December 14, 2014
10:00 AM ServiceRev. W. Oord
Pre-service Songs:209, (S) 47
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer & singing of #489
*Votum and Salutation
*Opening Hymn:335
Law of God
Hymn of Response:95
Congregational Prayer
*Hymn of Preparation:342
Gospel Reading:Luke 2:1-20
New Testament Reading: Galatians 4:4, 5
Text: Galatians 4:4, 5
Theme: God Gave His Son
- The Giver
- The Gift
- The Receiver
*Hymn of Thanks:337
Offering: Budget Needy
*Benediction / 6:00 PM Service
Rev. H. Van der Woerd
Pre-service Songs:328, 332
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer & singing of #489
*Votum and Salutation
*Opening Hymn:311
Our Creed
Hymn: 203
Congregational Prayer
*Hymn of Preparation: 431
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:21-31, LD 9
Sermon: “The Christian confesses the Almighty Creator God”
1. Believing in Him
2. Trusting in Him
Prayer of application
*Hymn of Thanks:301
*Denotes invitation to stand
e welcome all visitors who are worshiping with us. May God richly bless us as we hear the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ preached to us. Please join us for refreshments after our A.M. service.
Pastors: Rev. Hank Van der Woerd: 403.524.2982;Bulletin: Brenda Vroom: 403.329.9025,
Rev. Wybren Oord: 403.320.1474; deadline:Thurs 8 PM
Rev. Jelle Tuininga, Minister EmeritusChurch phone: 403.327.6434
Clerk email: eacons:
Church Bookings: Alice Houweling; 403.320.2416
Elders: A. Barwegen, A. Brandsma, J. Bekkering, S. Bos, H. Doeve(Chairman), D. Greidanus, J. Halma,
H. Halma, M. Houweling, P. Houweling(Vice-Chair), P. Kamper, B. Konynenbelt (Clerk), D. Mazereeuw,
J. Nymeyer, G. Post, P. Schalk, G. Vanderwal, L. VE Petersman, M. Van Hill, D. Veldman, D. Visser,L. Ypma
Deacons: K. Barwegen (Clerk),D. Hiemstra, C. Poelman, B. Langendoen, R. VE Petersman(Chairman),
M. Vanderwal(Treasurer), R. Winkelaar
FROM VOICE OF THE MARTYRS –Uzbekistan - In Uzbekistan, where Islam is by far the predominant religion, religious gatherings without state permission is forbidden. Uzbek authorities continue to raid meetings, after a false witness testified against nine Baptists. In a previous trial, one was charged 55 times the minimum monthly salary (about $2,450 US), while three others were fined ten times the monthly salary. As we intercede on behalf of our fellow Christians in Uzbekistan, mindful of the privileges we have in North America to own Bibles and Christian literature without worry about confiscation,let us raise our voices up in prayer for Gods intervention in each of the cases.
CADETSDecember9 –Cadet in Charge –Jude Laarman; Cadet on Deck –Darren VEP; Service Squad –Wolves; Insp. – Counselor Slomp
Dec 15 (Monday) – Counselor Meeting @ 7 pm
Dec 17 (Wednesday) – Mother/Cadet Craft Night@ 7 pm
Dec 27 – Hurricanes Game; uniforms required. Bring your dad, brother, “men/boys”, etc. Let Counselor Ingold know if you can come by Dec 17.
Jan 6, 2015 – First Cadet night in New Year
January 9, 2015 @ 7 pm is Family Gym night at ICHS.
The award-winning Christian tenors group, Tenore, are coming to Lethbridge at the Southminster United Church on Dec. 18th at 7 pm. Well-known to the city of Lethbridge, Tenore is returning with a Christmas concert and their gospel message.Tickets to this concert are only $10 each and may be purchased Dove’s Christian Supplies or Southminster United Church.
YOUNG PEOPLES’ CORNERYPS meet TONIGHT for a game night at church hosted by Isaac Mazereeuw and Tyler Van Eeden Petersman. If there are any parents of the Young People who would be interested in joining in the fun and participating in Game Night, please contact the Prospers or the Oords.
There will be no Young Peoples on December 21 or 28.
The next meeting is a lesson on January 4, 2015. Sarah Ypma and Leah Ingold are scheduled to provide food.
The Young People would like give a big THANK YOU to everyone who brought cookies to church for our neighbors. We went out in three different groups and were able to bring cookies to eighty different families in our area and invite them to our Sunday School Program and Christmas Day Service.
THE BOXES ARE HERE!! FILL A SHOEBOX/CONTAINER FOR KIDS: The Evangelism Committee is still working on shipping arrangements for the shoe boxes; they will either be sent along with the team going to the Dominican Republic in February, or to Mount of Olives orphanage in Mexico in January.You can now pick up a container in the foyer and they can be filled and returned by January 1. Thank you!
REMINDER TO YOUNG ADULTSthat you've been asked to serve & clean-up coffee after church on Christmas Day! Thank you!
Uruapan, Mexico: Sign Up Today! Final week! RMS is looking for men and women to travel to the Mount of Olives Children’s Village the week of January 17-24. There will be many projects to work on along with some great interaction with the orphans there. The cost for this trip is $800 plus your flight to San Diego, one night hotel stay and meal for Friday night the 23rd. Look for travel details and registration in our upcoming trips section of our website, Any questions, feel free to contact Rob at .
San Quintin, Mexico: While the RMS team is in Uruapan, working on the orphanage, a few of the volunteers will travel south to San Quintin to pour a pad for a family who is currently living in a “tarp” shack. We need to raise at least $500 (US) to pour the foundation and the floor for a new house. Any funds above $500 will go towards purchasing cement blocks and lumber to complete the home. Please send your donation to RMS: 415 Boulevard Pompton Plains, NJ 07444. In the memo line: San Quintin Home.
Costa Rica: There is an urgent need for some maintenance/remodel work to be done to the Elementary School Building in Tepeyac. The work needs to be completed in January before school resumes in February. The work includes drywall installation and finishing, electrical, carpentry, masonry, plumbing, and painting. If you can help or have questions concerning this project, please contact Mr. Al Rumph soon at for more details!
Rehoboth Membership Campaign -We are getting close to the end of our Membership Campaign. Wethank all those who have contributed to our campaign this year with your membership renewals and donations.Please put your membership/donation contribution in Helen Bekkering’s church mailbox. Thank you!COSTA RICA WORK CREW INVITATION:So far we a have a few people joining us in the work of completing the Christian High School and preparing a new printing shop for CLIR, the Latin American Fellowship of Reformed Churches, led by our URC missionary, Rev. Bill Green. But we could still use more! Work includes the replacing of rain gutters, welding and installing roofing over the remainder of the covered walkway, painting, wood work, and the enlargement of rooms (involving the cutting out of some concrete walls) for the print shop. The crew plans to leave for San Jose on February 23 and return March 6, 2015. Please contact Rev. Barry Beukema at 403-789-7787 (or email:) for more information.
NEED FOR VOLUNTEERS - The new ESV Bibles will be arriving shortly. The existing pew holders need to be modified to accommodate the new larger Bibles. We would like to do all the modifications on Monday Dec 22. Please a call or email Gerald Veldman or Matthew Houweling if you can help out that day. Many hands make for light work… It will only take a few hours if we can get enough volunteers. The Board of Administration
December 14Organist: AMSheila Ypma
Organist: PMBarb Vanderwal
Greeters:Gerry & Barb Vanderwal
Offerings: Budget & Needy / December 21
Organist: AMElaine Van Hill
Organist: PMJohn Lobbezoo
Greeters:Andy & Sharon Brandsma
Offerings: Budget & C.L.I.R. Reformed Missions - Tepeyac School
AM Sleepers:Emily Van Dasselaar, Patsy Veldman, Kristina Halma, Cheryl Winkelaar,
Brenda Mazereeuw, Nicole Veldman;
AM Creepers:Melissa Heins, Kristin Houweling, Bethany Beck, Shayla Van Reeuwyk, Kaitlyn Grisnich;
AMLeapers:Courtney Halma, Melanie Kamper, Meagan Hoogerdijk;
PM Sleepers: Sadie Dykslag, Anne Konynenbelt, Yvonne Post, Lenie VE Petersman, Kirsten Barwegen;
PM Creepers:Laura Veldman, Tanya Laarman, Rachel Kondor, Bailey Vasas.
Library: Lorna Scholten
Mother of the Month: Mel Heins, Dec.
Van Driver: Clarence Slomp (Dec)
After Church Coffee:John Nymeyer,Dec.
Singing at Legacy & G.A. (2:15 & 3:00):
Group 11, Young Peoples (***note switch) / Nursery:
AM Sleepers:Allison Wierenga, Tamra Barwegen, Marlene Hoogerdijk, Carol Tams,
Barbara Halma;
AM Creepers:Phyllicia Wierenga, Deanna Hiemstra, Taylor Van Dasselaar, Alease Scholten;
AMLeapers:Ashley Veldman, Roxanne Houweling, Eden Van’t Land;
PM Sleepers: Kimberley Veldman, Anna Houweling, Sharon Korthuis, Arlene Feenstra,
Sarah Ypma;
PM Creepers:Erin Barwegen, Theresa Teerling, Jaclyn Knol, Faith Mazereeuw.
Library:Barb Vanderwal
Mother of the Month:Mel Heins, Dec.
Van Driver:Clarence Slomp (Dec)
After Church Coffee:John Nymeyer,Dec.
Singing at Legacy & G.A. (2:15 & 3:00):
Group 10, John Bekkering (***note switch)
OFFERING TODAY is forthe Needy
OFFERING NEXT WEEK is for C.L.I.R. Reformed Missions - Tepeyac School– Rev. Bill Green: CLIR’s purpose is to glorify God in obedience to Christ’s command to “disciple the nations.” Tepeyac Christian School began in 1992 as an extension ministry of the Iglesia Reformada de Tepeyac which has its ministry in a residential area on the outskirts of San José, Costa Rica. The Tepeyac church became convinced of the need for a school as consumerism and secularism has invaded the Costa Rican society. Public schools in Costa Rica have not been able to withstand these forces. As a support for our Christian families the church felt the need for Christian education, for many families are affected by these same values.
SINGING GROUP SWITCH – Group 10, John Bekkering and Group 11, Young Peoples, have switched. YPS will sing TODAY; Group 10 next week, December 21.
Current Week – December 14 –December 20, 2014
Today:AM – Lesson 15forGrades 7-10 CatechismClasses
After AM Service - Christmas Program Practice for After Church/During Church Sunday School
PM – 5:00 p.m. – Trinity Choir will practice in the piano room
After the PM Service:- YPS have agame night at church hosted by Isaac Mazereeuw and Tyler
VanEeden Petersman
-YA have Lesson 2 of Romans, hosted by Alyssa Ingold and Dustin Knelsen
-Sunday PM Bible Study meets in the Fireside Room; Lesson 19 of Romans
Monday:7:00 p.m. – Coffee Break
7:00 p.m. - Cadet Counselor Meeting
7:00 p.m. – Consistory Meeting
Tuesday:1:00 p.m. –Funeral Service for Mr. J.C. Scheurkogel in our church
7:00 p.m. – Catechism for Grades 11, 12; Grade 11: Lesson 6, Memorize
Ephesians 1:4, 5, (page 49)
7:00 p.m. – Kingdom Seekers- Ugly Sweater/Best Sweater Contest & Fun Night
Wednesday10:00 a.m. – JOY meets; Genesis 6, Question 8, p. 20
7:00 p.m. - Mother/Cadet Craft Night
Thursday:7:00 p.m. – Tenore Concert at Southminster
Friday:7:00 p.m. – Trinity Christmas Program; parents, please have children there by 6:45
Dec. 25:Christmas Service at 10:00 AM
Dec. 25:Trinity Chapel at the Lethbridge Correctional Centre at 7:30; Unit 5, men
Dec. 27:Cadet Hurricanes Night – bring dads, brothers/men & boys
Dec. 30:Single Professing Members meet with the elders at church at 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 31:New Year’s Eve Service at 7:00 p.m.
Jan. 1:New Year’s Day Service at 10:00 a.m.
Jan 4:YPS resumes
Jan. 6:Cadets meet
Jan. 9:Cadet Family Gym Night at ICHSJan. 18:Fellowship Lunch
REC V-BALL TOURNAMENT- The Orthodox Reformed Church is hosting, its Annual Christmas Rec V-Ball Tournament, Saturday December 20th at Parkland Immanuel Christian School - 21304-35 Ave in south Edmonton. The tournament begins at 9:30 am and continues to 6 pm. Teams should be made up of players in grade 8 or older - thru adult - and there must be a minimum of 2 ladies on the floor at all times. (We can probably include some individual players as well.) The cost per team is by donation with proceeds going to the YP - 2015 Reformed Youth Services (RYS) trip to Kentucky and the 2015 ORC Mission Trip to the DR. Lunch and snacks will also be available by donation with proceeds going to the same causes. Championships in 2 divisions - Elite and Div 2. To enter - and please do so my December 15th (space is limited) - contact Pete Wright at or on Facebook go to GO Athletics or 780-479-1860.
We express our sympathy to the Scheurkogel and Slomp families in the passing of Mr. J. C. Scheurkogel. We rejoice in the release from his suffering and his gain into his eternal reward won for him by his Savior. The funeral service is scheduled to be in our church on Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.
We extend our condolences to the Van Hill families in the sudden death of Ken’s father, Steve. May you find strength in the promises that God has given in His Word and rest in His comfort.
We share in the sorrow of the John Bekkering family in the death of John’s brother Henry Bekkering. May the grace of our Lord surround you in this difficult time.
Please keep Antonetta Lubbers in your prayers as she continues to receive therapy after her fall.
Ida Venhuis wishes to thank everyone for the cards and good wishes received for her 90th birthday. Your thoughts and kindness were much appreciated!
“The Family of Mr. Bill Doeve sincerely thanks the congregation for their thoughts and prayers offered up on behalf of the family in this time of loss. The family rests in the knowledge and comfort of the assurance of Salvation to those who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.”Tina Doeve and Family
Congratulations to Elsie Kalma who will be 87 years on Wednesday, December 17th!
THANK YOU! The Young People would like give a big THANK YOU to everyone who brought cookies to church for our neighbors. We went out in three different groups and were able to bring cookies to eighty different families in our area and invite them to our Sunday School Program and Christmas Day Service.
CONGRATULATIONS to twocouples who are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversaries this season. We are thankful for the many years of marriage the Lord has blessed them with! Please join them in celebration with cake in the fellowship hall this morning:
Bill & Betty Barthel
October 16, 1964 – 2014
Harm & Henny Veldman
December 11, 1964 - 2014
KINGDOM SEEKERS – Kingdom Seekers have an Ugly Sweater/Best Sweater Contest and Fun Night this Tuesday, December 16 at 7:00 p.m.; no uniforms required!
LETHBRIDGE PRO-LIFE MEMBERSHIP/DONATION drive has now begun. Please consider how you can be a support for life in our community; to promote the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death through public education and to advocate for the preborn, the disabled, the infirm and the elderly who are all uniquely created by God. Your memberships and donations for Pro-Life are used in the best possible way to fund radio, TV, newspaper and billboard ads; educate on life issues on the street, in schools and youth groups and to fund projects that promote a greater respect for life in southern Alberta. Hearts are being changed! You can return your memberships/donations to Brenda Vroom’s mailbox.
OUR CHURCH CHRISTMAS PROGRAMis thisFriday, December 19 beginning at 7 pm with music students from the congregation, followed by the formal program. Nursery for children 2 and under will be provided. Any students wishing to perform for the Christmas program, please see Maria Barwegen. If your group would like to be a part of the program, please let Tanya Laarman know.TEACHERS OF DURING CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL – please bring 1 dozen baking, clearly labelled, to the large kitchen by TODAY.
PARENTS OF DURING CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOLAFTER CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL - We will be having a practice for the Christmas program at the front of church after this morning’s service. The teachers will take the children into the sanctuary. You may pick up During Church SS Children 15 minutes after church is done. Practice for After Church SS will follow.
ALL PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN – Please bring your child to their classroom by 6:45 on Friday, having already used the washroom. DCSS kids will be in classroom #3 – and you may pick them up from this classroom when the program is finished.