MillingtonSchool / 91 Northfield Rd. / Millington, NJ07946 / 908 647-2312
Jennifer Dawson / Principal
Your child has reached the portfolio evaluation stage. If your child participated in horizon art last year, he/she must try out again for the 2017-2018 school year. Previous acceptance into the program does not guarantee automatic acceptance for the current school year.
Below are the requirements for submitting artwork. Due to minimal storage space, portfolios must be presented in the following manner.
- The portfolio must contain seven (7) original pieces of art that include painting and drawing.
- Two, or more, of the seven pieces must be work from Millington School’s art class, either from the current school year, or previous year(s).
- One piece, of the seven, must be a photograph of student’s sculpture. (Any photograph or digital printout is acceptable or, you may email to me one(1) single jpg or gif file in place of a photo.) (No shoe boxes or shopping bags with the actual sculpture, photos only.)
- All work must be compiled into a portfolio case. If you do not have a portfolio case, please create one by stapling two pieces of poster board together.Please staple the two short sides, and the one long side of the board. You may cut out a handle for the top (see below).Or, you may fold a piece of poster board in half, and staple up the sides. Make sure child’s name and class code is visible on front of case. (No shopping bags, portfolio cases only.)
- All work must lay flat, and fit intothe portfolio case properly. No folding, or rolling up of work.
- Portfolios are due to school by THURSDAY, OCTOBER19th.
- Please drop off portfolios to the artroom, or front office.Portfolios will not be accepted after the above due date.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please feel free to email me with any questions at .
Wendi Cohen
Horizon Art Teacher
PLEASE NOTE: Students are NOT allowed to tryout after the above stated deadline. Late portfolios will not be accepted under any circumstance. Portfolios that have missing pieces such as a sculpture, or painting, WILL result in a lower score, and may jeopardize student’s acceptance into the program. Pieces of art that are handed in late will NOT be accepted.