{Current Date}

{Client Name}

{Client Address}

{Client City}, {Client State}, {Client Zip}

Dear {Client First Name}:

In the past, you and I worked together to prepare your comprehensive financial plan to help you plan for your future. But when we experience financial turbulence in any manner, it becomes important to re-evaluate where we currently stand financially and the changes wemay need to consider today in order to help realize those goals. If today’s current economy is preventing you from taking steps to help solidify your financial future, I encourage you to call me. I have served you as your financial planner and do not want to lose that which we started - that is, to help you reach your financial goals in a way that comprehensively considers your many needs and the risksin meeting those needs.

You are familiar with the process already. Together, we will gather the necessary information to help you determine if revisions to your existing plan are necessary. We will review your current financial position, analyze your cash flow, examine your current risks,andtake a look at your financial needs, old and new. As you know, I charge a financial planning fee. However, the work involved in making revisions to an existing plan is generally not as extensive as when your initial plan was created. [OPTIONAL TEXT:Based on my knowledge of your financial situation, I anticipate the fee to update your financial plan to be $XXX.]

If you need to make some adjustments, taking action on the necessary changes now instead of later can help keep you moving forward in the right direction.(OPTIONS – SELECT ONE: (I/(name), my assistant) will call you shortly to discuss engaging in a review of your financial plan.ORPlease give me a call at «Planner telephone number»today so that we can get started on reviewing your needs and creating your updated plan.)


{Financial Planner Name}

Financial Planner

