California Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop attacks

Arizona anti-illegal immigration bill

The Roman Catholic hierarchy (e.g., Rome's Pope, Joseph Ratzinger (a.k.a. Benedict XVI),

and California Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop Roger Mahony, and the Vatican-appointed

American Roman Catholic Bishops) is supporting the invasion of the United States of America

by largely Roman Catholic illegal aliens from Mexico.


LA cardinal: Nazism in Arizona immigration bill

Apr 20 02:23 PM US/Eastern

[excerpt, emphasis added]

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The head of the nation's largest Catholic archdiocese says a proposed Arizona law

cracking down on illegal immigrants encourages "German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques."

Cardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles archdiocese made the comments in his blog Sunday,

a day before the Arizona Legislature passed the bill.

If Gov. Jan Brewer signs the bill into law, police would be required to question people about their immigration status

if there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally.


Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


Arizonan: Boycott us over immigration bill

Democrat urges retaliation if governor signs it into law

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

[excerpts, emphasis added]

One Arizona congressman called for businesses to boycott his own state, and a Catholic cardinal

said the state may be encouraging "German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques" as

pushback against Arizona's proposed crackdown on illegal immigrants went into high gear Tuesday.

The bill, which would make being an illegal immigrant a state offense and would make it illegal to knowingly

transport or hide an illegal immigrant, has become the latest hot-button litmus test in the immigration issue,

dividing members of Congress already sparring over whether to pass a bill legalizing illegal immigrants.


In a blog posted Sunday, Cardinal Roger Mahony, archbishop of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, said if the bill

is signed it would become "the country's most retrogressive, mean-spirited, and useless anti-immigrant law."

"I can't imagine Arizonans now reverting to German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are

required to turn one another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation," he said, wondering if children

would have to call the police on their parents.


All site contents © Copyright 2009 The Washington Times, LLC.



Additional information provided by Columbia Christians for Life:

The realty is that the Roman Catholic hierarchy (including the Pope, and the Vatican-appointed

Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops), is promoting, advocating, encouraging, and helping

to enable the Roman Catholic Illegal Immigrant Invasion of America:

Romanizing America through Illegal Immigration

By Pastor Ralph Ovadal, booklet

Gift of $.75 per copy


[ Several beginning paragraphs: ]

Romanizing America through Illegal Immigration

By Pastor Ralph Ovadal, April 10, 2006

[ emphasis added ]

In recent weeks, the advocates of the "rights" of illegal Mexican immigrants, accompanied by and even led by

Roman Catholic priests, have staged rallies, protests, and parades all across the United States of America.

For instance, on March 25, 500,000 people took to the streets of Los Angeles, flying Mexican flags and chanting slogans such as "Viva Mexico!" Another 500,000 marched in Dallas on April 9, waving Mexican flags with

"Our Lady of Guadalupe" emblazoned in the center. This outburst of protest was a response to several immigration and border reform measures working their way through the U.S. Congress. Due to the efforts of the Mexican government, the criminal neglect of our U.S. government, and a porous U.S.-Mexican border, there are now somewhere between eleven million and twenty million illegal immigrants in the United States of America.

I have been talking about this situation for years on my "Heart of the Matter" program because of the social, political, and most importantly, spiritual affects that the alien invasion is having on America. It is unfortunate that very few people have been concerned with the religious aspect of this issue. Over the past few years, I have spent time pointing out that the Roman Catholic Church is aiding and abetting the criminal invasion of America from Mexico because the illegals are almost all Roman Catholics. That church/state which maintains political, diplomatic relationships with the UN, the EU, the Russian Federation, the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine, and 174 nations around the globe is working both legally and criminally on behalf of a movement, the goal of which is to bring as many Mexicans into America as possible so as to eventually take over a large chunk of our nation for Mexico. This multifaceted movement, made up of radical organizations such as La Raza (The Race), Aztlan, and MEChA, is called Reconquista (Reconquest).

The leadership of the Roman Catholic Church has a stake in Reconquista. The pope and his henchmen are looking to turn America, founded and still a Protestant country, into a Roman Catholic country. But space requires that

I narrow this discourse down to providing documentation of that just-made claim, which to some people makes me not only a "Catholic basher" but also a "white supremacist." That's what Alex Koppleman, a columnist for the Drexel University magazine Dragonfire, called me in a March 30, 2006 column in which he included this statement from an article I wrote some time ago:

. . . the Roman Catholic Church has its own plan of reconquest. She is determined to reestablish

the power she once exercised over the civil governments and populations of the world. The pope,

along with the Reconquista cadre, views South, Central, and North Americas as being one

"from Argentina to Alaska." On several occasions, Pope John Paul II has "consecrated" this

"America" to "Our Lady of Guadalupe." The Mexican people streaming across America's porous

southern border are Roman Catholics. It is in the interest of the Vatican to establish as many Roman

Catholics as possible in the United States of America. The pope and his partners in spiritual crime

care little how the job is done — whether illegally or legally — just so it is done.1

That is a statement I stand by and which stands on solid ground. The Roman Catholic Church is determined

to turn Protestant America into a Roman Catholic country, and her best bet to do that is to bring as many Catholics into our nation as possible.

To that end, the Justice for Immigrants campaign was founded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Twenty other Catholic organizations have joined together with the bishops in a massive educational, media, and political campaign to block immigration reform in America. On its website, the Justice for Immigrants campaign lists the bishops' "criteria for the reform of the U.S. immigration system, including . . . abandonment of the border 'blockade' enforcement strategy."2 Plainly speaking, the goal is to eliminate America's security along our border with Mexico! The U.S. bishops

together with their Mexican counterparts, of course with papal consent and encouragement, have determined to use Catholic treasure, influence, and manpower to erase America's border! This is not surprising to the discerning Christian. Sovereign nations have always been a hindrance to the pope's effective exercise of his office as "father of kings, governor of the world and Vicar of Christ." [sic] 3

The bishops and their comrades in crime are sparing no expense or effort to influence every strata and institution of American culture. Reading the material which the Justice for Immigrants campaign has produced for distribution to school children is reminiscent of the propaganda used by the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network for the same purpose!

Mark D. Franken, executive director of Migration and Refugee Services for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, recently told the Washington Times that all of America's 197 Catholic dioceses "are in some way backing the campaign, with more than 70 being particularly active."4 As Mr. Franken points out, Catholic advocacy on behalf of the illegal alien movement is highly organized, and the troops are getting their marching orders from the top. Consider this from the Catholic Zenit News Services: "Representatives of the Holy See and of the Catholic Church in Mexico are opposing a U.S. bill on immigrants, considering it a violation of human rights. . . . On Sunday, the California Catholic Conference

of Bishops appealed for full migratory reform, which will include the legalization earned by illegal workers with their effort."5 So now criminals "earn" the right to have their criminality ignored by taking a job and getting paid for it. The lack of general outrage over such Romanist remarks cannot help but remind one of Revelation 18:23—"by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."

On January 22, 2003, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in concert with the Catholic Bishops of Mexico, issued Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope—A Pastoral Letter Concerning Migration. This lengthy, authoritative document contains statement after brazen statement endorsing and encouraging illegal immigration from Mexico. The bishops include a glossary of terms in which they differentiate between an immigrant; a legal immigrant;

a refugee; and a migrant, one who freely moves back and forth across national borders. The bishops make it clear throughout the document that their concern is for "undocumented" immigrants and migrants — the illegals.

While the majority of Americans find illegal immigration damaging and dangerous, the bishops find it otherwise:

"We speak as two episcopal conferences but as one Church, united in the view that migration between our two nations is necessary and beneficial."6 Yes, the Romanists find "migration" necessary and beneficial to the cause

of Rome; hence, the bishops call for an underground railroad to help illegals make it into America from Mexico:

We call upon pastors and lay leaders to ensure support for migrant and immigrant families.

We urge communities to offer migrant families hospitality . . . We commend church communities that

have established migrant shelters . . . We call on the local church to help newcomers integrate . . .

The reality of migration, especially when the journey entails clandestine border crossings, is often

fraught with uncertainties and even dangers. As migrants leave their homes, pastoral counseling

should be offered . . .7


March 24th, 2010


Immigration Reform: Mass for Immigrants

On Sunday, March 21, Cardinal Roger Mahony, the Archbishop of Los Angeles, celebrated a Mass for Immigrants

at St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church in Washington, DC and spoke of transforming the world from a barren desert

into an immigrant-friendly garden of opportunity and equality for all. Watch this audio slide show by Religion & Ethics

NewsWeekly production assistant and researcher Fabio Lomelino.


denver & the west

Tancredo slams pope on immigration

The Denver Post

Posted: 04/17/2008 02:17:49 PM MDT

Updated: 04/17/2008 10:14:34 PM MDT

WASHINGTON ­ As thousands packed into a Washington, D.C., stadium to see Pope Benedict XVI,

U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo attacked the pontiff for statements about immigration.

Tancredo, a Littleton Republican, accused the pope of welcoming illegal immigrants to the U.S.

in order to build membership in the church.

The Catholic leader, while in Washington today, said: "I want to encourage you and your communities to continue to welcome the immigrants who join your ranks today, to share their joys and hopes, to support them in their sorrows and trials and to help them flourish in their new home."




Posted April 21, 2010