State Historic Preservation Board

April 8, 2013, 9:30 a. m.

One Constitution Plaza, 2nd Floor

Hartford, Connecticut



Present: Chairman Jared Edwards, Dr. Favretti, Ms. Saunders, Mr. Wigren, Dr. Curran, Dr. Feder, Mr. Goodheart

Staff: Stacey Vairo, Daniel Forrest, Laura Mancuso, Todd Levine

Absent: Dr. Tucker, Ms. Winters


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edwards at 9:31 am


Copies of the public comment procedures were available in the back of the room.


A motion was made by Dr. Feder, second by Mr. Wigren, to approve the minutes of January, 2013 as circulated. (Y-7, N-0)


A. The proceedings of the meeting, including all discussion on nominations, are recorded on digital audio, which is available at the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), One Constitution Plaza, 2nd Floor, Hartford, Connecticut. All registration forms are subject to changes made by the board and by the State Historic Preservation Officer. All properties were inspected by a member of the SHPO staff prior to the meeting.

Ms. Vairo reported that for nominations of individual properties, all property owners were notified by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the pending nomination sixty days prior to the meeting. For nominations of districts, the Chief Elected Official of the town or city was notified by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the pending nomination sixty days prior to the meeting. Property owners within districts of less than fifty properties were notified by regular mail of the pending nomination sixty days prior to the meeting. Public information meetings were offered to each city or town in which a district was proposed.

B. Completed National Register Nominations – Stacey

Vairo Reporting

1. Kensington Soldier’s Monument, Berlin (Criteria A and C)

Staff recommends the site for listing. No letters of support or objection were received. The consultant is Jordan Sorenson who spoke on the nomination. Professor Matthew Warshaurer, of Central Connecticut State University spoke in favor of the nomination.

A motion was made by Dr. Favretti, second by Mr. Wigren, the State Historic Preservation Board approved to list Kensington Soldier’s Monument, Kensington, Connecticut, on the National Register of Historic Places. (Y-6, 0-N)

2. Williams House, New Fairfield (Criteria A and C)

Staff recommends the site for listing. The consultant is Kate Ritter, who spoke on the nomination. No letters of support or objection have been received. The owners, Stacy Kenney and Dana Kenny spoke about their house.

A motion was made by Dr. Feder, second by Mr. Goodheart, the State Historic Preservation Board approved to list the Williams House, New Fairfield, Connecticut, on the National Register of Historic Places. (Y-6, N-0)

3. West End Southwest Historic District (Criteria A, C)

Staff recommends the site for listing. The consultant is Lucas Karmazinas, who spoke on the nomination. Three letters of support and no letters of objection were received. Tom Nenortas from Hartford Preervation Alliance spoke in support of the nomination.

A motion was made by Dr. Feder, second by Ms. Saunders, the State Historic Preservation Board approved to list the West End Southwest Historic District, Hartford, Connecticut, on the National Register of Historic Places. (Y-6, N-0)

4. Swift Factory Complex, Hartford (Criteria A and C)

Staff recommends listing of the resource. The consultant is Lucas Karmazinas who spoke on the nomination. No letters of support or objection were received.

A motion was made by Mr. Wigren, second by Ms. Saunders, the State Historic Preservation Board approved to list the Swift Factory Complex, Hartford, Connecticut, on the National Register of Historic Places. (Y-6, N-0)


After 47 years of service, Mr. John O. Curtis has resigned from the Review Board. A resolution was read in his honor and has been appended to these minutes as part of the permanent record.


Dan Forrest reported on the upcoming Disaster Recovery Assistance Grant to mitigate the effects of Hurricane Sandy.

VII. MOTION TO ADJOURN – a motion was made by Mr. Wigren and so moved. All in favor.

Next Board Meeting

Monday June 17at 9:30 a.m., One Constitution Plaza, Second Floor,

Main Conference Room.

Respectfully submitted by:

Stacey Vairo, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer

State and National Register Coordinator