School Self-Evaluation: Focus on Homework

Questionnaire for Teachers

Why do you give homework?

What type of homework do you give?

How often do you give homework?

How much time do you expect a student to spend on your homework over a period of a week?

How do you correct homework?

In class

Peer or self-assessment

Take up the work

What (on average) is the turn around time in terms of returning homework?

Next day

Within 3 days

Within a week

What kind of feedback do you give?




Do you differentiate homework (for students with special needs or to cover the range of abilities in the class)?

Do you use the school journal to communicate with parents?

Do you use it to communicate positive as well as negative messages?

What record of homework do you keep?

What approach do you take with students who don’t do homework?

Questionnaire for Students

(Note: It might be best to specify a number of subjects particularly in relation to question 4)

Think about the homework you do each evening:

How easy or difficult do you find it to complete this work?

Do you record all your homework in your school journal?

How often do you get homework in most subjects?

Every evening

Three times a week

Once a week

How often do you do all your homework?



Hardly ever

How much time do you spend on your homework each evening/ over a week?

How is your homework corrected?

In class

In pairs/groups

Teacher takes up work

How often does the teacher take up your work/copy?

How does your homework help you to learn?

When you get your work back are you happy with the feedback you receive?

Which of the following helps you to learn how to improve your work




What happens when you don’t do your work?

What could your teachers do to help you do your homework better?

Questionnaire for Parents

Do you think that your child gets an appropriate amount of homework per week?

How much time does your child spend on homework each evening/per week?

Where does your child complete their homework?

Is your child happy with the feedback he/she receives on his/her homework?

Does your child use the school journal to record their homework each day?

Do you find the student journal an effective means of communicating with your child’s teachers about homework?

How could the school improve its approach to homework?