2014 Northern Lights Football League Bylaws

The Northern Lights Football League (herein referred to as the NLFL or the League) is an Adult Amateur Football League or also referred to as Semi-Professional, or Minor League Football. Members of the NLFL are non-paid in compliance with NCAA, NAIA and the NJC4A Associations.
League Mission:It is the mission of the NLFL to provide affordable, clean, family friendly entertainment in a safe and professional environment. Our objective is to promote competitive games of football between regional organizations while showcasing unparalleled sportsmanship.

ARTICLE I – Membership- All member organizations agree to read, follow, and enforce all Northern Lights Football League rules and bylaws. Our rules and bylaws give us order and structure. The NLFL rules and bylaws will be enforced on ALL personnel throughout the League regardless of position or importance to any member organization. Remember, no person is bigger than the team, and no team is bigger than the league.

Section I - Expectations:All teams are expected to follow the rules of the NLFL to the letter of the intent in which they were written. We will immediately remove any team that refuses to abide by ALL League rules and bylaws.

  • Teams are expected to read and thoroughly understand the rules and bylaws.
  • Teams are expected to have a coaching staff of at least 2 coaches on the sidelines for every game; not players or player coaches who are playing in the game acting as coaches.
  • Teams are expected to thoroughly go over the rules and bylaws of the League with every member of their organization and ensure that they are understood and enforced at all times.
  • Teams are expected to budget for a minimum of 11-games; 8-game regular season and 3-round playoff system that may require travel of more than 3-hours. The NLFL will not assist any team with travel as it is the responsibility of the teams to budget accordingly.
  • Teams are expected to be able to budget for splitting the cost of 5-game officials at every game, home and away, including playoff games.The league will punish any team that does not properly budget for game officials.

Section II – League Membership: It is expected that all organizations seeking membership with the Northern Lights Football League have read the League Bylaws and Rulebook prior to completing the application and interview process. By completing and submitting your organizations application for league membership, you are acknowledging that you have read all terms, conditions, bylaws, and rules set forth by the league and that you will follow and enforce the established terms as well as be an active member organization should you be accepted into our league.

  1. Minimum Requirements: All teams must have the followingin placebefore membership will be accepted and your organization officially put on the NLFL 2014 schedule:
  2. All membersmust have their league dues paid in full by the deadline dates. Failure to meet deadlines will result in your organization’s membership being immediately revoked.
  3. All members are required to remain in good financial standing with the NLFL and its members. Falling out of good standing will result in your membership being revoked and your organization being removed from the schedule.
  4. All members must have the resources to complete an entire season which includes but not limits preseason, regular season and post season.
  5. All membersare required to attend all league sponsored functions i.e., owners meeting, conference calls, Championship Weekend.
  6. All members must maintain an active roster of at least 25 players but no more than 55 players at all times.
  7. All members must have an adequate facility for hosting games. (Described in Article V, Section . . .)
  8. All members must have a minimum of three (3) contact personnel on file with the league.
  9. All members are required to have an adequate insurance policy in place for the 2014 season.
  10. All members must have matching uniforms, (i.e. helmets, jerseys, pants).
  1. Registration and Deadlines:The first step in becoming a partner organization of the Northern Lights Football League is the completion of the application for membership. You must complete the application thoroughly. Missing or misleading information will result in your application being denied. To remain a member organization of the NLFL for the next season you must complete the membership renewal form. Every organization must complete season registration objectives by the required deadlines.
  • Members must include a tax ID # or EIN# with all league applications.
  • Membership Applications/Renewals must be completed and emailed to the Commissioner and President of the NLFL on or before 11:59pm, the 2nd January of each year.
  • First Payment toward your league dues will be made on or before 11:59pm, the first Saturday in February each year. Your organization must be listed as PAID IN FULL status with the League by making your final payment on or before 11:59pm, the first Saturday in March each year.
  • Organizations must submit a qualified roster with player photos on or before 11:59pm, the 3rd Saturday in April each year.
  • Organizations must be able to submit a budget, if asked, showing how they will be financially stable for the 2014 season including but not limited to preseason, regular season and post season if applicable. In their plan they must show where they intend to receive the bulk of their finances i.e., player fee’s, sponsorship, loan, etc. (Note: The NLFL does not encourage any member to use loans as financial income to pay for expenses.)
  • Teams must have a home field secured. All fields must bestriped every five yards. Hash marks, if used, must be even down the center of the field matching field goal uprights. 10 yard chains and down indicator must be provided by the home team, as well as a crew to operate the chains.
  • Teams must have a minimum of three (3) contact persons for your organization; names, with current phone numbers and emails on file with the league at all times.
  • Teams must provide proof of field insurance by the established deadline of May 3rd, 2014. Proof of insurance will be checked and verified. The League encourages member organizations to use Katy Insurance out of Texas.
  • All teams are required to have complete matching uniforms, helmet, jersey and pants.Teams must have both HOME (Dark) and AWAY (White) jerseys. Game pants must be worn by every player and all the same color .There isNO EXCEPTIONto this rule.Any team that does not have adequate uniforms will have their membership immediately revoked. Shorts, wind pants, and/or t-shirts are NOT adequate uniforms!
  • The NLFL HIGHLY recommends players wear hip, thigh, and knee pads, and mouth guards.

These items will be verified by the NLFL board of directors. Any member organization found to give the League misleading information or miss deadlines set in the bylaws will be subject to immediate discipline up to and including, forfeiting games, suspensions of team personnel, or your organizations membership revoked and removal from the NLFL schedule.

Section III - Cost of Membership: There will be absolutelyNO REFUNDSunder any circumstances, of any league dues. Dues include any and all fees, deposits, and/or payments made to the league. The 2014 NLFL dues are $500 for returning organizations and $800 for new teams. Returning organizations are considered an organization that finished a full season, without forfeits, with the NLFL in the last season the league was active. A new organization is considered any team having not finished a full season within the Northern Lights Football league schedule in the previous active year. The NLFL uses league fees to help cover its costs such as but not limited to: website fees, field rental and refs for the Championship game, league trophies, expenses incurred due to forfeits, and other operational coasts. The league dues can be split into two payments to be made on or before the dates listed below.

All new members pay $400 (Due the 1st Sat in Feb.) plus $400 (Due the 1st Sat in March) for a total of $800.

  • Once you have been notified your membership has been accepted, your league dues must be paid on or before the established deadlines. Failure to make either payment by the deadlines will result in your application being terminated and membership revoked. If your organization folds, combines with another organization, or is removed from the league for any reason, no refunded will be given.
  • $300 of your league fee will be used as a forfeit deposit, to help your opponent recoup costs or to help cover ref fees. If you forfeit a game, you must replenish your $300 deposit with the league within two weeks of the forfeited game.

All returning members pay $300 (Due the 1st Sat in Feb.) plus $200 (Due the 1st Sat in March)for a total of $500.

These amounts can be adjusted each year.

Section IIII - NON LEAGUE MEMBERS:The Northern Lights Football League encourages its member organizations to work with other Adult Amateur Football entities.While we are willing to reach out to everyone; they must meet our criteria before we extend our hand. Therefore the following must be in order before a member of the Northern Lights Football League will consider a relationship with any outside organization:

  • Permission from the Commissioner and meet the criteria of the NLFL’s Board of Directors.
  • No member of the Northern Lights Football League shall participate or host any game against a team that has an outstanding debt against a member of the League. All debts must be paid in full before consideration will be given to non-league members. Proof that the debt has been cleared must be presented before seeking permission to participate in an activity involving a member of the NLFL.
  • Any non-member will agree to complete an NLFL Game Summary and email it to the League Commissioner and President no later than11:59pm the Sunday after the game.
  • ANY non-member seeking a game or looking to host an event; must show in advance a plan of action regarding how the team/league handles violence and/or threats of violence before permission will be granted.
  • Any non-member team that acts in an unprofessional manner(I.E. vandalism, violence, theft, lewd behavior, multiple unsportsmanlike conduct penalties, offensive language, etc.) while visiting or hosting a member of the NLFL will forfeit any future opportunities to participate in future events, this includes but not limited to games, tournaments, scrimmages, etc.
  • Any team that schedules a game then cancels or forfeits without proper notice (2 week minimum); will be permanently banned from participating with any member of the Northern Lights Football League including games, tournament, scrimmages, etc. No call, no show = Forfeiture = Permanent Ban.
  • Non-member teams are required to have all of the information available at the time of request. This includes: field address, kickoff times, locker room information, and potential hotel information.Failure to have the necessary information can and will delay our decision as to participate in your event.
  • IF A NON-LEAGUE MEMBER IS HOSTING: they are required to act as gracious host and provide enough ice and water for a 4-quarter football game. This includes providing ice and water during warm-ups and during half-time.
  • All non-member teams must allow adequate filming space for NLFL staff members.
  • All non-league members must contact your Northern Lights Football League opponent by the Tuesday before the game, to ensure that the game details have been worked out and everything is running according to plan.If there is a problem it must be addressed by that time.
  • All non-league members are required to submit a roster by no later than the Wednesday before the game.
  • The Northern Lights Football League reserves the right to refuse a game with any non-league opponent for any reason or no reason at all.

ARTICLE II – Meetings: The Northern Light Football League considers its official offseason to be September through January, where league officials will re-sign current member organizations andwork toward recruiting teams to apply to become new members for the next season.The Leagues pre-season runs from February until May. This period will be used to welcome members to a new season, hold organizations accountable to objectives and deadlines, and to prepare for the regular season. The NLFL official regular season will be scheduled from May until August. The regular season begins member organization scheduled League play. July and August will serve as playoff weeks, and the Championship Weekend (NLFL Championship and All-Star Games). We will hold various meetings throughout the year to make sure the League is functioning at an optimal level and to ensure deadlines and objectives are met as needed.

Meeting in Person: The NLFL member organizations meet in persontwice a year, once in February and once in August. Member organizations are required to have appropriate representation, no more than 5 people but no less than 2, at these meetings.

  • February – The league will host its annual Season Kickoff Meeting in February. This is where League Officers, returning member organizations, and new member organization will meet to discuss upcoming deadlines, rule changes, and expectations for the upcoming season.
  • August – The league will host its annual Season In-Review Meeting at the end of August. League officers and member organizations will discuss how the season went, discuss any issues that need to be addressed, bylaws or league rules that need to be updated, etc. We will officially close the season out and move our focus toward next year.

Conference Calls: Conference calls are scheduled for every Monday at 7:00p Central Standard Time. It isMANDATORYthat every member organization is represented on the weekly conference call on time and preferably in a quiet surrounding. Failure to make arrangements to attend the conference calls can result in your dismissal from the League. Only the League Commissioner and President can cancel or reschedule a conference call.

ARTICLE III – Executive Officers: The NLFL is governed by its members. Every member organization in the League will have a member of their organization represented at all league functions such as meetings and conference calls to act as a representative of their voice. 2 or more league officials must be involved and/or have access and information to the league website, Facebook account, bank account, purchases, etc.For the election of board officers, each member organization will be given one vote for each office being filled. The offices of League President, League Vice President, League Treasurer and League Secretary are to be made up of individuals from within member organizations.
League Commissioner-
Responsibilities shall include:

  • The game day contact for organizations having issues occurring regarding game day.
  • Make temporary appointments to fill office vacancies.
  • Assist with the development of the League.
  • Oversee the success of every team and its players.
  • Oversee league play-off and championship games.
  • Use deciding vote when teams are deadlocked in any decision making process.
  • Rule on proposed discipline and course of action taken for teams and players that violate league policy in a neutral and non partisan process.
  • Assist the recruiting and applications process of bringing competitive organizations into our league who share our mission and objective.
  • Recruit new organizations to apply for the league, by sharing league rules, bylaws, structure, etc.
  • Share league organization records, statistics, etc. with news outlets and semi-pro agencies such as semi-pro headquarters, and semi-pro BCS rankings, etc.
  • Responsible for working with potential corporate sponsorships.
  • Votes only as a tie breaker as needed.

League President –Responsibilities shall include:

  • Lead the application process for new teams.
  • Scheduling all meetings of the league.
  • Call all meetings of the league to order.
  • Conduct all meetings of the league.
  • Present necessary information to members during league meetings
  • Assist the Commissioner with prescreening potential new teams.
  • Give assessment of potential new teams.
  • Assist with the development of the league.
  • Assist with the playoff and championship game formats.
  • Review all league disciplinary reports and make assessment to the League commissioner.
  • Does not vote in league meetings.

League Vice President –Responsibilities shall include:

  • Assist President and Commissioner with scheduling all meetings of the league.
  • Assist Commissioner and President with the presentation of league information.
  • Assist with the prescreening of potential new teams.
  • Give assessment of potential new teams.
  • Assist with the development of the league.
  • Assist with the playoff and championship game formats.
  • Assist Commissioner with responsibilities with potential corporate sponsorships.
  • Assist with the discipline process of league violators
  • Responsible for making sure the teams have a website with current information.
  • Does not vote in league meetings.

League Secretary–Responsibilities shall include: