APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Steve Kirkham, Secretary
Stephen Epstein, John Lyne, Steven Harris, Rachel Addison, Christine Monk, Geraldine Lawton, Julie Hatchell, Mohammed Bhuta, Sohail Hakim, Bob Wood, Michael Prais
John Anderson, Arif Ali, Martin Berry, Robert Brown, Nigel Burgess, Lindsey Flynn, Robert Glass, Clare Haggerty, Steve Kirkham, Yan Lam, Tony McGrail, John Maloney, Una Martin, Alicia Marshall, Asif Masood, Mike Mellor, Alan Miller, Imran Mohammed, Mohsin Mohammed, Catherine Park, Kishor Patel, Martin Saunders, Paul Showman, David Smith, Margaret Smith, Stephen Speilmann, Stuart Totten, Ian Wallwork, Nick Wallwork, Craig Wilkinson, Lorna Young.
The Minutes from the last meeting were distributed to the group; Alan Miller noted one minor mistake under the Treasurers report “It is extremely important to send images to Martin” this related to OCT images.
The remainder of the minutes were recorded as correct and a true record; all agreed; proposed by Ian Wallwork and seconded by Nick Wallwork; there were no matters arising from the minutes.
Steve Kirkham gave a brief report on meetings he has attended in the past year. Steve and Robert attended The National Optical Conference (NOC) which is the conference for Local Optical Committees (LOCs), optometrists, opticians and optometric advisors. It is organised by AOP, on behalf of LOCSU and the Optical Confederation, the event provides an unrivalled opportunity to find out the latest news about enhanced eye services and to share knowledge and network with colleagues from around the country.
Martin circulated a copy of the accounts – year ending 31st March 2014.
Income Expenditure
Statutory Levy 20673.95 AGM 1476.00
Deposit A/C interest 797.31 NOC 3033.00
PCT Meeting attendance 2558.50
OCT Scheme 13775.00
A Miller gift 2000.00
Sundries 1991.53
Joint LOC fund 1538.86
LOCSU 14725.12
Excess income -19626.75
21,471.26 21,471.26
Balance Sheet
2013 current account 24,300.69 2014 current account 3,876.63
2013 deposit account 46,344.68 2014 deposit account 47,141.99
Excess income -19,626.75
51,018.62 51,018.62
Robert gave thanks were given to Kishor Patel for auditing the accounts. Martin gave a brief summary of the accounts and advised that the Statutory Levy is currently set at 0.8%, 0.4% LOC and 0.4% LOCSU; overall healthy current balance; the accounts were agreed; proposed by Nigel Burgess seconded by Robert Glass.
RESOULUTION FOR LOC/LOCSU LEVY – Martin Saunders, Treasurer
Martin recommended that the present levy level of income is acceptable; it was agreed to leave the levy as it is at present, proposed by Nigel Burgess seconded by Paul Showman.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – Robert Brown, Chairman
Chair Robert expressed his appreciation for the support of the committee; he personally gave thanks to Alan for all his hard work, time and support as Chair over the years.
Robert thanked everyone who covered meetings which he was unable to attend.
Robert attended the LPN where NHS England showed interest in how to develop optometric within Primary Care; following this the LOC’s agreed to conform the confederation of LOC’s which is represented by the Chair from each LOC and Dharmesh Patel from LOCSU and who is also the Chair LEHN which link together primary care and secondary care; LOCSU to take services forward with the correct governance and infrastructures.
It became apparent that CCG’s didn’t know who to direct eye care too; they had no understanding between general ophthalmic services and enhanced services; Salford and Trafford CCGS’s now understand and want to make progress with services; Salford is difficult to engage with at the moment. Robert advised he has a meeting planned with Trafford on 1oth June 2014 to discuss pathways for all services.
GM Confederation – Robert advised that all LOC’s have a level of independence within the confederation and they have taken on board the constitution and terms of reference.
Robert advised that an education date will be arranged for some time in September/October, this will be open invite to everyone across Greater Manchester.
The ways forward in the future are through Shared Care Schemes and accreditation.
Robert advised that the diabetes is still on track for same date in the autumn for shut down; Robert will circulating dates. The new diabetic programme in autumn; Amy Smith is the lead from 1st June 2014.
Robert introduced Dr Lorna Young who retired from Diabetic screening end of last year; Lorna thanked the LOC for inviting her to the meeting; Lorna gave sincere thanks for all the support over the years you have given to the diabetic screening programme and for the generous retirement gift. Robert thanked Lorna for attending.
Robert gave thanks to members who have attended meetings on behalf of the committee, Steve Kirkham, Ian Wallwork for hosting the meetings and Lindsey for secretarial work throughout the year.
Robert informed that they have gathered data from the OCT Scheme; Robert circulated some audit data which will be become part of a paper that will be published in Optometry today; and hopefully be presented at a couple of conferences. The scheme started in 2012; key point is we are targeting patients that may not have to go into hospital. 76 patients seen in Salford and 105 patients seen in Trafford; Robert would like to encourage Trafford practitioners to use the service please refer into the service.
The results are quite commendable, as patients are out into the right pathway; Robert will circulate the article draft for comment.
The question was raised can new Optometrist’s be involved in the schemes at present; Robert will raise the question with the CCG.
Local Eye Health Network Forum which are developing a common pathway across GM.
Key thing is GM LOC Company which has been organised LOCSU to hold infostructure in place; LOCSU take on responsibility for the standard NHS contract; so the contract will sit between the CCG and GM LOC Company with contractors beneath this with a term of reference contract with the LOC Company for enhanced services.
Robert advised that records’ keeping is essential; the Local Area Team compliance requests are well worth completing.
All Trafford practitioners will be receiving an e-mail and letter with regards to changes to the GRR and Cataract enhanced claims; do not submit to Lasca as this would be in breach of information governance rules; new claim forms will be circulated, Robert advised to fill in two copies of this form send one to the CCG and keep a copy for the file as your evidence for an audit trail.
Nigel gave a brief overview of the MECS schemes he is involved with in Bury & HMR; Key points are they developed GM Primary Eye Care which LOC’s feed into; it is used as a contracting vehicle for enhanced services; local practices then sub contract from the GM Primary Eye care. They use Webstar is an online clinical database for payment. Wopec and Docet accreditation is online training with one day training; you are requires to QIO Level 1 in optometry. Dharmesh Patel is the Clinical Lead for GM Primary Eye Care.
Bury & HMR Patients and practitioners are very happy with the service.
Hopefully Bolton and Wigan are coming on board soon.
Nigel advised that HMR are launching GRRS and Choice schemes.
Robert thanked Nigel for his update.
Robert clarified that if your NHS contract states your opening hours and you wish to change this at any time you need to give the AT 3 months’ notice – please be mindful of this.
No any other business to report.
Robert thanked everyone for attending and closed the Meeting at 9.50pm.