Dear Student of Mr. Reams’ Math Class

In order to ensure a productive year and to guarantee you and all the students in my classroom the excellent educational experience, I will not tolerate any student stopping me from teaching, or any student stopping another from learning.

Therefore, my students will observe the following expectations and requirements that will help make our journey a successful one. Success in school depends on cooperation, communication, and hard work.


1. Always bring all necessary materials, including your book, agenda, and assignment calendar.

2. Enter the classroom quietly and be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings.

3. Immediately attend to the task assigned, and give every task your best effort.

4. Always listen carefully and follow directions the first time they are given.

5. Always show respect and be courteous to others.

6. Always use good language. No swearing, insults, or put-downs.

7. Remain in your assigned seat until dismissed. The teacher dismisses the class.

Homework Policy:

1. Homework is assigned daily.

2. Homework is due at the beginning of the period of the next school day. No late work.

3. You must show your work. No work-No credit.

4. Homework must be neat and legible.

5. Always bring in your up-to-date homework assignment calendar.

Full credit is given for homework only if every problem assigned is tried to the best of the student’s ability, including following instructions, neatness, and showing all work.

TESTS: are usually announced in advance.

QUIZZES: are not announced. They are given to check your progress between tests.

Make-up policy:

Homework (3 pts): No late homework is accepted unless you have an excused absence verified by the office. You will have as many days to complete the assignment(s) as you were absent plus one day. All class notes must be taken from a classmate and the math assignment calendar completed as assigned.

Quizzes (10 pts): Since quizzes are not announced, they must be taken the day you return home from your absence.

Tests (100 pts): [a] If you return on a test day with prior knowledge of the test date, you must take the test on that day.

[b] If you are absent on a test day and had prior knowledge of the test, you will be expected to take the test on the day that you return.

[c] If you return from a long absence, and have missed a test day, you will be expected to contact the teacher on the day you return to arrange for a make-up test date.

[d] Tests must be taken within two days of your return from an absence. Failure to do so will result in a 10% decrease for each day delayed.

Ayala High School Math Department Grading Policy

The goal of this grading policy is to increase student mastery. This will lead to a higher probability of success in future math courses and greater achievement on standardized tests.

Grades shall be divided into two portions:

1) Assessment-based portion of the grade: (75% of the total grade)

These activities are done independently and under the direct supervision of the teacher.

2) Effort-based portion of the grade: (25% of the total grade)

These activities are either not done independently or not done under the supervision of the teacher.

The grade Scale is: A 90% - 100%

B 80% - 89%

C 70% - 79%

D 60% - 69%

Fail 0% - 59%

It is important to maintain academic honesty in all course work. Academic cheating will result in a “0” or “F” grade on the assignment, test, quiz, project, etc. in question. All parties involved in cheating will get a “0”. Please remember: I do not give you a grade; you earn it.

DISCIPLINE: The classroom learning environment will be based on mutual courtesy, respect, honesty, and a desire to learn. Our aim is to develop responsibility, citizenship, and respect for others. Parents or guardians will be contacted when there is a discipline problem. Serious discipline problems will be immediately referred to the office.

CONSEQUENCES: Failing to observe classroom expectations will result in any one or more of the following depending on the seriousness of the problem:

Warning / teacher counseling / seat change;

Parents notified;

Detention / referral to the office.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance and punctuality are essential at school. Students who arrive late begin the day at a disadvantage. Tardiness provides an interruption and distraction to the other students and the teacher.

MATERIALS: needed daily:

A covered textbook.

Notebook for noted, class-work, and homework, quizzes, and tests.

Pencil with eraser. Pencil is to be sharpened at the beginning of the period.

Filler paper (and graph paper when requested).

Centimeter/Inch ruler, compass, and protractor (geometry, for sure).

Your Student Agenda must be with you daily. No Agenda = No Hall Pass.


Establish a regular study time.

Study in a quiet place without any distractions of TV, radio, siblings, phone, etc.

Read and follow directions carefully by reviewing your notes from class.

Use your time wisely and finish the assigned work on time. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.

PARENTS, you are asked to encourage systematic study, show interest in assignments, commend satisfactory and above satisfactory performance and help provide the proper conditions for home study. Consistency is essential as this will ensure good study habits and good grades.

If you need to contact me, ask questions, or setup a conference time, please call the school office at 909-627-3584 Ext. 2724. I will return your call ASAP.

Please sign the attached sheet to indicate that you have read this letter. Have your child return the signed sheet to me. Thank you.


My child and I have read, understood, and agree with the rules for Mr. Reams’ Math class.

Name of student:______Signature of student:______

Name(s) of parent(s) or guardian(s):______

Signature of parent or guardian:______

Home phone:______Work/Cell phone:______

E-mail address Parent or guardian: ______

Period (1st semester):______Period (2nd semester):______Date:______

Cell Phones cannot be turned on in the classroom, placed on the desk, or used as a calculator.

Otherwise the cell phone will be taken away and a parent/guardian must pick it up at the front office. ______(Parent initials)