Friends of Yesler Swamp is seeking a qualified intern to monitor and prepare reports on the restoration of Yesler Swamp.
$25 per hour
15 hrs/wk.
Maximum 28 weeks Spring-Summer 2016
Application Deadline January 15, 2015
NOTE: This internship can be performed by one intern or, at the option of the intern(s), the responsibilities, hours, and pay may be shared and divided between two interns.
Yesler Swamp is a 6.4-acre site located immediately east of the Center for Urban Horticulture at the intersection of Surber Drive NE and NE 41st Street in Seattle. Friends of Yesler Swamp is constructing a boardwalk in Yesler Swamp to limit foot traffic in the wetland and make available public access for recreational use such as bird watching and nature walks. Boardwalk construction and restoration are being conducted under permits from city, state, and federal regulatory agencies.
The Yesler Swamp regulatory permits require compliance with a detailed restoration plan. (The permits and restoration plan can be found at yeslerswamp.org.)
Students and volunteers working with University of Washington Restoration Ecology Network, The Yesler Swamp Project, and Friends of Yesler Swamp are implementing restoration according to approved permits from city and state agencies.
Although volunteers have completed much of the planting work, the restoration areas must be monitored and reported for five years under a 5-year monitoring plan in compliance with the Seattle Municipal Code, SMC 25.09.160 G. In addition, project funders require monitoring and maintenance. Following initial planting, the permitting agencies require detailed as-built and monitoring data, including numbers and types of native plants installed, the percentage of successful invasive removal, and the survival rate of native plants. This involves data collection such as photos of each restoration area, identification of native plants installed, and an accurate count of the survivors. (Previously submitted reports can be found at yeslerswamp.org/restoration-reports.)
Yesler Swamp includes both upland and wetland habitat. The wetland is Category III, lake-fringe, palustrine emergent (PEM)/palustrine scrub-shrub (PSS) wetland that includes lacustrineaquatic bed (LAB) habitat south of the Lake Washington shoreline. The restoration plan designates specific restoration areas identified as W1–9 and U1-2. (“W” designates wetland and “U” upland.)
Friends of Yesler Swamp is an all-volunteer non-profit corporation registered in the State of Washington.
This internship is funded by a Seattle Community Partnership grant from King Conservation District. The King Conservation District provides a variety of programs and services to landowners and residents to steward natural resources. Funding for District programs and services comes from a local per parcel rate and state grants.
The intern will work as an independent contractor and not as an employee of Friends of Yesler Swamp or King Conservation District.
The intern selected for this position must demonstrate:
· Training and ability to identify native and invasive species in Yesler Swamp.
· Training and/or experience in the monitoring methods that are typically used for restoration projects in the Pacific Northwest.
· Writing and data analysis skills necessary to prepare As-built Reports and Monitoring Reports to document site conditions and success in meeting restoration performance standards.
· At least one college level class in restoration ecology or equivalent experience.
· Ability to work independently.
· Love of nature and working outdoors.
Required Reading
The intern must review and understand the following documents. Items 1 -3 can be found at yeslerswamp.org/Restoration Reports and yeslerswamp.org/Trail Construction.
1. Touchstone Ecoservices, “Wetland Mitigation Report” (Feb. 13, 2012).
2. Elyse Denkers, “As-Built Evaluation for Wetland Mitigation and Restoration: Yesler Swamp Trail Alignment Project” (Ap. 27, 2015).
3. Elyse Denkers, “The Wetland Mitigation Process in Yesler Swamp, Seattle, WA” (June 12, 2015).
4. King Conservation District information on achieving local conservation goals found at http://www.kingcd.org.
Required Tasks and Deliverables
The intern will be required to:
· Complete all required tasks in time for Friends of Yesler Swamp review and submission to regulatory agencies on MAY 1, 2016.
· Evaluate restoration areas designated by Friends of Yesler Swamp and prepare As-built Reports in the format required.
· Monitor and prepare Monitoring Reports for restoration areas designated by Friends of Yesler Swamp:
o Collect vegetative data within established 10-meter (~33 ft.) diameter plots (~104 sq. ft.) at each monitoring station.
o Document species richness over the entirety of each area.
o Take photographs from each established photo station to provide clear visual documentation of the area conditions.
o Determine whether invasive species need immediate attention.
o Document vegetation survival and cover and invasive species control.
o Prepare Monitoring Reports in the format required to document site conditions and success in meeting performance standards. If performance standards are not met, recommend adaptive management to address and rectify the problem.
· Submit an electronic copy of Monitoring Reports and As-Built Reports to the Wetland Biologist for review and approval.
· Incorporate edits from Wetland Biologist and submit the Monitoring Reports and As-Built Reports in electronic form to Friends of Yesler Swamp in time for review and submission to regulatory agencies before MAY 1, 2016.
· Plan for on-going communication with Friends of Yesler Swamp regarding scheduling, progress, and guidance.
· Comply with all policies and requirements of King Conservation District.
Payment for Services
Intern will responsible for preparing invoices documenting the work, including (1) date and time (2) details of work performed and (3) number of hours worked.
Upon approval of each invoice, Friends of Yesler Swamp will present the invoice to its fiscal agent Seattle Parks Foundation for payment. Seattle Parks Foundation will pay the intern by check.
At his or her option, the intern may present weekly or monthly invoices.
The final invoice will not be paid until satisfactory Monitoring Reports and As-Built Reports have been submitted to and approved by both the Wetland Biologist and Friends of Yesler Swamp.
Independent Contractor
This position is not an offer of employment and does not include health insurance or any other benefits. The intern must work as an independent contractor responsible for arranging his or her schedule and methods of work. The intern must supply all necessary supplies and equipment including:
· Computer equipment to analyze data and prepare and present required Monitoring and As-built reports
· Camera or other means to photograph restoration
· Books and other resources to identify native and invasive plants.
Applicants must submit a letter or resume including name, address, telephone number, email address and detailing relevant education, training, and experience. Applications must be submitted via email to . Applications must be received NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM on January 15, 2016. Applicants may contact Friends of Yesler Swamp via email for additional information. Members of Friends of Yesler Swamp will interview finalists at a date, time, and place to be agreed upon. Selection of the intern(s) will be announced via email to all applicants no later than January 30, 2016.