The sun has finally appeared and we are looking forward to a nice long, hot summer (hopefully).

Practice Website

The practice now has a website expertly designed by Struan Ducker. Please go onto this and have a look around. We are extremely excited about this new venture and hope to keep you updated regularly on any changes in the surgery and any other important information. We will also be putting our newsletters on so please have a look –

Creebridge Mill Pharmacy

There will be a new pharmacy opening in Minnigaff (we believe to be mid-August). This will mean that you will have the choice of which Pharmacy you want your repeat prescriptions to go to. Please let the girls at reception know before you are due your next repeat order. If you do not inform us we will automatically send your prescription over to Boots.

Patient Participation Group

We would like to involve our patients in future improvements to our services. This will only involve attending a meeting a couple of times a year. If you are interested in being part of The Merrick Practice Patient Participation Group please leave your details with the reception girls and they will pass them on to our Practice Manager.

The Food Train

The Food Train is a Scottish Charity with local volunteers, providing a vital grocery delivery service to older people living in Dumfries & Galloway.

How it works:

  • The volunteers will call to collect your shopping list.
  • Your order is packed in the shop in a box, complete with your till receipt and original list.
  • Your order is then collected by volunteers for delivery.
  • On receipt of your shopping you pay the cost of your shopping to The Food Train, plus a small delivery charge.

Any older person living in Dumfries & Galloway who has difficulty doing their grocery shopping due to ill health, disability, frailty or mobility problems can enjoy the benefits of this service.

If you want further information please contact the local office at 6-8 Queen Street, Newton Stewart tel. no. 01671 401346.

Distribution of Newsletters

It was thought that the Newsletters should be available to the wider practice population and not only to patients coming into the surgery. We would be very grateful if, after you have read this Newsletter, you could pass it on to a neighbour or friend who is registered with the practice and who may not be visiting the practice regularly. This will help to ensure that all our patients are kept informed of any new procedures.

If you have another form of contact i.e. mobile phone number and/or email address it would be helpful if you could let the practice know.

The practice has its own email address for patients wanting to contact the surgery – . We endeavour to read our emails every morning so if you wish to contact us this way please feel free to do so.

Blood Test Results

If you have had a blood test at the surgery please make sure you telephone for your results (this usually takes two days but some tests can take up to a week to come back). Please phone for these results in the afternoon as the telephone lines are quieter and you are more likely to get through.

Practice Equipment Fund

The practice receives very generous donations from patients from Kirkcowan and Newton Stewart. This money is put into an equipment fund which we use to purchase medical equipment. We have recently purchased blood pressure machine for the waiting room in Newton Stewart, Loop systems for both surgeries and new high backed chairs. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has donated to this fund.


If you have any suggestions on topics for further Newsletters we would love to hear from you. Please address these to:- Aileen Thomson, Practice Manager, Newton Stewart Health Centre.

Summer is here!

Now that Summer has arrived please take extra care with your skin. Be sun smart:-

  • Stay in shade between 11 – 3
  • Make sure you never burn
  • Always cover up – sunscreen is not enough
  • Remember to take extra care with children
  • Use factor 15+ sunscreen