Local Emergency Planning Committee

Minutes for Meeting of February 10, 2010


Burke Nelson, Kevin Potter, Dorene Schulze, Karen Glauser, Michael Nelsen, Rich VanDyke, Jay Munns, Linda Bourne, Meggan Schulze, Tommy Pacheco, Dave Oakden, Steven Keene, Jerry Peterson, Josh Greer, Ray Strong, Tuffer Patrick, Jim Buchanan, Bart Smith, Greg Martz, Lee Perry, Kimberly Giles, Kevin Christensen, Janet Bass, Kathy Conrad, Arlon Bennett, Meghan Balough

Burke Nelson opened the meeting at 0904 hours, asking for approval of the minutes from October’s meeting, which was motioned by Burke and 2nd by Janet Bass.

Dave Oakden from Nucor mentioned he would like to get his engineer in contact with Jerry Peterson on upcoming fire classes.

Burke introduced Meghan Balough from the State Health Dept, who is trying to visit with all the LEPC’s in the state, and introduced the National Toxic Substance Incident Program (NTSIP). The goal is to lessen the risk to first responders and to the public. Transportation and warehousing is where the state gets the most hazmat incidents. Less than 3% of incidents in Utah happen in Box Elder County. At least 10 pounds or 1 gallon is reportable and extremely hazardous is reportable in any quantity. To report a spill to the state, there is a form online. If a call comes in to the Poison Control Center, it does get reported to the state.

Burke said the LEPC Executive Committee met last week and per the by-laws, an invitation to join the executive committee was extended to Dave Oakden, Rich VanDyke and Lee Perry. This was moved and 2nd with all voting in favor of adding the three.

The subject of the county’s hazmat plan came up. Last year the plan was given to Jim Buchanan, then Jim gave it back to Randy Wilde. Kevin Christensen said he would look for it. Jim recommended that we completely start over with a template and it was decided that the executive committee will talk about how to approach it, with possibly updating the plan at an upcoming meeting.

Reminder – Tier II’s are due by March 1st.

Russ Roberts at the Sheriff’s Office is working on updating the LEPC page on the County’s new website.

Kevin Potter said the Homeland Security Region met the other day. They still need to spend the last few years grant money, and have created a 6-county one hundred thousand dollar line where county hazmat homeland security purchases will come from.

Kimberly Giles mentioned that the EMPG grant is due out by the 15th, which helps with emergency planning. There will be new projects coming out in March. There is a public safety summit coming up May 18-20 at the Eccles Center in Ogden. There had been mention of the State coming up to Box Elder to put on a class, but it turns out the State will be doing a big one next year with FEMA.

Kevin Christensen said the health dept has hired Sarah Sinclair to work with the 6 county coalition on surging beyond capacity, in the case of a disaster. Also the vaccinations for school children are complete, with 60% participation. They have also vaccinated some of the major corporations in the county. If your company is interested in vaccinations next year, get in touch with the health dept. It is still unsure whether there will be a third wave, but the past two have not been as deadly as previously thought. Shots are still available to anyone who needs one and next year’s regular flu shot will have the H1N1 in it. 100 volunteers are working with the Medical Reserve Corp now and soon they will be contacting Hispanic volunteers to help cover that cross section of the community.

Josh Greer said the storage units in Perry and South Willard have been tested and will be opened up after the EPA okays it. Also, the recent Chevron Pipeline leak that was originally thought to be about 42 gallons, ended up releasing 80 barrels. This spring they will take soil samples to check the immediate area. Bart Smith from Chevron Pipeline said it leaked because of a bad weld in the pipe, and they will be x-raying other welds along the line when they are purging pipe. They will send leaky pipes to a lab in California to prevent this from happening again. Jim Buchanan asked Bart if he had a copy of Chevron’s response plan, and Bart said he would get him a copy.

Greg Martz said the EPA invited him to their recent On Scene Coordinator Training, at no charge. It was the best 8 hour class he had ever attended. Also, all of the hazmat meters are updated, can now bump while on scene, and everyone now has calibration gas for their meters. When questioned about this year’s fire season, forty miles of fire line (breaks) were put in this past Fall. On February 19th, there will be a regional response team drill, by invite only.

Kimberly reminded the group if you need the State’s help in an incident, please call the County, who will call the State. You will get a quicker response that way. Do not call the State directly.

Jerry Peterson said the Urban Search & Rescue Team out of Davis County is holding 8 seats for Box Elder County for their upcoming class. There are 18 classes total and it may take up to 5 years to get through them all. Also, Firefighter 1’s now have to have HazMat Ops, and will try to get a class up here.

Jim Buchanan said the Ready Your Business classes are coming up, will be at the EMS building, and if you are interested, contact Jim.

Mike Nelsen noted there are leftover LEPC shirts from last year’s luncheon and to let him know if you did not get one.

Rich VanDyke said there was a public hearing last week on the Fire District and asked if they are going to be represented at our LEPC meetings. Greg said they are already invited.

Ray Strong thanked everyone for attending the Peer Exchange in Ogden last month. It was a great turn out with lots of info exchanged.

Jay Munns introduced the new Mayor for Garland, Arlon Bennett. Also, Garland just finished a CERT class and are working with Tremonton on a bus drill for the 20th of March. There will also be a PIO class on the 10th of March in Garland

Thank you Chevron Pipeline for the wonderful breakfast treats you brought with you!

Next Meeting

Our next LEPC Meeting will be Wed, March 10, 2010, at 0900 hrs, at the S.O.

Meeting ended at 1009 hours.