Paraeducator – Concentration: Early Childhood PK-3
Self-Assessment Rubric
Form A
Paraeducator’s Name:School:
Grade Level Assignment:
The primary purpose of this self-assessment is to encourage the Paraeducator to take an active role in his/her own professional development by:
- Critically reflecting on his/her own progress
- Developing clear and specific plans for continues professional growth with professional readings, professional development/workshop participation, critical learning logs, and portfolio review conference.
The instructor will use this information to assist the Paraeducator in achieving these professional goals throughout the certification process.
Directions: Complete the following self-assessment at the beginning of the class and as frequently as directed by the instructor. Mark columns with date of input. Reflect on your perceived skill level on the competencies/standards and plans for continues growth.
Self-Assessment Rubric
Form A
Paraeducator’s Name: / Date:Competency/Standard / Uncomfortable
(1) / Somewhat Comfortable
(2) / Developing
(3) / Very Comfortable
EC-1: Reinforce skills, strategies, and activities involving individuals and small groups.
Reflection and plans for continued growth:
Competency/Standard / Uncomfortable
(1) / Somewhat Comfortable
(2) / Developing
(3) / Very Comfortable
EC-2: Participate as a member of the team responsible for developing service plans and educational objectives for parents and their children.
Reflection and plans for continued growth:
Competency/Standard / Uncomfortable
(1) / Somewhat Comfortable
(2) / Developing
(3) / Very Comfortable
EC-3: Listen to and communicate with parents in order to gather information for the service delivery team.
Reflection and plans for continued growth:
Competency/Standard / Uncomfortable
(1) / Somewhat Comfortable
(2) / Developing
(3) / Very Comfortable
EC-4: Demonstrate knowledge of services provided by health care providers, social services, education agencies, and other support systems available to support parents and provide them with the strategies required to gain access to these services.
Reflection and plans for continued growth:
Competency/Standard / Uncomfortable
(1) / Somewhat Comfortable
(2) / Developing
(3) / Very Comfortable
EC-5: Demonstrate effective strategies and techniques to stimulate cognitive, physical, social, and language development in the student.
Reflection and plans for continued growth:
Competency/Standard / Uncomfortable
(1) / Somewhat Comfortable
(2) / Developing
(3) / Very Comfortable
EC-6: Gather information as instructed by the classroom teacher about the performance of individual children and their behaviors, including observing, recording, charting, and share information with professional colleagues.
Reflection and plans for continued growth:
Competency/Standard / Uncomfortable
(1) / Somewhat Comfortable
(2) / Developing
(3) / Very Comfortable
EC-7: Communicate and work effectively with parents and other primary caregivers.
Reflection and plans for continued growth:
Overall Reflections:
- I need more help in these areas:
- I am the most successful in these areas:
- I feel that I need to focus most immediately on improvement in the following areas: