/ MSW Combustor Ash Landfill Application Checklist
Solid Waste Permit Program
Mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Doc Type: Permit Application

Purpose: This checklist has been developed as a guide for permit application preparers and reviewers in order to assist with the submittal of a substantially complete permit application. Thoroughly review all applicable rules, statutes and guidance documents for further details and requirements. Minnesota Rules can be found at: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/. All guidance documents can be found on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Solid Waste Publications webpage at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/lupg880.

Many items listed below must be discussed in depth within the permit application submittal package. Be sure to include the most recently updated information, drawings and plans. Previously submitted documents cannot be referenced; all necessary documents must be included in this package. The permit application submittals should discuss all applicable MPCA Guidance Documents; include justification if the facility does not follow the guidance provided.

Instructions for permit application preparers: The following checklist must be completed and included with a permit application for all MSW Combustor Ash Landfill disposal facilities. In the table below, indicate in the far left column the name and page number(s) of the document where the specified rule requirement is addressed. If the rule requirement does not apply, please indicate with “n/a” for not applicable. The permit application will be determined to be incomplete if there are any blank spaces in this column.

page number / Minn. R. citation / MPCA use only
Completeness review / Comments
Admin / Technical
7001. 3480, item B
Proposed capacity
7001.3480, item D
EAW/EIS status
7001.3480, item E(1)
Plans and engineering report describing liner system, leak detection, leachate collection and removal system
7001.3480, item E(2)
Plans and engineering report detailing run-off, run-on controls
7001.3480, item E(3)
Plans and engineering report describing the collection, conveyance, and holding facilities associated with run-off, run-on control systems
7001.3480, item E(4)
Plans and engineering report detailing wind dispersion control
7035.2665 to 7035.2805
Financial assurance
7035.2885, subp. 3
Description of Ash and other wastes
7035.2885, subp. 4(A to E)
Description of how to meet MLCL requirements and assessment of ash testing results and ash leachate analysis to include:
1. calculations of “results”
2. assessment of trends
3. description of anticipated changes
page number / Minn. R. citation / MPCA use only
Completeness review / Comments
Admin / Technical
7035.2885, subp. 6
7035.2885, subp. 7
7035.2815, subp. 3(A to D)
Hydrogeological evaluation
7035.2815, subp. 3(E)
Phase I hydrogeologic evaluation
7035.2815, subp. 3(F)
Phase II hydrogeologic evaluation
7035.2815, subp. 3(G)
Phase II hydrogeologic evaluation report
7035.2815, subp. 3(H)
Phase III hydrogeologic evaluation
7035.2815, subp. 3(I)(1)
Phase IV hydrogeologic evaluation work plan
7035.2815, subp. 4
Groundwater performance standards
7035.2885, subp. 8
Groundwater performance standards
7035.2885, subp. 9
General Design Requirements
7035.2815, subp. 5(A) Engineering report
7035.2815, subp. 5(B)
Phase development
7035.2815, subp. 5(D)
Surface water drainage
7035.2815, subp. 5(E)
Design and maintenance of slopes and drainage ways
7035.2815, subp.5(F) Sedimentation pond
7035.2815, subp. 5(G)
Final contours
7035.2885, subp.10
Cover System
7035.2885, subp.11
7035.2885, subp.12
Cover and liner material evaluation
7035.2885, subp. 13
Leachate detection, collection, and treatment
7035.2885, subp. 14
Construction requirements
7035.2885, subp. 15
Operations and maintenance requirements
page number / Minn. R. citation / MPCA use only
Completeness review / Comments
Admin / Technical
7035.2885, subp. 16
Groundwater, surface water, and leachate sampling and analysis
7035.2885, subp. 17
Contingency action plan
7035.2885, subp. 18
Closure and postclosure care
Combustor ash testing requirements

www.pca.state.mn.us • 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 • TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats

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