Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.2. No. 40; Oct. 2, 2016

Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW),Carmen Otto (CO), Tim Marshall (TM), Paul Dowling (PD), Celeste Grieg (CG), J. David Lehman (JDL), Stephen Steinlight (SS), Myrna Davis (MD), Robert Reyto (RR)

This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America asa symbol of the colonials’ resistance to Britishtyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA.

Send in the Clowns:

Casting SixCandidates: Cads, Crazies and Characters Hollywood-style

Editor’s Note: Consider these videosvoter prep before Election Day (Nov. 8). We found some stunning similarities with these celluloid characters and the two Party nominees.

"Mockingjay" Part 2: "The Voting" Scene--Jennifer Lawrence

"Mockingjay" Part 3: "Plutarch's Letter"

"A Face in the Crowd" (1957): Andy Griffith as "Lonesome" Rhodes—(“Goodnight, you stupid idiots.")

Send in the Clowns (continued):

"The Hidden" (1987): Death of an Altairian: Michael Nouri, Kyle MacLachlan--("I want to be president" scene)

"The Campaign" (2012): Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis

(Baby-punching scene)

(I will--blank--your wife scene)

(Rainbow Land: Teddy Bear gives gold to a Leprechaun)

(At Church "It's a miracle!" scene--lots of cursing, but hilarious)

"The Candidate" (1972): Robert Redford

(The--uncontrolled--laughing scene)

(Social Warfare Speech)

(Son, you're a politician. The what-do-we-do-now scene)

"The Simpsons" (2016): Marge and Homer Simpson(How Homer became a Democrat.)


And the (Debate) Winner Is...9/27/2016 by Fran Coombs at Rasmussen Reports: Bureaucrat, Business and Brats, oh my.

McConnell threatens shutdown to hide Corporate Political Spending; 9/26/2016 by Lisa Gilbert at The Hill: Follow the crony capitalism. (TZ)

Why the Left Refuses to call Terrorism by its name--EP289; 9/19/2016 by Dan Bongino (Radio/Audio)

Hillary’s Health:Weekly Updates

Hillary nixes Alzheimer’s Tests; 9/23/2016 by Samantha Chang at The Improper: Dilemma or just weird?

Ted Noel, MD: New Evidence of Hillary's Parkinson's disease (VIDEO); 9/21/2016: Focus on the eyes.

Rand Paul breaks Silence on Hillary's Health (VIDEO)9/21/2016: Charles Campbell for Western Journalism

Parkinson's disease v Pneumonia Claims (Interview/VIDEO 26:08):9/12/2016 by Gary Franchi of Next News Network interviewing Ted Noel, MD. This Provocative discussion includes 9-11 video of Hillary at morning Ground Zero ceremony. (PD)

Hillary Diagnosis: Work only a Few Hours a Day (Medical Commentary)9/2/2016 by Dr. Susan Berry at Breitbart:Will Hillary’sbrain injury saga putvoters in helmets?

Hillary Clinton's Health Issues: A Medical Rationale8/29/2016 posted by Connecting the dots on Hillary's medical saga since 2005. (PD)

Presidential Debate: 10/9/2016

6-7:30 p.m. PDT at Washington University, St. Louis MO; Moderator: Anderson Cooper:Major networks/CNN); 870AM (Salem Broadcasting/L.A.)

California/Los Angeles:

Charter Schools under Attack: 9/30/2016 by Larry Sand at City Journal:OK, Unions, are we talking "fair" or "fare" rules?

CA Gov. Brown signs, vetoes Immigrant Legislation; 10/1/2016 by Alejandra Molina, The Press-Enterprise: "Dreamer" wish "transparency"? You decide.

Editor’s Note: Voter Education Continual Updates:

CA Ballot Measures:

CA Propositions: 9/29/2016 by Susan Shelley at Los Angeles Daily News--her yays or nays.

California Taxpayers Association (CalTax): Statewide measures

California Initiatives 2016: Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Los Angeles: "Build Better L.A." (Homeless Housing) Local Ballot

17 Propositions on CA Ballot (Election/Commentary); 8/27/2016 by William Saracino at Southern California Republican Women & Men;

CA 2016 Ballot Propositions: Ballotpedia explains and lists the 19 surviving November ballot initiatives.

CA Tea Party: Proposition AnalysisbyDawn Wildman, executive director of CATPG.

The Highlight Reels:

Susan Boyle Tribute:

"You Raise Me Up": Susan Boyle & Josh Groban (Music Video--mix)

"Send in the Clowns": Susan Boyle & Barbra Streisand (Music Video--mix)

"From this Moment On": Susan Boyle & Placido Domingo (Music Video--mix)

George Will on Baseball in America (at Prager University) VIDEO

Amazing Trick Pool Shots (VIDEO w/Music)

Got election fatigue? Need ballot info?

At the Hearth: Our Editorial Page.

Shimon Peres: the "Forrest Gump of Israeli Politics"; 9/29/2016 by Barney Breen-Portnoy at the Algemeiner (Jewish and Israel News)

Post Debate Figures: Hillary got a Boost in Swing States; 9/30/2016 by Nate Silver at Five Thirty Eight (statistical research site); recommend you bookmark this site.

Is America's Tax System Fair? (Educational/VIDEO)Prager U

Betty Zane (Historical/Commentary); 9/12/2016 by Bill Bennet and John T.E. Cribb at the American Patriot's Daily Almanac


Bibi blasts Barack at UN General Assembly: Press Silent; 9/23/2016 by Hana Levi Julian at the Jewish Press: MSM crickets to this powerful speech.

What if Bibi Jabbed Barack but No One Noticed? (News/Commentary)9/23/2016 by David Israel at the Jewish Press: Strike 3?

German TV Ad Encourages Women to wear Hijabs; 9/17/2016 by Paul Joseph Watson at DC Clothesline: PC Wardrobe or burial dress, infidel?

"Hillary the Other Woman: a Political Memoir"9/10/2016 at World Net Daily: Bill Clinton's friend and lover of nearly 30 years. Link to Amazon Books:

In Case You Missed It:

Islamic State Calls for Attacks on Civilians in Europe and USA; 8/21/2016 by William Reed at The Clarion Project: Hey, Mr. Obama, the "jay-vee" team has a traveling league. (KK)

Editorial policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor:Sunday Liberty Pole to for a future edition.

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