ERGC BOD MEETING August 1 2017
Board of Directors Present
President - Mike Roberts Present
Vice President –Joe ScheelPresent
Secretary - Gregg FergusonAbsent
Treasurer - Ed PowellPresent
Membership Secretary - Terry ByronPresent
Public Relations - Perry BankesterPresent
Webmaster - Melinda HansenPresent
Registered Agent - Phil KraemerPresent
Member at Large- Rick MacCronePresent
Member at Large-John Mercer Absent
Parliamentarian-Maxine McDanielPresent
Range Master-Perry Byron Sr.Present
Membership Present 25 plus BOD
- Meeting Opened By Mike Roberts President.
- Welcome new members and guests
- Mike Roberts discussed parameters if how meeting will operate.
- Pledge of Allegiance led by Mike Roberts. Prayer offered by Rick MacCrone.
- Approval or Adjustment of Minutes: Full dated added. Approved
- Board Reports
- Treasure’s Report : See attached
- Secretary’s Report and approval of June’sminutes: Minutes ratified as previously distributed. Although a motion was called for and seconded and result was in the affirmative, there was no need for a motion in this matter.
- Membership Report See Attached
- PR Report Perry Bankester reported that they will be visiting the vary businesses in town now that Stephanie VanZandt was back in town and they had business cards in hand they will pursue building mutual beneficial relationships with these businesses. Mike Roberts states that in the past we have had good relationships with these businesses however over the past few years there has been no follow up.
- Webmaster Report: Melinda Hansen Reports that Survey Monkey results were 259 in favorand 11against reverting to C7. This ran for 3 weeks ending 7/31/2017. Brittany with VelociFox has started building the website. The week of August 16th-25th will be preliminary testing of the sight. This new page will have full branding of ERGC and will be up to date in technology and be interactive. We will also have a place to archive our reports/documents. It will also allow for renewals online and a SQL database. It was asked if there was a member only section on this new sight, Melinda responded that the old site had password protection, but it does not have to have this on the new site, allowing both members and public to see records.
- Range Report See attached Perry Byron states that minutes from Ergc and Erml are being kept in books at the range. The drainage on range 6 is being remediated and moving forward. Range 5 has a drainage problem behind the range; we are putting culverts in and a load of rock to prevent erosion. As soon as Range 5 berg is raised one more level of tires it will be completed. On range 6 and 7 they have a lot of dirt to move still. We have a pole there on the ground for power and Perry will be contacting gulf power to drop the line. We are in need of a licensed electrician to hook up that pole. We also need to pull a permit. Perry also reports he had to call Anthony’s Septic Service who had initially installed the septic tank. The filter was stopped up and the tank was pumped. It should work fine now. This cost us $325.00. It was also stated that we need a set of forks for the new Kubota tractor that will cost $516.00. A motion was made to purchase the forks by Rick MacCrone and seconded by Terry Byron and motion carried. John Hill smith with IDPA asked concerning range 6 and 7 that the way the range was situated he felt it was unsafe to shoot on range 6. He is worried about someone on range 5 shooting someone on range 6. Charlie Miller stated he designed the range and there are 4 layers of tires covered by dirt in the berms and there is no way a bullet will go through the berg. It was stated that we will be raising the berms by two more rows. John asked since range 6 and 7 will be locked who will be using it. Mike Roberts stated that it will be used by disciplines that will be providing their own RSO. John asked if they have a RSO can they use range 6 and 7. Mike said that they can certainly be brought to the safety committee. Melinda stated that our RSO cannot see ranges 6 and 7 that if they submit the proper training materials and insurance to the safety committee and they approve it there will be no objection. Larry Leveron said that the RSO cannot be shooting while serving as RSO and proper cleanup would be necessary. Mike Hoffman certified by IDPA as a safety officer. He states that all the RSO do shoot in the competition but there is always one RSO who is on duty and not shooting at the same time as the others. Mike Roberts asked if they had certificates as RSO from IDPA. The answer being affirmative that they simply need to present their training plan to the safety committee. Mike Hoffman said he thought it was weak that our RSO cannot supervise range 6 and 7. It was reiterated that our RSO cannot see or supervise ranges 6 and 7 due to distance and lack of direct sight. It was asked what the layout for shooting bays would be. Mike stated that the disciplines will need to decide what is appropriate for them and to settle on a plan. Mike said that ERGC has done all they are going to do on those ranges and it will be upto the disciplines that use 6 and 7 to finish them. All ranges must be oriented and shot North and South.
- Unfinished Business
- Survey Monkey concerning membership vote to revert to C7 or remain C4 voting was 259 in favor of reverting to C7 and 11 votes to remain c4. BOD will be filing papers to change status back to c7.
- MOU Postponed until we are officially a C7 corporation again.
- By Law Change concerning how to terminate a member. Gregg Ferguson was to rewrite and distribute new bylaws. Terry Byron reported that Gregg has done so.
- Range 5
- Needs a load of gravel
- Needs a gate Perry will take care of putting up the gate.
- Email Vote to spend an additional $1,700 to increase height of berms on range 5. Motion carried needs to be Ratified (See Attached)
- Email Motion to secure a CPA to review how we transfer funds from ERGC to the c-3. Motion carried needs to be ratified. Bob Dandridge for up-date. (See attached)
- Appoint an administrative committee to complete the c-7 application and to adjust by-laws to accommodate the c-7. Terry Byron volunteered to chair this committee and Melinda Hansen and Terry suggested that we ask for two members of c3 to help on committee. They will consult with Maxine McDaniel’s to make sure they follow proper parliamentarian procedures.
- Stay at Asbury or move back to Village Inn. It was decided to keep meetings at Asbury. It costs us $50.00 per month. Melinda Hansen reports that she tried to find other accommodations however nothing would meet our requirements.
Open meeting for membership input. There was a lengthy discussion concerning the fees charged to the disciplines and their responsibilities concerning range 6 and 7. The cowboys have a contract that has been in effect since 2014 and should continue to be recognized.
Meeting Adjourned.
Minutes Distributed for Correction on 11August2017
Minutes Corrected on 12August 2017
Minutes Distributed as Final on 12August2017
Minutes Certified 12August2017
Gregg A. Ferguson
Ergc Secretary