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BIEN 501, Spring 2004

Course Schedule

Course Rules

Course Outline:

Note 1: Reading must be completed before the following lecture. I.e. you must read the “Handout on Vector Relations,” §1.1 and Appendix A.1 before class on the 10th.

Note 2: Homework is due on the day listed. I.e., the problems in the “Handout on Vector Relations” must be turned in on March 10th.

Date / Topics / Reading / Problems Due / Lecture Concept
Wednesday, March 8 / Syllabus and Introduction; Stagnation Point Flow; Motion; Continuum vs. statistical approaches; Pathlines, streamlines and streaklines / 1. Handout on vector relations (Word Version)
2. §1.1
3. Appendix A.1 / Show how stagnation point flow leads to specific pathlines, streamlines and streaklines.
Friday, March 10 / Particles in stagnation flow. Reference frames; Gas transport in the lungs. Conservation of mass; The (Reynolds) transport theorem. / §1.2-1.3
Appendix A.2
Appendix A.3
Appendix B / 1.  Handout on vector relations (see March 8).
2.  Signoff sheets due. / Give equations for particle motion in stagnation point flow. Show how this relates to reference frames. Show Transport theorem for the filling of an alveolus.
Monday, March 13 / Homework Grading; Couette Flow. Jump mass balance. Differential mass balance & Stream functions. / Appendix A.4
§2.1-2.3 / Homework 2 Due. / Show how the equation for Couette flow obeys the differential mass balance equation. Refer back to stagnation point flow to show that the stream functions fulfill conservation of mass.
Wednesday, March 15 / Poiseuille Flow, Stokes Flow, Curvilinear Coordinates. Types of forces. Momentum & Moment of Momentum Balance. The Stress Tensor. / Appendix A.5, Vectors and Geometry Handout / Use shell balance on Poiseuille flow to obtain momentum equation. Obtain momentum eq. via differential balance (Cartesian). Motivate change of coordinates through Poiseuille and Stokes flows. Show components of the stress tensor in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates.
Friday, March 17 / Differential and jump momentum balances. Symmetry of the stress tensor. / Appendix A.6, Appendix A.8.1, Appendix A.9.1 / ???
Monday, March 20 / Homework Grading. Newtonian fluids, Bingham plastics (toothpaste, blood), Corn starch mixture. Behavior of materials. Constitutive equation for stress, Generalized Newtonian fluid. / Appendix A.11 §2.4 (pre/re-view the equations).
§3.1-3.2.2 / Homework 3 Due / Demonstrate different behaviors of water, toothpaste and cornstarch in water. Show how these behaviors are modeled through the stress tensor.
Wednesday, March 22 / Complete solutions for flow in a tube and flow of a generalized Newtonian fluid in a tube / MatLab Tutorial,
§3.2.3-3.2.4 / Straightforward
Friday, March 24 / Complete Solutions: Tangential Annular Flow Wall That is Suddenly Set in Motion / §3.2.5, 3.3-3.3.2
Partial Differential Equations / Straightforward
Monday, March 27 / Homework Grading. Complete Solutions: Rotating Meniscus & Creeping Flows – Cone-Plate Viscometer; / §3.4 (all) / Homework 4 Due / Straightforward
Wednesday, March 29 / Bernoiulli equation. Potential flows. Review / Review:
1. Last Year’s Midterm
2. Solutions
Friday, March 31 / Exam 1 (Covers through §3.2) / §3.5 – 3.5.2
Monday, April 3 / Review of Exam. Boundary layer theory – flat plate. / Womersley Handout
Wednesday, April 5 / Womersley Flow / §3.6
April 7 / Stability / §5.1 – 5.2 & 5.4
Monday, April 10 / Energy: Energy Balances, Modes of Energy Transfer, and Differential and Jump Energy Balances; Entropy: / §6.1 – 6.2,
§6.3.3 / Homework 5 due.
Wednesday, April 12 / Conduction in Semi-infinite slabs, Flat Sheets, Rate of freezing (melting). / §6.4 – 6.5
Handout on Conduction from a Sphere
April 14 / Easter Holiday
Monday, April 17 / Easter Holiday
Wednesday, April 19 / Homework grading. Natural convection. No convection. Conduction from a sphere. / §6.7 – 6.7.3 / Homework 6 Due
April 21 / Heat transfer at a boundary layer. / §8.1-8.3
Monday, April 24 / Homework grading. Mass transfer introduction: Conservation of mass, momentum, moment of momentum, and energy, Entropy Inequality / §8.4 – 8.4.4 / Homework 7 Due
Wednesday, April 26 / Behavior of materials: Implications of entropy, Energy and mass flux vectors. Review
April 28 / Exam 2 / §8.4.5 – 8.4.8
Monday, May 1 / Review of Exam. Behavior of materials: Binary mixtures, Ideal solutions, Constitutive equations for the stress tensor, Rates of reactions. Equations of mass transfer. / 9.1 – 9.3.1
Wednesday, May 3 / Differential Balances in Mass Transfer: Energy and mass transfer analogy, Film Theory, Unsteady state evaporation / §9.3.4
Platelet Inhibitor Synthesis Model; and Platelet Agonist Release Model
May 5 / Differential Balances in Mass Transfer: Silicon oxidation; Platelet synthesis and release models. / §9.3.6 – 9.3.8
Monday, May 8 / Homework Grading.
Differential Balances in Mass Transfer: Forced Diffusion in Electrochemical Systems; Two and Three-Dimensional Problems / §9.4 – 9.4.3 / Homework 8 Due
May 10 / Differential Balances in Mass Transfer: Complete solutions for multicomponent systems (Two film theory, Evaporation, Metal oxidation) / §9.5 – 9.6.2
May 12 / Boundary Layer Theory; Forced Convection in Dilute Solutions – Diffusion with Reaction / Handout on Krogh Cylinder
Monday, May 15 / Krogh Cylinder / Review Materaials, Final Exam From 2004; Final Exam from 2005
Wednesday, May 17 / Review
Friday, May 19 / Final Exam