12360 - 142 St. NW, Edmonton, AB T5L4X9
Phone (780) 427-4681 (Option 2) Fax (780) 427-6683
AB Toll Free 310-0000
Specialized Services for Students with Visual Impairments, Library Services


August/ September / 

 / Schools receive resources and equipment for the first day of class.
Schools receive a September Status report listing resources and equipment for each student not available for the first day of class.
Schools receive an Overdue notice for resources not returned or renewed at the end of June. / 
 / Submit requests for production of Alberta Education authorized texts required for 2nd semester. Provide print copies and a curriculum schedule as specified on the form. http://www.lrc.education.gov.ab.ca/pdf/ssvi/ssvi_request_for_production_form.pdf
Return or request to renew overdue resources. No renewals if the student is no longer in your school or there is a wait list.
November / 
 / Principals receive a form requesting to update each student profile.
Schools receive a 2nd Overdue notice for resources not returned or renewed following the September notice. / 
 / Principals return the updated student profiles. Fax 780 427-6683 to Attention: Library Services.
Return overdue resources or your Superintendent/designate will receive an invoice for the replacement costs.
January /  / Schools receive resources that were requested for 2nd semester. / n/a
May /  / Respond to school inquires for resources and equipment. Answer inquires from schools as part of regular library support to schools. / 

 / Submit requests for production of Alberta Education authorized student texts required for the new school year (see above link to form). Provide print copies and a curriculum schedule as specified on the Form.
Begin to place online requests for resources and equipment needed for the next school year.
Contact Library Services if you wish to transfer equipment for the new school year. Equipment can be transferred to another school only if the student remains within the same school authority (e.g. school board).
June / 
 / Schools receive a “Where Will Your Student Be In September…” yellow form.
Schools receive a Borrower Status notice package listing all resources and equipment on loan to students and due to be returned at the end of June. / 

 / Fill out and return the “Where Will Your Student Be In September…” form.
Return the resources listed on the Borrower Status notice. Other students will need them for the new school year.
Fax the Borrower Status notice if you are requesting to renew resources to keep over the summer and into the new school year. No renewals if the student is no longer in your school or there is a wait list.
July/August /  / Receive all returns, and proceed to fill requests for the 1st day of class for the up-coming school year. /  / Ensure all resources and equipment no longer used is returned for other students.
