To enrich the community and promote a healthy lifestyle, by facilitating the creation of a network of public trails and greenways.
● To promote the importance of greenways and trails to the quality of life within the community.
● To plan for and facilitate the development, implementation and improvement of a greenway and trails network within Shawano County and adjacent areas for recreation and alternative transportation.
● To sponsor and provide various opportunities for healthy outdoor activities for all ages.
Meeting Date and Place:
Tuesday –August 11, 2015 Shawano County Courthouse Meeting Room A 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Facilitator / Greg SturmNote Taker / Lenore Behnke
Members Present / Board Members:
Lenore Behnke, Nancy Brown-Koeller, Brad Holz, Dave Koeller, Matty Mathison, Dave Schmidt, Nancy Schultz, Greg Sturm, Maxine Williams
Assistant Officers/Committee Chairs (have Voting Rights): Jerry Czech, Mary LaMarche
Advisory Board: Friends and guests:
Chuck Gueths, Michael Johnston, Lori Kagerbauer, Janet Lewellyn, Glen Westphal
Members Absent / Board Members:
Assistant Officers/Committee Chairs (have Voting Rights): Advisory Board:
Dennis Heling, Matt Hendricks, Christa Hoffman, Mr. Lucky (Ervin Steinke), Keith Marquardt, Jay Moynihan, Dave Pofinbarger, Eddie Sheppard, Carrie Verkuilen :
Welcome/Review & Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting Greg Sturm, President
Greg S. called the meeting to order and sent around the attendance sheet. It was determined that a quorum of the Board members was present. Greg welcomed and thanked everyone for attending. Members reviewed the July 14, 2015 Shawano Pathway meeting minutes. Dave Schmidt made a motion to approve the minutes and Dave Koeller seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Gail Bartz who was the treasurer has resigned from the board. Nancy Schultz who was the secretary is now the acting treasurer. Dave K and Nancy S. closed books with Gail B. and signed a statement saying books were in order. Gail Bartz may help as necessary.
New board members -- Brad Holz who will be the new webmaster; Lenore Behnke who is the acting secretary -- were introduced. All other board members introduced themselves.
Jenny Wegner will work with getting volunteers for the Bike the Barn Quilt bike ride in September.
Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report Nancy Schultz (Treasurer)
Discussion / Nancy S. shared Gail’s treasurer’s report.Gail Bartz who was the treasurer has resigned from the board. Nancy Schultz who was the secretary is now the acting treasurer. Dave K. and Nancy S. closed books with Gail B. and signed a statement saying books were in order.
Matty M. made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Dave S. seconded the motion.
Conclusions / Motion passed.
Action Items / None.
1. Yellow Park to Park Loop--Christa Hoffman
2. Shawano Pathways Map Holders--Maxine Williams
3. Paddle and Pedal Summary Report--Nancy Schultz
4. Born Learning Trail Project--Matty Mathison
5. Safe Routes to School--Nancy Schultz
6. Liability Insurance--Greg Sturm
7. Annual Meeting--Jerry Czech
8. Bike the Barn--Matty Mathison
9. Master Bike Plan--Nancy Brown-Koeller
10. Mason Woods--Carol Wagner
11. Cecil Chamber of Commerce--Greg Sturm
1. Discover Wisconsin
2. Issues, Ideas and Concerns
OB Item 1 Yellow Park to Park Loop--Greg Sturm
Discussion / Christa H. had deadline for Yellow Route approval by July 24, 2015. Full county Board meeting August but deadline was not met. Still working with County Board on agreement. Christa and Tony Kordus are emailing to work with attorney for review of agreement-specifically to sure agreement is legally good for Pathways. Discussed funding for the attorney to review the document. Discussion DaveS. and Greg S. county and Pathways to work on general agreement usable for next contracts. Yellow Loop is County Land. Farmer has the right to crops.
Conclusions / Nancy B.K made a motion to authorize Greg S. to meet and hire attorney to review draft for Yellow Loop with funds not to exceed $1,000.00. Second by Matty. Motion carried.
Action Items / Forward to next meeting for discussion.
Dates moved back to meet Sept 23 with County Board. Greg responsible for meeting with attorney.
OB Item 2 Liability Insurance -Nancy B.K.
Discussion / Todd Doberstein unable to be present at this meeting due to another commitment. Todd to come to September meeting. Two proposals both the same price-Liability and Board of Directors insurance. Need liability for Bike the Barn Quilts and biking pathsConclusions / Motion by Nancy B.K. to accept Hometown Ins proposal for $400.00 Liability ins. Second by Maxine. Motion carried.
Action Items / Forward to next meeting for discussion.
* Todd Doberstein to come to next meeting to discuss insurance
OB Item 3 Change in Board Membership -Greg Sturm
Discussion / Gail Bartz has resigned but will continue to help as needed with the transition of her duties to other members. Brad Holz will be the new web master; Nancy Schultz, former secretary, is now the treasurer; see previous note about reviewing treasurer’s books; Lenore Behnke has assumed the secretary position; Jenny Wagener will work the volunteers.Conclusions / Motion by Nancy B.K. to accept Michael Johnston Lenore and Brad as committee, officers, chairs with voting rights. Second by Matty. Motion carried
Action Items / None.
OB Item 4 Born Learning Trail Project-Matty Mathison
Discussion / Mission accomplished and bills have been paid to date. Eberline and Kuckuk park have been completed. Sept 16, 2015 will be the Grand Opening at Kuckuk Park from 1-6:00 P.M. Many schools and preschools from both Shawano and Mem. County involved with the projects. Mielke Family gave a $12,000.00 donation. Also discussed at this time was the Wescott Lake Route. Blacktop part of the Wescott route. Need to purchase some signs and Crawford’s have donated some money for that. Discussed involving Curt Black Rd. Could possibly move some of the funds to the Yellow Loop.Conclusion / People are enjoying the new trails
Action Items / Forward to next meeting for discussion.
* Matty to send list of groups involved
OB Item 5 Safe Routes to School--Nancy Schultz
Discussion / Hillcrest School. Make the level where the parents drop off children staff parking and the other drop off area for children. Crossing on Waucheon St. Create like a bike path or destination path painted on the street where children can walk Road will not be repaired until 2019. Need to have bike path lines on both sides of the street. Reduce speed to 25 miles an hour from Elizabeth St to BConclusions / St. James and Sacred Schools very much want to increase safe walking program.
Action Items / None
OB Item 6 Visitors Guide -- Nancy B.K.
Discussion / Dead line for Guide is October 20, 2015. Cost is $405.00 for half a page and full page is $995.00. Shawano Pathways and Bike the Barn Quilts together. Need to check the web page; also talk with Tim at Mountain Bay Outfitters to possibly work with him. Also discussed possibly having a hike the small barn quilts for walkers with having a food station at Sturgeon Park. Have a drawing of a small barn quilts. Contact Sandra KingConclusions / Matty to talk with Patty at the Chamber
Action Items / Forward to next meeting for discussion.
OB Item 7 Bike the Barn Quilts--Matty Mathison
Discussion / Maps cost less than $1000.00 and no sponsors listed can be contacted for 2 years. Nancy and Kiera worked some of the ads to make them more attractive. Everyone who comes to the event will get a map. Jerry, Jeanie, Matty folded maps and Maxine will fold the rest. Thank you all.Discussed Face book with Nancy and Brad. Dave K. Will put 18 Bike the Barn Quilt Signs around Shawano. Signs are 18” X 24”. Locations to be noted so they can be picked up and reused again next year. Signs to be put up 30 days before the event. Cost will be $189.00. Matty explained the money for signs came from ads that Silence Sports did not publish for two years. Silence Sports will do story on Face book and larger ad to compensate. Jerry took large banners to Shawano Printing for date change. Also received a donation of $20.00 from Shawano Printing
Conclusions / Coming along
Action Items / Forward to next meeting for discussion.
OB Item 8 Annual Meeting--Jerry Czech
Discussion / Discussed speaker options. Fred Krema, who rode from Milwaukee to Shawano when he was 12 years old back in 1940. Another possibility is a biker who rode across the United States. Will give speaker an honorary membership in Pathways.Conclusions / Active project
Action Items / Forward to next meeting for discussion.
OB Item 9 Master Bike Plan--Nancy Brown-Koeller
Discussion / Fun Quiz given on first section. Discussion of Mountain Bay Trail signage on west side of ShawanoConclusion / Board Members reviewed assigned material.
Action Items / None.
OB Item 10 Mason Woods--Greg Sturm
Discussion / Meeting scheduled with “Boss”. Trail goes through Mason Woods. Join the Nabor Rd and Birchwood Rd would keep bikers off County Trunk R.Conclusion / Work in progress
Action Items / Forward to next meeting for discussion.
OB Item 11 Cecil Chamber of Commerce
Action Items / Forward to next meeting for discussion.
NB Item 1 Discover Wisconsin--Matty
Discussion / ● Will be filming bikes, canoes and kayakers so wear appropriate clothing.● Thank you to Tilleda Advancement Club for their annual Soggy Bottom 5K RUN/WALK
Action Items / None.
NB Item 2 Issues, Ideas, and Concerns
Discussion / ● Breakfast Club Date?● Health Fair at Zion Church on October 17, 2015
○ Will need one to two volunteers
Conclusions / None.
Action Items / Forward to next meeting for discussion.
Matty made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Greg 2nd it. Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting date: will be on September 8, 2015 at the Courthouse Room A. 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Lenore Behnke, Interim Secretary