Apple recipes

Your storage flows over with apples from this year’s harvest and you lack ideas for how to process the fruits?

Here you can find some inspiration! We present our group’s recipes for apple sauce, dried apples and apple crumble.

Apple sauce:

Apple sauce is probably one of the easiest things to do with spare apples.

You need:




Start with washing and peeling the apples. Cut them into pieces and put them in a pot. Cover them with water and let the apples cook until they are soft. Pour away the water. Add sugar and cinnamon depending on your preferences. Use a food processor or blender to purée the apples until you have a smooth sauce. Now let the sauce cook for a few minutes.

If you are happy with the taste fill the very hot sauce quicklyinto clean glasses and close them immediately with a lid. In this way, the sauce will keep delicious for a few weeks.

Otherwise you can also keep the apple sauce in a bowl in the fridge for a few days.


Dried Apples (made in the oven):

You need:


Wash the apples and cut them into thin slices (about 2-3 mm thick). Place them on a baking tray. Now put them in the oven and let them dry at the lowest possible temperature (about 50°C) for about five to ten hours.

Note: This is not the most sustainable way of drying apples, however, you do not need any special equipment.

Remove the apples from the oven and let them dry overnight at room temperature. As soon as your apples are hard and dry, you can put them in paper bags for storage!

A perfect snack whenever you crave something sweet!

Apple Crumble:

You need:

500 g apples, peeled and cut into slices

100 g butter

100 g sugar

175 g flour

Cinnamon depending on taste

Juice of one lemon

Add the lemon juice to the apple slices and put them into a greased baking form.

Prepare the crumble out of butter, sugar, flour and cinnamon and spread it on top of the apple slices.

Bake for about 30 minutes at 200 °C.

Serving tip: Serve warm with ice cream and whipped cream.

You won’t get enough of it!!