Singular to Plural (Rick Shur) Name(s)______

Rewrite the sentence. Change the bold words to plural,and make allother necessary changes.

  1. There's a glass on the table.
  2. Do you have a brush?
  3. Her tooth is broken. She should fix it.
  4. There was a goose in the yard.
  5. The town has a new post office.
  6. I met that man before. He's a rich banker.
  7. Which woman is with the president?
  8. This bad little child is mine.
  9. How big is your boy?
  10. This garage is too expensive.
  11. That mouse looks frightened.
  12. This person is not smart enough to work by himself.
  13. That country has a major flood every year.
  14. Her baby wants milk.
  15. Put that knife down! It's too sharp!
  16. This is a smart businessman.
  17. The roof on that building needs more work.
  18. An Italian chef knows how to cook spaghetti.
  19. This is a funny lady.
  20. I went to a small city in Europe.
  21. A book fell on my foot and now it hurts.
  22. This calf is crying for its mother.
  23. What kind of scarf does she want?
  24. There's onem in "Jimmy." (Change the word one to two.)
  25. Mr. Brown is painting his house. (Change this to mean the whole family.)
  26. Did you report the theft?
  27. The chef knows how to make a Chinese dumpling
  28. The child’s dog is dead.[Keep dog singular.]
  29. The boy’s sister is pretty.[Keep sister singular.]
  30. The woman’s boss is old.[Keep boss singular.]
  31. The boss loves his receptionist.
  32. Why is the leaf falling from the tree?
  33. The man kissed his wife.
  34. The zoo in this city is modern and clean.
  35. A rich businessman has to pay his tax.
  36. The switch is dirty.
  37. The match is wet. It isn’t lighting.
  38. The government of that country is corrupt.
  39. The teacher’stest is in a safe.
  40. The police chief hates that thief.
  41. The English class is canceled because the professor is sick
  42. The band played a waltz
  43. The studio is small and comfortable
  44. I found a shiny penny yesterday
  45. There is one e in coffee.[Change one to two.]
  46. There is one s in profession.[Change one to two.]
  47. There is a piano on the patio.
  48. The army is ready to fight for its country.
  49. I want a different potato. This is dirty.
  50. Which path goes to Mr. Cash’s house?[Make the house belong to all the Cashes.]

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