
Thursday,October15, 2015

Bell 1


Any student who would like to be an altar server for Archbishop Chaput and serve Masses and important events at the Cathedral, please see Father Bongard.


Our Jostens representative was at RCHS on Friday, October 2nd to speak to our Junior class regarding their school rings and the process of ordering them. Information packets and order forms were distributed to the Junior class at this time. Our Jostens representatives will return tomorrow to collect ring orders during all lunches. Juniors are asked to ensure that you have examined the information packets and discussed this with your parents/guardians and remember to bring the necessary forms and fees on October 16th to give to the Jostens representative.A minimum deposit of $50 payable to JOSTENS is required at the time of order. In response to questions regarding the Shadowcast design, RCHS Juniors are permitted to order this. The pricing for Shadowcast is $335.


Underclassman yearbook portraits will be taken next week during all the lunch periods. Portraits will betaken in the gym. Order forms and information are being distributed in homerooms this week. Students are asked to bring these order forms and note containing information home and discuss with your parents/guardians.Please return your order form with themoney to the Lifetouch representative next week at the time yourportrait is taken.

-Freshmanportraits will be taken onTuesday, October 20.

-Sophomoreportraits will be taken onWednesday, October 21.

-Juniorportraits will be taken onThursday, October 22.

Students are reminded to ensure that your hair is neatlygroomed and that you are cleanly shaven.You will be required to have your portrait taken in your WINTER UNIFORM.Please rememberto wear shirt, tie, and sweater on theday that your portraits are scheduled.


REMINDER: Signups are stillavailable for the Open House being heldSunday, October 25that 11:00 AM. You must arrive by10:00 AMin your winter uniform. We are still in need of 20 additional Ambassadors to sign up. Please sign up in Mr. DiMartino’s office.


Soccer will travel to Judgethis Fridaynight for a triple header. This will be for the regular season title. Let's all come out and support the squad! Freshman at 3, JV at 5 and Varsity will be at7pm.

Varsity won 3-0Tuesdayat Wood. Senior Captain Mark Tobin had 4 saves for the shutout, his 10th of the season and 27.5 of his career. Senior Brandon Gutekunst scored a goal. Freshman Jared Dillonscored 2 goals, Senior AJ Umile had an assist. Junior Kieran Flaherty hadan assist, Sophomore Jared Dillon had an assist.

JV won 5-0Tuesdayat Wood. Junior goalie Jimmy White had 2 saves for the shutout. Freshman Jimmy Fallon scored a goal, Sophomore Michael Kehan scored a goal, Junior Matt Uholik scored a goal, Freshman Kieran Flaherty scored a goal and had an assist, Junior Captain Ryan Brennan scored a goal. Sophomore Joey Tarducci had an assist, Junior Junnell Appel had an assist.

Freshman won 2-0Tuesdayat Wood. Thomas Iarosis had 3 saves for the shutout. Michael Machioca had a goal, Eric Williams scored a goal, Captain Danny Hogan had an assist.

Freshman won at Egan 1-0on Wedafternoon.

Michael Machioca scored the only goal of the game. It was assisted by Eric GWilliams.
Goalie Tommy Iarosis saved 3 shots for the shutout.

Freshman Soccer is dismissed at 2:15 for their game against Archbishop Wood at Southampton.

There will be a mandatory Parent/Student meeting on Monday, October 26th at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria. This meeting is for both new and returning bowlers. All physical forms must be handed in to Mr. Eaves before delivery of your bowling ball.


The first Jr AOH meeting for the school year will be held nextTuesday October 20thimmediately following 8th period in Room 38. Anyone with an interest in community service and their Irish Heritage is encouraged to join. New members are always welcome.


Members of the Community Service Corps. will be selling wrist bands to celebrate World Food Day. Wristbands will be sold for $1 during all lunch periods beginning on October 16th. Proceeds benefit Cross Catholic Outreach, an organization that works with dioceses throughout the world to help the poor.


The Technology Club will meet in the library after school on Monday, Oct. 19. All are welcome!


Mass or a Communion Prayer Service will be celebrated in the school chapel at11:00 AMduring the week. Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays there will be Mass at11AM. Tuesdays and Wednesdays there will be a Communion Prayer Service at11AM. Anyone available at this time is welcome to attend.


Dr. Bell- 1st period to the library.

Ms. Wu- 6th period to the library.

Library closed 1st and 2nd period today.

UPCOMING SCHEDULE -Friday, October 16, 2015

Ring Orders Due

Bell 1

Please remember to always check the online calendar for the latest information and updates on events