Pinellas County Schools

Spanish III

Unit One: La vida diaria

Practice Test

Spanish 3: Unit 1 La vida diaria Practice Test

Objective 1: I can understand oral messages about plans, activities, daily routines and chores.

Instructions: You will hear several statements referring to plans, activities, daily routines and chores. Select the activity mentioned by choosing the correct letter of the corresponding picture.

/ B.
/ C.
/ D.

E. / F.
/ G.
/ H.

/ J.
/ K.
/ L.

1. _____

2. _____

3. _____

4. _____

5. _____

A 10/10 correct


6. _____

7. _____

8. _____

9. _____

10. _____

Spanish 3: Unit 1 La vida diaria Practice Test

Objective 2: I can understand written material about plans, activities, daily routines and chores.

Instructions: Read the following story about María. Answer the questions in complete sentences in English based on the reading.

María es una chica bonita. Es alta y morena. También es muy activa. Trabaja en el jardín. Ella tiene que cortar el césped y limpiar el patio. Su mamá se llama Carmen y es banquera internacional. Habla español, francés e inglés y les presta dinero a muchas personas. Su papá, Carlos, es programador y sabe mucho de computación. Diseña páginas Web para un banco de México.

1. ¿Cómo es María?


2. ¿Qué tiene que hacer María?


3. ¿A qué se dedica su mamá?


4. ¿Cuántos idiomas habla la mamá de María?


5. ¿Qué trabajo realiza su papá?

A 5/5 correct
B 4/5 correct

Spanish 3: Unit 1 La vida diaria Practice Test

Objective 3 DP1: I can use present progressive tense (“-ing”).

Instructions: Use the correct form of present progressive tense in each sentence.

1.  Sara y yo ______(leer) un poema español en la clase.

A 6/6 correct

B 5/6 correct

2.  Tú ______(preparar) la cena.

3.  Yo ______(lavar) el coche.

4.  Las niñas ______(dormir).

5.  Mariano y yo ______(vender) refrescos.

6.  Elena ______(escribir) su tarea en la casa de Mara.

Objective 4: I can use informal commands.

Instructions: Use the correct informal (familiar) commands in each sentence.

1. tener ¡No ______miedo!

2. decir ¡No ______tonterías!

3. hacer ¡______lo mejor que puedas!

A 8/8 correct

B 7/8 correct

4. poner ¡______la mesa!

5. ser ¡No ______perezosa!

6. salir ¡______en seguida!

7. venir ¡______a casa cuando termines!

8. ir ¡No ______ahora!

Objective 5 DP2: I can use present tense verbs.

Instructions: Use the correct form of the verb in parenthesis in the present tense.

1.  ¿(Entender) ______tú la lección de matemáticas?

2.  Yo te ______(vender) el carro.

3.  Mi hermana me ______(escribir) durante la semana.

4.  Ellos ______(hablar) con mis padres.

5.  Jorge y Elena ya no______(vivir) en esta ciudad.

A 6/6 correct
B 5/6 correct

6.  Nosotros ______(estar) en el cine.

Spanish 3: Unit 1 La vida diaria Practice Test

Objective 6: I can use verbs with reflexive pronouns.

Instructions: Use the correct reflexive pronoun with the verb in parenthesis in the

present tense.

1.  Miguel y su hermano ______(levantarse) a las siete.

2.  Tú ______(lavarse) la cara.

3.  Mi amigo ______(cepillarse) los dientes.

4.  Yo ______(ducharse) por la noche.

5.  ¿ ______Ud. (acostarse) a las once?

6.  Mi hermano y yo ______(vestirse) rápido por la mañana.

A 6/6 correct
B 5/6 correct

Objective 7 DP3: I can use the verbs ser & estar in the present tense.

Instructions: Use the correct form of the verb ser or estar in the present tense.

1.  Ella y yo ______muy altas.

2.  Tú ______cansado.

3.  Luisa ______en la Florida.

4.  ¿Qué hora ______?

5.  ¿______Uds. de Seminole?

6.  Pablo y tú ______hablando con Juan.

7.  Prefiero ______en la clase.

8.  El Sr. Montoya ______aquí.

A 8/8 correct
B 7/8 correct

Spanish 3: Unit 1 La vida diaria Practice Test

Objective 8: I can describe my plans, activities, daily routines and chores.

Write 5 to 7 sentences describing activities, plans, daily routines and chores that you do. Give details about times, places and things you use to complete these activities.

Student Check List

_____ I have at least 5 sentences.

_____ I have used at least 1 stem-changing verb in the present tense.

_____ I have used expressions such as “I like to do “and “I have to do” something .

_____ I have used 2 reflexive verbs in the present tense.

_____ I have checked for noun/adjective/verb agreement. (NAVA)

A 7 sentences with no more than three minor errors.

B 5 sentences with no more than three minor errors
7 sentences with no more than five minor errors

Spanish 3: Unit 1 La vida diaria Practice test

Objective 9: I can talk about my plans, activities, daily routines and chores.

Situation #1

Instructions: Describe your daily activities. Talk about at least 2 different activities that you do in the morning, 2 that you do in the afternoon and 2 that you do in the evening. Give specific details.

Situation #2

Instructions: Describe what you do around the house. Talk about at least 3 different activities that you do indoors and describe 3 that you do out-of-doors. Give as much detail as you are able to regarding your activities.

Situation #3

Instructions: Describe a profession that you are interested in pursuing for a living and why. Include where you will work, the number of hours that you will work, the number of days of the week that you will work, and any other pertinent information.

A Logical response, easily comprehensible to a native speaker.
(minimum 5-6 activities)
B Logical response containing several minor errors in grammar and /or pronunciation, still comprehensible to a native speaker.
(minimum 5-6 activities)
NY Logical response containing major errors that impede comprehension
Or illogical response

Rev. 6/17/2009