PAC Meeting: May 2014

Agenda Item:13.8

Australian Veterinary Association

Management of horned cattle species

Editorial amendments made – ready for voting for member comment, working group, discontinue (keep existing policy) or abstention


Further research in to the breeding of polled cattle and the use of methods for determining the carrier status for horn genes3 as alternatives to dehorning is needed.

Where the practice of routine disbudding or dehorning is necessary as a cattle husbandry procedure to improve herd welfare:

  • the procedure must be performed by a person who has the relevant knowledge, experience and skills, or is under the direct supervision of a person who has the relevant knowledge, experience and skills
  • cattle are disbuddedor dehorned as young as is practically possible, preferably undertwo months of age for disbudding, or if this is not possible, dehorned under six months of age
  • appropriate pain relief is used
  • appropriate restraint is used.

Tipping (rounding of the points) may be an acceptable alternative to dehorning in some circumstances.

Registered topical caustic chemicals for disbudding of dairy calvesshould only be used if calves are under 14 days of age and under close supervision2. The use of caustic chemicals in the beef industry is not recommended1.


Disbudding is the removal of the horn bud before it attaches to the skull.Dehorning is the removal of the horn once it has attached to the skull.

Dehorning and disbudding of cattle are painful procedures. They are practised to minimise bruising and injuries that cattle cause each other, especially during handling. This contributes to the welfare of the cattle and high standards of beef quality and food safety. Dehorning also reduces the risk of injury to handlers.

  1. The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) recommends the breeding of polled cattle, but consideration must also be given to other genetic factors to avoid negative impacts on fertility and growth rates.
  1. In the meantime, cattle should be dehorned as young as is practically possible, preferably under two months of age, when the horn bud has not attached to the skull.
  1. Cattle management systems and the differences between northern and southern Australia, weather conditions and insect activity must be factored in to the timing of dehorning procedures and anypreventative measures needed to minimise infection and flystrike (Myiasis).
  2. Provide analgesia and anaesthesia.

5. Dehorning instruments:[Table reproduced from the Meat Livestock Australia, MLA, A Guide to Best Practice husbandry in beef cattle MLA/Cattle Council 2007]

Which dehorning instrument1?
The dehorning instrument used will depend on
the age of the calf:
• hot iron – under two months old
• dehorning knife – 2–3 months old
• scoop dehorners – 2–6 months old
• cup dehorners – 2–6 months old
Animals over six months old- horn tipping only*
• guillotine dehorners
• surgical wire
• tippers
• horn saw
*Horn tipping only unless under the direction of aveterinarian.
Caustic dehorning chemicals must not be used in beef cattle.
Removing horns with tools such as axes and
hammers is completely inhumane, and is not
  • permitted.

In cattle over six months of age, guillotine dehorners or embryotomy wire must only be used for dehorning, under the direction of a veterinarian with suitable restraint, appropriate analgesia and anaesthesia, and suitable postoperative wound management.

Dehorning of cattle over 12 months of age is not recommended, and is illegal under some State and Territory legislation unless undertaken by a veterinarian.

Dairy Calves

The welfare of the dairy calf must be considered when using caustic chemicals and must only be used on calves:

1) under fourteen days of age

2) that are dry, and

3) that can be kept dry for 12 hours after treatment2.

4) are not being reared on cows


Unless the procedure is performed under heavy sedation, cattle to be dehorned must be appropriately restrained. E.g. Using a dehorning cradle.

Minimising stress and pain

Dehorning should be carried out as efficiently and quickly as possible to minimise handling and associated stress. Analgesia, sedation and local anaesthetic should be used to minimise pain and stress. In some circumstances, such as when the horn buds are small, use of anaesthesia may not be required because it could entail more stress on the animal.

Cattle should be in good body condition, well hydrated and rested before surgery and should be allowed to recover, for at least 12 hours, before rehandling.


Cattle should be handled quietly pre- and post-operatively, and monitored for any persistent bleeding after the operation. Measures should be taken to prevent postoperative sinusitis and flystrike (myiasis). Bleeding and myiasis can be minimised by dehorning during cool weather, or during the cooler parts of the day. Dehorning should not be conducted in hot weather,but rather be undertaken in the cooler months of the year where possible, and thus minimise the stress associated with the procedure.

Other recommendations

The persons involved with dehorning procedures and breeding cattle should maintain their knowledge of modern techniques and advances in polled breed selection.


1. A Guide to Best Practice husbandry in beef cattle MLA/Cattle Council 2007.

(Accessed April, 2014)

2. Davis, K. 28 March, 2011. Paste Disbudding of calves – Report prepared for Dairy Australia.

3. The Australian Poll Gene Marker Test - Factsheet. MLA

4. Loxton, I.D., Toleman, M.A & Holmes, A.E. The effect of dehorning Brahman crossbred animals of four age groups on subsequent bodyweight gain. Australian Veterinary Journal, Vol 58, May, 1982.

5. Faulkner, P.M. and Weary, D.M. Reducing pain after dehorning of dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science,[2000] 83: 2037 – 2041

6. Graf, B. & Senn, M. Behavioural and physiological responses of calves to dehorning by heat cauterization with or without local anaesthetic. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 62 (1999) 153 – 171.

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Date Draft 1:08/01/2014

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Date Amended:2 October 2014 (automatic – do not enter)