Classroom Policies – Fall, 2016
Accounting, Personal Finance and Business Fundamentals
Mrs. J. Bergin
Student Behavior:
Students should be quiet and attentive during instruction. Be respectful of others
Students must raise a hand and be recognized before speaking or asking a question.
Quiet communication will be allowed during group work sessions unless noise becomes excessive.
All Handbook rules apply.
Student’s Responsibilities:
No Food, Candy, Drink, or Gum allowed in classroom.
Computers will be on your desk during class and closed until directed for use.
Charging of computers should be done at home.
Cell Phones are NOT used in this lab (you have computers with Internet access). They are to be left in book bag on tables by door
Cell phones are NOT charged in this room.
There is a clock on the wall and on your computer. Do NOT use cell phone to check the time.
Any violation of the cell phone policy will result in an OFFICE REFERRAL and loss of exemption.
Headphones/ear buds are not allowed in this classroom unless directed by me.
First 15 minutes and last 15 minutes, students will remain in class.
Please keep desk and area around your desk clean.
Leave backpack and other belongings at the designated place in the classroom-only have this subject material at your desk
Remain seated during class until the bell rings, and the teacher dismisses the class.
Be present and be ON TIME
Check for deadlines of assignments and tests on my webpage andCanvas.
Homework is due at the BEGINNING OF CLASS.
Students may receive extra help before school (get hall pass from me) or after school until 4:00 or later.
Students who arrive late to school should come directly to class.
Three (3) unexcused tardies equal one (1) excused absence. Sign in on clipboard when you arrive.
Missing 25 minutes of instructional time due to late check in or check outs equals an absence
Students will be referred to a principal on the fourth tardy. (This will result in loss of exemption for class)
Six (6) absences in Personal Finance (a 1 semester course); and 11 in Accounting and Business Fundamentals (full year course)
Absences will be marked excused from the following reasons:
- Excused absence from attendance desk (either medical or parent note) (both count against exemptions)
- School business, such as choir or band competition (your responsibility to tell me) (does not affect exemptions)
- IF absent: an office excuse is required before returning to class. (You are tardy if you don’t have an excuse) BRING a note from home or doctor and take to front desk to get an admit slip!!
Assignments will be given to reinforce material learned in class. These assignments will include but not be limited to problems, projects, and reports. Assignments will be posted on board and on the webpage/canvas
Assignments are often based on previously learned skills and previous assignments; therefore, students must stay current on all work assigned from day to day.
Notice of upcoming tests will be given at least one week before the test date. Tests will be posted on the board and my webpage/Canvas. Try not to miss test days.
NOTE: Makeup tests will be scheduled as soon as possible following an excused absence. I follow the “make up rule in the handbook” for makeup tests as well as assignments.
I have read this sheet, and I understand these policies.
Parent’s e-mail address: ______
(Please Print legibly)
Parent’s phone numbers: ______
Have policy sheet signed by a parent and bring to next class for homework grade of 100.
**10 points will be deducted from your homework grade for every class period this is not returned. This is a HOMEWORK assignment.