East Linton Curling Club

Annual General Meeting

05 May 2014 @ 7.30 pm

Present – Gael Pollitt (President), Robert McGee (Vice President), Fiona Alderson (Secretary), Audrey Affleck, Dan Arrandale, Robin Aitken, Yvonne Aitken, Darren Kilfara, Bob Makin, Martin Melvin, Tom Middlemas, Ralph Musgrave, Paul Neison, David Northcott, Sandy Ross, Ian Tulloch, Angus Wilson, Alan White,

Apologies - David Affleck, John Black, Les Butlar, Sean Govan, April Govan, Andrew McCrone, Ian Wilson, Malcolm Punler. Joan Todd, Bruce Todd, June Wilson.

Minutes of last AGM

Read and agreed. Proposed by Darren Kilfarra, seconded by Alan White.

Matters arising from last meeting

·  The hand book is not on the web yet.

·  Gael visited Smeaton in Australia when he was there on holiday. He has a contact who he will communicate with to try to bring the 2 Smeatons together.

Presidents Report

Gael reported that he had thoroughly enjoyed his term as President of the club and thanked everyone for their continual support during his 4 years of office. He went on to report on the club competitions.

Internal competitions - All comps were very exciting with both the Hepburn and the Kidd Cup being decided on ends won and the Rattray League went to skips stones in the last end and the Points handicap had a tie for first place.

Province Knockout - ELCC beat Haddington in 1st round before losing to Dirleton in the semi-final.

Province Pairs – ELCC beat Markle OCS in 1st round but again lost to Dirleton in the high road Semi-final. The Doocot triumphed in the Low road with Chris Tabraham (skip) & Ian Donald, the Doocots first Province trophy – well done.

Swan Trophy – ELCC reached the final for the 2nd time in 3 years.

Treasurers report

In the absence of David Affleck the treasurer’s report was given by Ralph Musgrave (Independent Examiner of the accounts).

Proposed by Robin Aitken

Seconded by Bob Makin

David had asked for some items to be discussed as follows:

Late payment of ice money – the new committee should consider action for late payment of ice money, one member is constant offender and suggests strong action (banning?)

Membership and Development David’s points were read out by Ralph but there was no comment from attending members.

Risk Management – David points out that there is controversy in the village regards the old curling pond – David strongly recommends that ELCC make no declaration of ‘ownership’.

Robert McGee recommended a change of date for examination of the accounts to allow all monies to be entered into the relevant year.

Due to merger of MCC and ECC the costs have not been announced yet so the committee will agree next seasons charges.

Ralph Musgrave will continue as Independent Examiner of Accounts.

Election of Office Bearers

Incoming President – Robert McGee

Incoming Vice President – Martin Melvin, Proposed – Tom Middlemas, 2nd by Sandie Ross

Secretary – Fiona Alderson, Proposed - Ralph Musgrave, 2nd – Darren Kilfara

Treasurer – David Affleck, Proposed – Alan White, 2nd – Gael Pollit

Gents Representative – Darren Kilfara

Ladies representative – Joan Todd (need to confirm)

New Skips – Robert McGee, Robin Aitken and Dan Arrandale

Change of membership status

Reserve to full – Les Butler

Non-playing to reserve – Angela McCrone

New reserve – Maureen Dalgleish

New Full - ?? (chef from Crown!)

Changes to Comp/Rinks -.

Cairndinnis - keep progressive skip, deemed a success

Kidd Cup - Consider a way to have more games in the competition.

Hope Cup - a lot of discussion, most don’t like it but agree that they can’t come up with any alternative so have asked committee to try to find an alternative.

Outside Competitions

A questionnaire has been sent out to membership to ascertain curlers commitment to playing in these. Committee will decide if there enough curlers to enter.

Annual Dinner – Most enjoyed the Crown and agreed it was good to be back in the village so will use it again next year. The menu was not agreeable to all so care will be taken over menu choice.

The date of the next dinner will be agreed at the first committee meeting so that the date goes onto the fixture card.


Summer Outing – agreed to golf at Dunbar in August, to be arranged by Gael and Darren.

Robin Aitken asked that the first committee meeting be held early July as it was too late last year and difficult to have rinks arranged in time.

President thanked everyone for their continued support.

Meeting closed at 21:05