President Ron Mackie called the meeting to order at 12:20 pm

Attending the Meeting were:

Executive Members: Ron Mackie, Rose Mackie, Rex Dorkings, Trena Ferrier and Aimee Bedell

House Representatives: Dave Reid

Absent: Patti Stephens, Kevin Smith, Pauline Brabant and Chris Anderson


A motion was put forward by Aimee Bedell, seconded by Rex Dorkingsto accept the agenda as presented. Carried.

A motion to accept the minutes from the November 26th, 2017 meeting as presented, by Rex Dorkingsseconded by Aimee Bedell. Carried


O5 “Pinboard” Newsletter

No newsletter has been posted to the O5 website as of the date of this meeting, therefore nothing to discuss at this time.

Huronia Newsletter

Aimee gave Ron a copy of the December newsletter to discuss.

Ron read December’s Newsletter –Youth Challenger winners listed as well as the Open winners. Booster Club tickets are on sale now - $20.00 each. Rose has the tickets with her for members to sell. Big news on the forefront of Huronia has been the perfect game by Anthony Mucci of Bayshore Lanes on Wednesday evening. There is a perfect game form in the Secretary’s handbook that had to be filled out which is quite detailed – brand name of his bowling balls, type of equipment that the game is bowled on, type of pins in use at the time, where was it bowled, league play, bowling hand. As Ron is President of Huronia, he must sign off on this form and submit it to John Cresswell at O5. Once John Cresswell signs off on it, it becomes officially sanctioned. A lot of required information to be a sanctioned perfect game.

Ad in Open Book

$25.00 to advertise Huronia in the Open book that is given out at the Open tournament during the Easter long weekend. Huronia has been purchasing the ad space for a number of years. Rose asked for approval to purchase ad space again. All approved.

Midland Perfect Game Shirt Form

Patti has ordered the shirt for the 400 club for Anthony. Ron wants to make sure it says Perfect Game on the shirt in red so it stands out. Ron also feels that Huronia should issue him a jacket as well for the perfect game. Rex informed the board that the jackets were $55.00 but may have gone up. Trena informed Ron and the board that in the Secretaries package that was given out at the beginning of the year, there was a poster for the 400/900/1000 club. On the form it says anyone bowling a perfect game in league play or any O5 sanctioned tournament, will receive a Huronia jacket. No vote was needed to approve the jacket as it’s documented in the Huronia paperwork. Discussions were had on how to get Anthony’s accomplishment out there for all to see. Pauline Brabant will be contacting the Midland Paper. Aimee will get a picture and forward it to Snapd Magazine and look into the Simcoe paper as well.


A Midland bowler entered the Open tournament this year, paying their entry fee for the 20 game tournament. This bowler proceeded to bowl the first 10 games in Midland but failed to show up for the last 10 games in Borden. Pauline Brabant approached RexDorkingsto see if it were at all possible for this bowler to receive a refund of $45.00 for the lineage fees in Borden that Huronia didn’t have to pay as this bowler didn’t show up. Rex advised Pauline that he would discuss it with the board at the meeting on December 17th. This issue was discussed at the meeting and it was decided that no refund would be approved to the bowler who chose not to show up. It is believed that you enter a tournament, you pay the fee for the tournament and if you fail to show up, you shouldn’t receive a refund. The $45.00 fee will be put towards fees associated with the open tournament.



At this time, Ron doesn't have any more to add.


Trena has nothing to say at this time. Ron asked Trena when the minutes for the last meeting went in. Trena wasn’t able to recall the exact time but informed Ron that they were sent in on time.

Coaching Co-Ordinator

Kevin was absent from this meeting. No report given. Aimee has noticed a couple of coaching courses posted in Mississauga and Hamilton but dates are unknown. Rose stated Margaret s trying to set one up as well in Newmarket.

Lane Certification

As previously mentioned, the criteria that Ron has on file comes in handy when filling out the forms for sanctioned games. Kind of important.


As Patti is away and unable to attend the meetings, she has forwarded her report to Trena to be read to the board.

All league scores for the month of November were submitted to Patti. She has gone through the awards for November and has emailed them to Trena to be printed off. Trena has printed them off and handed the awards out at the meeting.

Rose has requested pins for her league and they were left at the bowling center for her. As Patti understands it, Aimee will bring them to the meeting for Rose.

Anthony Mucci bowled a perfect game Wednesday night at Bayshore Lanes. Patti sent Anthony Smith the form for the 400 Club shirt to be filled out. Patti has since received the form and has ordered the shirt for Anthony Mucci.

In response to the last meeting minutes on page five under publicity, Patti had a statement to Ron regarding her Guys & Gals League. Patti wanted Ron to know that she posts the stats on the board every week and they are left up during league play. Patti has been running the league for over 30 years very successfully and doesn’t understand why she needs to be micromanaged now.

Ron responded back that they haven’t been seeing scores on the board until recently. He is concerned about publicity and only wants what is right for the game.

Rose wanted to discuss the pin situation. When she sent Patti her pin request, Rose was advised that a couple of her bowlers had already received the pins last year. Rose contacted Rhonda at O5 to ask her how the pins work. Rhonda responded back to Rose saying C5 rules are, if bowler is limited to receiving four awards per bowling season, this award is based on pins over current average and you must meet the following requirements - single game a minimum of 100 pins over their current average, triple 150 pins over their average. If a bowler gets a 250 this year, they are entitled to one again next year if they meet the requirements. Rhonda also sent this to Winnie who informed both Rhonda and Rose that her interpretation of the words is correct.

Rose wanted to bring it up to the board for the $0.95 we spend per pin - there is one particular bowler in her league who has a 130 average. She gets one pin one year then bowl’s like crazy to get another one next year but can’t get it because she already has it. Rose wants to know what the board thinks about going by the C5 rules and saying what you bowl one year, you pay the membership money, the next year it should start over again. Another gentleman in Rose’s league who won bowler of the month, was quite excited to also earn a pin and thought it was the best thing. Rex advised Rose it’s in black and white from C5 and O5 – he recommended Rose email Patti a copy so that she knows and can update her information. Rex stated that Patti is going by what she heard. Ron believes that maybe at one time we may have thought of the expenditures for the pins. The expenditures for the pins in our situation as a zone isnot really a problem as we have managed our financial situation in our zone extremely well. We can follow guidelines like that. We don’t have to be worrying about where the next buck is coming from because it’s been managed properly. We are financially sound as a zone. Ron believes that the pins are especially important for our lower average bowlers. For 120, 130 and 140 average bowlers to bowl a 230 and receive a pin is a great accomplishment for them whereas higher average bowlers may not be as excited as they bowl high games often.

Rex also recommended that the rules from C5 and O5 regarding the pins be given to all Secretaries.


A motion to go by the C5 rules for pins by Rose Mackie, seconded by Rex Dorkings. Carried.

Incentive Awards

Kevin sent in his report for the Open tournament and included Ron so he knew it was sent. Ron doesn’t require the actual reports but please let him know when you send in your reports to O5 so he knows that is has been sent.


Rose handed out the Booster tickets to those at the meeting. Tickets are $20.00 each and can be sold to non-bowler’s.

Trena suggested holding the booster club draw live on facebook. Aimee says she can film it and have it posted online.

Treasurer Report

John Cresswell sent Rose an invoice that should have been received in August, asking Rose to pay it right away.

Rose sent John a cheque for $152.84

The bank balance at the end of November was $13,868.81.

Deposits for December:

$5105.00Open Tournament

Withdrawals for December

$2276.95December Membership

$1270.03Youth Challenge

$111.19Pins invoice

$2245.54High Low

$2730.13Open invoice

With the credit note of $906.75, the total amount of money going out in December is $7,727.09 leaving the bank balance at $11,246.72 as of December 17th, 2017.

Upcoming withdrawals

January 1st balance of membership due as well as Executive assessment and Holiday Classic. Triples assessment will be due at the end of January.


A motion to accept the financial report as presented by Aimee Bedell, seconded by Dave Reid. Carried.


Aimee has emailed the Huronia newsletter to everyone, including O5. Aimee had problems last month submitting the newsletter to O5 due to Winnie and Sue’s mailboxes being full. Aimee was able to contact Sue about the mailboxes who then informed her she would take care of it. Aimee tried the next day but it still bounced back. An attempt a week later to send the newsletter was successful. Hopefully this slight problem doesn’t affect Aimee’s incentive points.


97 Tournament Members (62 Males & 35 Females)

285 Regular Members (135 Males & 150 Females)

25 Senior Members (13 Males & 12 Females)

3 YBC Under 18 (3 Males)

3 YBC Grads (2 Males & 1 Female)

29 Duplicate Members (20 Males & 9 Females)

442 Members Total (235 Males & 207 Females)

Tournament Director

Youth Challenge

The Youth Challenge Tournament was held at Georgian Bowl on November 26th, 2017. There were 21 bowlers (12 Men and 9 Ladies). Qualifying were:

Men’s Team: John Blatherwick, Dustin Coulter, JaxsonInglis, Christopher Blackman and Austin Leard. Alternate Jeremy Lindsay. Coach Paul Hewitt

Ladies Team: Tanya Blatherwick, Kayla MacDonald, Jessica Leard, Kendra MacDuffie and Emily DeGroot. Alternate Kaylen Bennett. Coach Mike Torraville.

Mixed Team: AJ Yeager, Geoffrey Maurice, Marlo Stewart-Priestley, Sierra DeLong and Kayla Jacobs. Coach Mel Hennigar

The Open

Huronia Open was held at Bayshore Lanes Midland and Circled Pine Lanes Borden. There were 44 Regular bowlers (27 Men & 17 Ladies) and 18 Senior Bowlers (11 Men & 7 Ladies) competing for a spot on a team. Qualifying for the Open are the following bowlers:

Men’s Team: Matt Coad, Andrew Wilkie, Taylor Hanley, Michael Chorney, Mike Torraville and Lino Tasca. Alternate Man Tyler Turner. Coach Aimee Bedell.

Ladies Team: Tracey Ormiston, Marlene Ladouceur, Mel Rogers, Lynne White, Morgan Glover and Monica Blatherwick. Alternate Mary-Ann Biersteker. Coach Marianne Corbet

Seniors Team: Joanna Twitchin, Peggy Ham, Carrie Dixon, Dave S. Reid, Mel Hennigar and Stephen Beattie. Alternate Lady Laurie Jellicoe. Alternate Man Les Ham. Coach Kevin Smith.

High-Low Doubles

There will be 44 teams at the zone roll off on January 7th, 2018 at Bowlerama.


Meeting Room

New Meeting Dates / Location:

January 21st, 2018 – 1:00pm – 3:00pm at Quality Inn Barrie (55 Hart Dr)

February 11th, 2018 – 1:00pm – 3:00pm at Quality Inn Barrie (55 Hart Dr)

March 18th, 2018 – 1:00pm – 3:00pm at Painswick Library – Massie Room

April 2018 – To Be Determined

Organized 5 Pin Bowling in Huronia

Ron strongly believes all board members should be on the same page when it comes to running and publicizing our game – all areas. Everyone should give an effort in all other areas and not just their chairs. Although Ron is membership chair, we should all be looking into membership as well. There are a lot of senior leagues in our zone and we are only scratching the surface. A lot of these leagues aren’t members of the zone and if everyone would work on getting them to join, our membership would grow and it would be beneficial to our zone and beneficial to 5 pin bowling. It is not easy to get people to sign up and we need to encourage them by telling them the benefits. There are lots of benefits to having more bowlers, tournaments, publicity, etc. The more bowlers we have, we will be more financially stable which means we can do more for our bowlers.


Motion to adjourn the meeting by Aimee Bedell, seconded by Rex Dorkings. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 2:12pm.


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, January 21st, 2018at Quality Inn Barrie (55 Hart Drive). This meeting will be held from – 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.

As recorded by Trena Ferrier, Secretary of H5PBA