Wurth Electronics Midcom Introduces New Low-Profile Gate Drive Transformers

Watertown (USA), 8 June 2017 – The new MID-GDT transformer series is now available from Wurth Electronics Midcom. These low profile gate drive transformers are surface mount with a maximum height of 5.38mm, and operate with a voltage-time product of at least 70 Vµs on secondary windings. These pick-and-placeable transformers feature 1500V isolation, and have an operating temperature of -40° to 125°C.

“These transformers are designed in such a way that the two critical parasitics for gate drive - leakage inductance and interwinding capacitance- are extremely low which improves the overall performance of the gate drive circuit,” says Suravi Karmacharya, Product Applications Engineer at Wurth Electronics Midcom.

These transformers, 750316093 and 750316094, are best suited for industrial power supplies, smart grid power supplies, medical devices, telecom base station power supplies, motor drive control, and solar energy harvesting applications.

To read more about these transformers, visit

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Available images

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Image source: Wurth Electronics Midcom
The new MID-GDT transformer series from Wurth Electronics Midcom.

About Wurth Electronics Midcom, Inc.

Wurth Electronics Midcom is a global leader in the design and manufacture of custom magnetics. A standard line of magnetics is offered, including inductors, ferrites, chokes, and EMI shielding materials. Recently, the electromechanical and interconnect line was added to the product offering, which includes Board-to-Board, Wire-to-Board, Terminal Blocks, and Input/Output Communication.

Customers in Asia, Europe and the Americas are supported through a local direct technical sales network, regional design and applications engineers and manufacturing based in the People’s Republic of China.

Our standard lines and custom-made transformers are used around the world in LED lighting, smart grid and utility metering, industrial controls, telecom (CPE and CO), home automation, and home appliances.

Wurth Electronics Midcom offers all catalog products in stock. Free samples are offered to customers on connectors and both catalog and custom magnetics.

Further information at

Further information:
Wurth Electronics Midcom, Inc.
Lindsey Esche
121 Airport Drive
PO Box 1330
Watertown, SD 57201 USA
Phone: +1 605 886 4385
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Phone: +1 800 643 2661
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HighTech communications GmbH
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80339 Munich
Phone: +49 89 500778-20
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