(Charity Number 1060226)

Application Form

This is the form to use for applying for help from the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Benevolent Fund. The Fund offers help to past and present employees, and their dependants, of any Royal Bank of Scotland Group company.

The Trustees consider applications on a quarterly basis with sanctioning taking place at the beginning of:-

§  January

§  April

§  August

§  November.

Payments are usually made in the months of:-

§  February

§  May

§  September

§  December.

You must complete every section of this form but if you have any questions about either this form or the Benevolent Fund, please feel free to contact a member of the Pensioner Services Team, Monday to Friday 8:30 to 18:00 (UK time) on:-

Within the UK: 0808 100 4242 - option 3, option 3 (Freephone)

Outside the UK: +44 20 8535 1842 (Calls charged at local call rate)

Or e-mail:

Once complete, please return the form to:

The Executive Secretary

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Benevolent Fund

2nd Floor, City Link House

4 Addiscombe Road


Surrey CR9 5PB


Criteria for Applying

Bank Pensioners & Spouse Pensioners

(a) 50 Plus - Must have completed at least 12 months’ service as a permanent member of staff.

(b) Ill-Health Retirement – No service criteria is required.

Deferred Pensioners

Must have completed at least 12 months’ service as a permanent member of staff.

Dependants of existing/former members of staff

Parents must have completed at least 12 months’ service as a permanent member of staff, except for those who either died in service or retired on the grounds of ill-health.

(a) Children – To qualify, children must be in full-time education or vocational training, unless they are unable to progress to normal employment due to incapacity/disability.

Children as described, of Pensioners and existing staff will qualify within the following categories:-

§  Children of a deceased or ill-health pensioned banker even if they live with the divorced spouse of the banker, whether or not the spouse has remarried.

§  Children of a death-in-service individual.

§  Children of an existing member of staff whose spouse has died.

§  Children of existing pensioners/staff where financial hardship is evident but falls outside the DSS guidelines for help, or where a specific piece of equipment or similar is needed in cases of disability/incapacity to assist normal living.

§  Children who, despite their age, are considered financially dependant on their parents due to incapacity or disability.

(b) Others – The mother/father of a serving employee is not seen as naturally dependant. Consideration may be given to Pensioners/staff who have an elderly parent and financial hardship in helping the parent is evident, or who need a specific piece of equipment to assist normal living.

Existing Staff

Must have completed 12 months’ service as a permanent member of staff.

Former members of staff

Must have completed 12 months’ service as a permanent member of staff.


Part 1 – Personal

Applicant’s Full Name

Applicant’s Address
Applicant’s Telephone No.

Applicant’s Date of Birth

Do you live alone?

If no, give details

Yes/No *

Please give details of your family and state how much they are able to contribute.

How much are you able to contribute?

Give the names and ages of any children who are either under 18 years of age or are in full-time education or remain dependent through incapacity/disability.

What is your current state of health?

Please give details
/ Poor/ Fair/ Good *

For what purpose is financial assistance requested?

What amount are you applying for?
If the application is for a specific expenditure, please state amount and enclose copy estimate.
If we consider this to be to your advantage, may we confer in confidence with other charities and seek their help on your behalf? / Yes/No *

* Please delete as appropriate.

Part 2 – Eligibility

Do you receive a RBS group Pension/salary?



Are you, or were you employed by any RBS group company? Please state which. /


If your answer to the last two questions is “No”, please state the relationship to the individual who worked for the RBS group, give their full name, date of birth, Constituent Bank/company (if appropriate) and number of years’ service. /


Date of Birth:
Constituent Bank:
Number of years’ service:
If you are or were employed by RBS/NatWest please state for how many years.
If you are currently employed, who is your employer and what do you do?

Part 3 – Financial Details

In support of your application please answer all questions fully. Do not cross any items through, but insert “NIL” where applicable. If married, please provide joint capital, income and expenditure.

Your Bank Details

Name of your Bank(s), Building Societies

Address(es) of your Bank, Building Society
Sort Code of Branch(es)
Your Account Number(s)

* Please delete as appropriate

Part 4 - Statement of Capital

Property (if applying from outside the UK, please insert appropriate currency)

Do you rent or own your home? / Rent/ Own*
Do you have a mortgage?
If you do, how much is outstanding? / Yes/ No*
If you own your home, what is its estimated market value? / £

Savings (if applying from outside the UK, please insert appropriate currency)

Bank Account(s) / £
Building Society Account(s) / £
Other Savings / £
Investments (shares, stocks etc) / £
Any Other Assets / £

Statement of Borrowings

(if applying from outside the UK, please insert appropriate currency)

Give details and amounts of any money you owe (credit cards, loans,
bill arrears) / £

Other Questions

Is there anything else you would like to say regarding your application for assistance?
If you are filling in this form for another person, please give your full name, address and telephone number.

*Please delete as appropriate

Part 5 (if applying from outside the UK, please insert appropriate currency)

Your Household Income and Expenditure – please fill in the amounts alongside the various items. Please give the MONTHLY amounts for everyone in your home.

Income (monthly,
after tax) / £ / Expenditure (monthly) / £
Company Pension / Rent actually paid
State Pension You
Spouse / Mortgage payments
Any other Pension / Council Tax
Social Security Benefits / Water Rates
Income Support / Ground Rent
Attendance Allowance - 1 / Heating & Lighting
Attendance Allowance - 2 / Food, toiletries & household items
Disability Allowance / Clothes
Incapacity Benefit / Insurances (include house, car, personal, health etc)
Any other State Benefit
including Housing Benefit / Care Home fees, etc.
Salary (inc. bonus, overtime, etc.) if any / Telephone charges
Income from Investments / TV charges
Support from family members / Travel expenses
(eg. fares, car, etc.)
Any other income, including other charities.
Please specify / Any other expenditure
eg. household maintenance




Information about you – please read carefully

The purpose of this part of the form is to tell you about the information which the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Benevolent Fund (‘the Fund’) holds about you, and for you to agree by signing the form that the Fund can hold and use information about you for in order to carry out the charity’s objectives.

The Trustees of the Fund are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. Any information about you can only be held and used in the ways allowed by law. For the purposes of the Act, the Trustees are the Data Controller of any information held about you.

The Trustees will only use any information which we have relating to you for the purposes of administering the Fund and carrying out its objectives.

By signing this application form you agree that any information about you, including any sensitive personal data such as information about your health or condition, can be held and used for the purposes of the Fund.

You also agree that the Fund can disclose any information about you to other people where the Fund’s staff think that this is appropriate in connection with helping you and administering the Fund. So information could, for example, be given to other charities, agencies.

It is also possible that other people could give the Fund information about you, and you agree that the Fund can hold and use this for the purposes of administering the charity and carrying out its objects.

If the Fund makes a grant towards the purchase of any equipment, goods or services, this is on the basis that the Fund will have no responsibility or liability for the safety or suitability or otherwise. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that any purchase is suitable and to take any appropriate precautions.

I declare that the particulars shown in this application form are accurate and give a true account of my/our * financial position.

Signature(s) of Applicant(s)……………………………… …………………………….


Pension/Employee No…………………………………….

As well as signing the above declaration, please also sign (in the box at the foot of the page) a copy of the letter on the following pages for each Financial Institution where you have an account. Do not complete the other details, we will complete these for you. This letter authorises your bank/building society to provide details of your accounts, balances and any securities held on your behalf. This information is needed by the Trustees of the Benevolent Fund before your application may be considered.

* Please delete as appropriate

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Benevolent Fund is a Charitable Trust and the Trustees have complete discretion in the application of funds amongst the defined classes of beneficiaries.

Our Ref: AKS

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Benevolent Fund

City Link House

The Manager 4 Addiscombe Road


Surrey CR9 5PB


Tel: 0808100 4242

(+ 44 208 535 1842)

Fax: + 44 20 8256 3080


Dear Sirs

Account Number: Sort Code:

Customer Name:

Your above customer has applied for a grant from the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Benevolent Fund.

In order for their application to be considered, we should be grateful if you would provide the following information:

·  Number of accounts held

·  Balances of accounts held

·  Securities held (if any)

Please respond to this request as soon as possible in order that the individual’s application is not held up ensuring that no charges are levied in connection with this request.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully

Mrs M T Locke

Executive Secretary

Applicant(s) to sign and date below:

I (we) confirm that you may release the information requested above.
Signature of Customer……………………………………….. Date…………………..

Our Ref: AKS

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Benevolent Fund

City Link House

The Manager 4 Addiscombe Road


Surrey CR9 5PB


Tel: 0808 100 4242

(+ 44 20 8535 1842)

Fax: + 44 20 8256 3080


Dear Sirs

Account Number: Sort Code:

Customer Name:

Your above customer has applied for a grant from the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Benevolent Fund.

In order for their application to be considered, I should be grateful if you would provide the following information:

·  Number of accounts held

·  Balances of accounts held

·  Securities held (if any)

We should be grateful if you would respond to this request as soon as possible in order that the individual’s application is not held up and please ensure that no charges are levied in connection with this request.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully

Mrs M T Locke

Executive Secretary

Applicant(s) to sign and date below:

I (we) confirm that you may release the information requested above.
Signature of Customer……………………….……………….. Date…………………..