ACE Inhibitors:

-  -PRILs

-  AngII ­ vasoconstriction & ­ aldosterone

-  Awos: ¯ AngII = ¯ BP (ie afterload); ¯ in fluid also = ¯ afterload

-  Aldosterone: ­ fluid and ¯ potassium

-  Therefore, ACEIs à vasodilation, ¯ fluid, ­ potassium

-  Most prominent use for ACEIs is Rx of HTN and HF

-  Major side effects: cough, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, confusion, renal failure, impotence

Drugs Used in Heart Failure

A)  Remove Cause; B) Treat Symptoms

  1. ¯ workload à ACEIs

-  other vasodilators: combination of hydralazine & isosorbide dinitrate

-  Nitroprusside used in Rx of acute HF b/c ¯ pre and afterload w no effect on contractility

-  Beta blockers:

  1. ¯ fluid à Diuretics

HF is assoc w retention of Na and water (first line of attack is to reduce sodium)

  1. ­ contractility à digitalis

45 Osteoporosis

·  Objective: prevent bone loss & Rx established osteoporosis

·  Defn osteoporosis: “loss of bone mass”

·  Diet & exercise play major role in maintenance of bone mass

·  BCE,Serms, Oth: bisphosphonates, calcitonin, estrogens, selective estrogen receptor modulators, other

Estrogens: ­ Ca retention; retard bone loss. Used to prevent bone loss after menopause. (Can not ­ mass following bone loss).

Calcitonin: Inhibits osteoclastic activity; some analgesic activity (may be used in fractures); administered nasally or subQ

Bisphosphonates: (-DRONATEs); eg alendronate, clodronate; Improve bone mass in established osteoporosis (inhibit osteoclastic activity and ¯ bone turnover/resorption); Not well absorbed from GI (esp when food is present); Also used in Paget’s Dz;

SERMs: Raloxifene: estrogen agonist on bone, but estrogen antagonist on breast and uterus. Like estrogens, can ­ risk of thromboembolism; Approved for prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis (like estrogen).

Other: Vit-D & Calcium, Fluoride; Ca supplementation reduces loss, but does not ­ mass once lost. Vit-D: deficiency can occur in elderly women confined indoors. Fluoride: rebuilds bone, but high doses produces brittle bone.