TFA – Chapter 1 - Double Entry Journal (Example for Students)

Students: Here is my example of a double entry journal for Chapter 1 of TFA. You are welcome to print this and use as your chapter 1 entry. In addition, use this as a model for future double entry journals you will submit in class. My advice: do your own work and don’t wait until the last minute.

Okonkwo –
Claim to Fame – at 18 defeated Amalinze the Cat in a wrestling style match (feat of strength)
With this one act Okonkwo’s fame grew as did his own perception of himself, his role, his ability, his power, his EGO
Painted as a larger than life character
Okonkow’s Physical description:
Tall – huge – wide nose – severe appearance
n  His heels barely touched the ground
n  He pounced on people
n  Greatest wrestler in 9 villages; Except
n  Stuttered (AKA Stammer) Flaw
n  Quick to fight – resolved things with his fists
Note: 20 years have passed since Okonkwo defeated Amalinze the Cat
Ideology – “he had no patience for unsuccessful men.” Quick to fight when angered
Dysfunctional relationship with his Dad – the two men were exact opposites.
Okonkwo did not like how his dad lived his life. (Dad is Unoka – dead for 10 years)
Dad – poor work ethic, lazy, did not plan for tomorrow.
Was a musician and enjoyed playing with the other men of the tribe
His dad lived like an African “hippy” lifestyle: (hippy is my term)
Played his music w/his musician buddies
Didn’t really work
Took advantage of the good graces of his tribesman – borrowed money did not pay people back.
Enjoyed the simple things in life. Fellowship, sunrises, music, Sitting around a fire.
Okonkwo – Strong
Unoka – Tall, thin, stooped appearance, haggard; weak
The negatives of being a free spirit:
Poor – family barely had enough to eat
Judged harshly by community
Freeloader – never paid people back
The art of conversation is regarded very highly.
Proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten?
Okoye – came to Unoka’s to collect on a debt.
Unoka was going to take a TITLE in the tribe and needed to pay for the ceremony.
Unoka dies w/no title and in debt
At Unoka’s death Okonkwo :
Was a Wealthy farmer
Had 2 barns full of yams
Was a Great wrestler
Had 2 titles
Was Great warrior in battle
Tribe philosophy:
Age was respected, but achievement was revered.
If a child washes his hands he can eat with kings.
Chapter ends informing us that Okonkwo is in charge of a young lad (Ikemefuna) who was sacrificed to the village of Umuofia to avoid war and bloodshed. / What is Harmattan? (Word on page 1)
Why was Okonkwo so different from his dad? How do people who come from the same household environment turn out so differently?
Should people plan for tomorrow or simply enjoy the here and the now? Is living in the moment all that and a cup of coffee? (Students: you’ve been in school for 12 years preparing for the next phase of your life, are you ready? Do you feel ready?)
How do you make someone accountable? Can you force a person to have a sense of obligation?
Does Okonkwo have daddy issues?
Why do you think Achebe gives both men such extreme physical differences?
What’s up with the Kola nut? Do people still maintain this level of tradition or behavior when a guest comes to the house?
Do we value a person who has good conversational skills?
What is a proverb?
What importance do proverbs have in various cultures?
What are an ekwe, udu, and ogene?
Should people be forced to pay their debts? Should we reinstate Debtor’s prison? Or, why do some people can’t stand to have debt, and other people don’t seem to care?
As times change, what is the current philosophy for success? Who gets to define what is successful?