining the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Collegiate Ambassador Program. We appreciate your evaluation.

Ambassadors are student leaders who are advocates of the Region, Youth Service Project, and the collegiate body. These select undergraduates will be placed into a position of leadership and service. Their responsibilities extend beyond collegiate affairs, and place them in a position to create process improvements and recommendations to build and grow our collegiate population.


Please mark the candidate in each of the following areas by the best adjective:

Excellent / Above Average / Average / Below Average / Poor
Team Orientation
Strongly Recommend / Recommend / Recommend with Reservation

Overall Rating:

Are there any comments you would like to offer for this candidate? (please use extra page if necessary)

Evaluator Name: / Position:
Signature: / Date:

Please email the completed Recommendation Form to the Program Director, Delia Harris . Thank you for your time and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (317.339.5955).