Christ United MethodistChurchMission Trip Covenant
- I will remember who we are - persons of faith, answering God's call, representing ChristUnitedMethodistChurch and the Appalachian Service Project.
- I understand that this trip is not a date. I understand that expressions of romantic affection are not appropriate on this trip. I will not put myself or others in an embarrassing situation. I know that girls are not allowed in the boy's room and that boy's are not allowed in the girl's room.
- I will show respect for everyone I encounter on this trip - adult leaders, JC's, all youth, other volunteers, center staff, families I serve and members of the community.
- I will obey all ASP rules pertaining to lights out and bedtime, appropriate work and center attire, center chores and care for the center, and all other rules noted by the center staff.
- I will not use profanity, abusive language, derogatory comments and put downs.
- I understand that illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco are not allowed on this trip.
- I will participate in all group activities, devotions, meetings and gatherings.
- I will be on time for all group activities, gatherings and departures.
- I will obey bus rules. All body parts must remain in the bus at all times. I will be respectful to others on the bus, other travelers, and the BUS DRIVER (Safety is important). I will keep the bus and van clean at all times.
- I will limit luggage to one suitcase and one carry-on.
- I will work hard, have fun while working, play hard when the time is right and enjoy the opportunity to help others with love as my guide.
I understand that if I break the mission trip covenant, consequences will be determined by the seriousness of the transgression. Youth leaders have the option of sending me home at my parent's/guardian's expense.
Youth Signature (Date) Parent/Guardian Signature (Date)